DramaShare Ministries
Nazarene Prophet Watch4
Nazarene Prophet Watch4
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A 5 segment series shows what it might have been like if there had been TV newscasts during the time of Jesus’ ministry.
JNN (Jerusalem News Network) TV reporters report on the happenings in the life of Nazarene prophet Jesus ben Joseph, and about some of the parables he uses to explain the things of God.
For Segment I – Builders/Rich Man & Lazarus 1 Cor 3:11, Matt 7:21-27, Lk 16:19-31
For Segment II – Stilling Storm/Good Samaritan Jn 20:31, Mk 4:35-41, Lk 10:30-37
For Segment III – Lost Sheep/Prodigal Son Is 53:6, Lk 15:1-7, 15:11-24
For Segment V – Second Coming Rev 22:7, Jn 14:1-6, Acts 1:1-11, 1 Thes 4:13-18, 1 Cor 15:51-58, Matt 24:21-31, Rev 19-21
Bible Reference:
For this Segment IV – Great Supper/Raising Lazarus Jn 11:25, Lk 14:16-24, Jn 11:1-46
Cast: 6 (male or female)
Wolf ben Benjamin, Situation Room
Elizabeth, news anchor
Andrew ben Eli, co-news anchor
Simon ben Thomas, onsite reporter
Lydia, weather reporter
OV, offstage voice
Set: JNN (Jerusalem News Network) TV studio with desk and backdrops to indicate a studio.
On one side of the set is a sign, “SITUATION DESK” where Wolf sits.Have a lighted sign (ON AIR) or simply a sign that is put up and taken down at appropriate time.
The set can be as elaborate or plain as you desire, example, TV cameras and lights, directors, studio workers, etc.
Costumes: either traditional or contemporary
Props: papers for reporters to refer to
Sample of script:
JNN Studio, Elizabeth, Lydia, Wolf and Simon are at the desk
Elizabeth: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to JNN, the Jerusalem News Network. As you can see we are one correspondent short tonight . . JNN reporter and our co-anchor appears to be late for our newscast, . .(frowns) . . we apologize and expect him along directly!
I am your anchor, Elizabeth, and here are some of the stories we are
following for you tonight.People of nearby Bethany are in mourning. . .
Simon ben Thomas is covering this story for JNN . . . Simon . .
Simon: Thanks Elizabeth. . . At the tomb of well known local figure, Lazarus, who died four days ago, the wails go up as family and friends remember the life of a respected man. Lazarus, who in the past was connected with Nazarene prophet Jesus ben Joseph, died at his home after a brief illness. His sisters, Mary and Martha, had sent word to Jesus ben Joseph, asking him to come and heal Lazarus, however word is that Jesus was not able, or willing, to attend to his old friend.
Elizabeth: Some friend! . . . And it adds credibility to the strong belief that the past . . . “miracles” . . of the Nazarene were nothing but a hoax. . . .
Let’s check with JNN’s Wolf ben Benjamin in the JNN Situation Room . .
Wolf, what are you hearing on this story?
Wolf: Well, Elizabeth, it is no secret that the followers of Jesus, fearing for his safety, have been trying to keep Jesus from coming back to the Jerusalem area.
Elizabeth: I have no doubt that their concern is legitimate! . . There is certainly bound to be a rising up of the citizens in response to the ridiculous claims that this Jesus is making!
Wolf: What do you hear on that Simon ben Thomas?
Simon: The concern is not with the citizens hereabout but with the Romans and the temple authorities. . . After all, there is said to be a reward offered for any man who delivers Jesus to the authorities.
Elizabeth: A rumour, only an unfounded rumour! . . . What are you hearing Lydia?
Lydia: Spokesmen for the Roman and temple authorities have made it plain that they merely wish to take Jesus into protective custody, for his own protection.
Simon: That thought would be a tough sell to the man on the street, and certainly to the followers of Jesus!
Regardless, Lazarus was buried in his tomb and . . .
Andrew rushes on stage, out of breath
Andrew: Sorry to interrupt . . . And sorry I am late. . . .I was visiting Bethany, a follow-up on the death of Lazarus.
Elizabeth: We completed that news story just before you came in Andrew. An unfortunate death, but now on with more news . . In Samaria a group of . . .
Andrew: You don’t understand, that’s what I am trying to tell you . . Lazarus is alive!
Elizabeth, annoyed: Andrew, what are you saying? . . Lazarus is dead, we carried all the details and pictures on JNN news over the past four days . . . Now back to other news . .
Andrew: Lazarus’ friend, Jesus ben Joseph of Nazareth came and he entered the tomb and . .
Lydia: Nonsense! . . . As I reported on my weather news over the past week this area is suffering from one of the most severe heat waves in recorded history . .. To be blunt, the stench in the tomb from a decaying body, four days dead, would be . . unbearable.
