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DramaShare Ministries

You Gotta Have Heart

You Gotta Have Heart

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"The Toad and the Frog – You Gotta Have Heart" is a short 3-4 minute skit that humorously illustrates the Greatest Commandments (Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Matthew 22:38-39).

Toad, taking the commandments literally, attempts to worship God with all his heart, mind, soul, and strength using creative (but misguided) methods—lifting weights for strength, plugging in a heart-shaped ornament for heart, using a light bulb for mind, and a shoe insert ("sole") for soul. Frog helps Toad understand that true worship isn't about physical demonstrations but about putting God first in every part of life and loving others. The skit ends with Frog reminding Toad of the second commandment, leading to a humorous but heartfelt moment of neighborly love.

The following Frog & Toad scripts, written by Dal & Jane Williams are on DramaShare, (click on the link below to access each):

Cast: 2 m or f

  • Toad
  • Frog

Bible Reference: Deuteronomy 6:4, Matthew 22:38-39

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • tacky paper heart or heart-shaped candy box,
  • A barbell (we made one from balloons) or weights,
  • a light bulb, a shoe insert.


  • Toad is wearing brown tee-shirt with the word “TOAD”
  • Frog wears a green tee-shirt. Brown and green face paint spots on their faces.

Special Instructions: none

Time: 4

Sample of script:

Toad at stage center, the other props are nearby. He is huffing and puffing as he exercises with the barbells. Frog enters behind him, humming and skipping. Toad does not notice.

Frog: Hi Toad. Whatcha doing?

Toad is startled and drops barbells to floor

Frog: Oh, sorry. Are you exercising?

Toad: No. I am worshipping.

Frog: Well, no need to be snippy, about it. I said I was sorry.

Toad: No, really. I’m worshipping.

Frog: Really? I’ve never seen anyone worship like that.

Toad: It’s my own idea. When I was at church school they taught us about the greatest commandment. ‘Hear O Israel,’ it said. ‘You shall love the Lord thy God with all your heart, and with all your mind and with all your soul and with all your strength.’ So I’m trying to do that.

Frog: You are?

Toad: Look, see. I thought it would be better to do it, not just say it or read it. (Reaches down for barbells again) So, when I think about loving God with all my strength I really – uff – do it!

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