The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.
A 5 segment series shows what it might have been like if there had been TV newscasts during the time of Jesus’ ministry.
JNN (Jerusalem News Network) TV reporters report on the happenings in the life of Nazarene prophet Jesus ben Joseph, and about some of the parables he uses to explain the things of God.
For Segment I – Builders/Rich Man & Lazarus 1 Cor 3:11, Matt 7:21-27, Lk 16:19-31
For Segment II – Stilling Storm/Good Samaritan Jn 20:31, Mk 4:35-41, Lk 10:30-37
For Segment III – Lost Sheep/Prodigal Son Is 53:6, Lk 15:1-7, 15:11-24
For Segment V – Second Coming Rev 22:7, Jn 14:1-6, Acts 1:1-11, 1 Thes 4:13-18, 1 Cor 15:51-58, Matt 24:21-31, Rev 19-21
Bible Reference:
For this Segment IV – Great Supper/Raising Lazarus Jn 11:25, Lk 14:16-24, Jn 11:1-46
Cast: 6 (male or female)
Wolf ben Benjamin, Situation Room
Elizabeth, news anchor
Andrew ben Eli, co-news anchor
Simon ben Thomas, onsite reporter
Lydia, weather reporter
OV, offstage voice
Set: JNN (Jerusalem News Network) TV studio with desk and backdrops to indicate a studio.
On one side of the set is a sign, “SITUATION DESK” where Wolf sits.Have a lighted sign (ON AIR) or simply a sign that is put up and taken down at appropriate time.
The set can be as elaborate or plain as you desire, example, TV cameras and lights, directors, studio workers, etc.
Costumes: either traditional or contemporary
Props: papers for reporters to refer to
Sample of script:
JNN Studio, Elizabeth, Lydia, Wolf and Simon are at the desk
Elizabeth: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to JNN, the Jerusalem News Network. As you can see we are one correspondent short tonight . . JNN reporter and our co-anchor appears to be late for our newscast, . .(frowns) . . we apologize and expect him along directly!
I am your anchor, Elizabeth, and here are some of the stories we are
following for you tonight.People of nearby Bethany are in mourning. . .
Simon ben Thomas is covering this story for JNN . . . Simon . .
Simon: Thanks Elizabeth. . . At the tomb of well known local figure, Lazarus, who died four days ago, the wails go up as family and friends remember the life of a respected man. Lazarus, who in the past was connected with Nazarene prophet Jesus ben Joseph, died at his home after a brief illness. His sisters, Mary and Martha, had sent word to Jesus ben Joseph, asking him to come and heal Lazarus, however word is that Jesus was not able, or willing, to attend to his old friend.
Elizabeth: Some friend! . . . And it adds credibility to the strong belief that the past . . . “miracles” . . of the Nazarene were nothing but a hoax. . . .
Let’s check with JNN’s Wolf ben Benjamin in the JNN Situation Room . .
Wolf, what are you hearing on this story?
Wolf: Well, Elizabeth, it is no secret that the followers of Jesus, fearing for his safety, have been trying to keep Jesus from coming back to the Jerusalem area.
Elizabeth: I have no doubt that their concern is legitimate! . . There is certainly bound to be a rising up of the citizens in response to the ridiculous claims that this Jesus is making!
Wolf: What do you hear on that Simon ben Thomas?
Simon: The concern is not with the citizens hereabout but with the Romans and the temple authorities. . . After all, there is said to be a reward offered for any man who delivers Jesus to the authorities.
Elizabeth: A rumour, only an unfounded rumour! . . . What are you hearing Lydia?
Lydia: Spokesmen for the Roman and temple authorities have made it plain that they merely wish to take Jesus into protective custody, for his own protection.
Simon: That thought would be a tough sell to the man on the street, and certainly to the followers of Jesus!
Regardless, Lazarus was buried in his tomb and . . .
Andrew rushes on stage, out of breath
Andrew: Sorry to interrupt . . . And sorry I am late. . . .I was visiting Bethany, a follow-up on the death of Lazarus.
Elizabeth: We completed that news story just before you came in Andrew. An unfortunate death, but now on with more news . . In Samaria a group of . . .
Andrew: You don’t understand, that’s what I am trying to tell you . . Lazarus is alive!
Elizabeth, annoyed: Andrew, what are you saying? . . Lazarus is dead, we carried all the details and pictures on JNN news over the past four days . . . Now back to other news . .
Andrew: Lazarus’ friend, Jesus ben Joseph of Nazareth came and he entered the tomb and . .
Lydia: Nonsense! . . . As I reported on my weather news over the past week this area is suffering from one of the most severe heat waves in recorded history . .. To be blunt, the stench in the tomb from a decaying body, four days dead, would be . . unbearable.
The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.