DramaShare Ministries
Nazarene Prophet Watch3
Nazarene Prophet Watch3
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Part 3 of a 5 segment series shows what it might have been like if there had been TV newscasts during the time of Jesus’ ministry.
JNN (Jerusalem News Network) TV reporters report on the happenings in the life of Nazarene prophet Jesus ben Joseph, and about some of the parables he uses to explain the things of God.
For Segment I – Builders/Rich Man & Lazarus 1 Cor 3:11, Matt 7:21-27, Lk 16:19-31
For Segment II – Stilling Storm/Good Samaritan Jn 20:31, Mk 4:35-41, Lk 10:30-37
For Segment IV – Great Supper/Raising Lazarus Jn 11:25, Lk 14:16-24, Jn 11:1-46
For Segment V – Second Coming Rev 22:7, Jn 14:1-6, Acts 1:1-11, 1 Thes 4:13-18, 1 Cor 15:51-58, Matt 24:21-31, Rev 19-21
Bible Reference:
For this Segment – Lost Sheep/Prodigal Son Is 53:6, Lk 15:1-7, 15:11-24
Cast: 6 (male or female)
Wolf ben Benjamin, Situation Room
Elizabeth, news anchor
Andrew ben Eli, co-news anchor
Simon ben Thomas, onsite reporter
Lydia, weather reporter
OV, offstage voice
Set: JNN (Jerusalem News Network) TV studio with desk and backdrops to indicate a studio.
On one side of the set is a sign, “SITUATION DESK” where Wolf sits.
Have a lighted sign (ON AIR) or simply a sign that is put up and taken down at appropriate time.
The set can be as elaborate or plain as you desire, example, TV cameras and lights, directors, studio workers, etc.
Costumes: either traditional or contemporary
Props: papers for reporters to refer to
Sample of script:
JNN Studio, Elizabeth, Andrew, Lydia, Wolf and Simon are at the desk
Elizabeth: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to JNN, the Jerusalem News Network. I am your anchor, Elizabeth, and here are some of the stories we are following for you tonight.
All Jerusalem has enjoyed the story in this morning’s edition of the Jerusalem Enquirer. . . Seems the popular prophet of Nazareth is seeking out friends among this town’s . . less desirable citizens. . . .
Lydia, I believe you received some inside information about this news story?
Lydia, confused: Well, yes Elizabeth, but it was you who gave me the information, and the pictures . . .
Elizabeth, embarrassed, angry: Well . . yes . . I . . but, . . it doesn’t matter, just give the details please Lydia.
gives Lydia a dirty look as Lydia starts to speak
Lydia: In their early edition this morning the Jerusalem Enquirer printed a story regarding the social life of Jesus ben Joseph, the itinerant preacher and prophet from Nazareth. It seems that some of his closest associates may have a history of crime and corruption.
Elizabeth: Really now, and just what sort of crime and corruption are we speaking of here Lydia?
Lydia: The report alleges that the offenses range from petty theft and vagrancy to murder and prostitution.
Elizabeth: Hardly the type of people one would expect to be involved with the self-proclaimed son of God. . . . Let’s bring in Wolf ben Benjamin at the JNN Situation Desk . .
Wolf . . . what do you hear about this scandal?
Wolf: Well, Elizabeth, not sure it could be called a scandal, there has been no suggestion of any wrongdoing on the part of Jesus ben Joseph, and associating with people who may have made mistakes in their lives is hardly a crime.
Elizabeth: Not a crime perhaps, but hardly the kind of action one would expect from someone who seems anxious to stand up in the temple and say his piece.
Wolf: Interesting is that although no one has publically taken responsibility for starting this story however some individuals we spoke with indicate the source is inside the temple.
Andrew: That is what my sources tell me as well. And one can expect that was the case, after all the Nazarene has long been a thorn in the side of Ananias.
Elizabeth: Andrew ben Eli! . . Surely you are not accusing the Sanhedrin of concocting a story.
Andrew: Well, I didn’t say that, but Caiaphas and his friends have been relentlessly looking for a way to discredit Jesus.
Wolf: Simon ben Thomas, I believe that you were speaking with Jesus ben Joseph earlier today, did he deny the references to those around him.
Simon: No, not at all . .
Elizabeth: Then that just proves that the allegations are correct, doesn’t it?
Simon: In the mind of Jesus, and, perhaps in the minds of most of the people in the streets of Jerusalem, whether those with whom Jesus associates are models of respectability is of little consequence.
Elizabeth: One would hope that the citizens of Jerusalem would have more regard for what is right.
Simon: While I was interviewing Jesus today a top ranking priest in the Sanhedrin walked by, shouting out to me . . “How dare you talk with him, he takes in sinners and eats meals with them, treating them like old friends.”
The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.
Part 3 of a 5 segment series shows what it might have been like if there had been TV newscasts during the time of Jesus’ ministry.
JNN (Jerusalem News Network) TV reporters report on the happenings in the life of Nazarene prophet Jesus ben Joseph, and about some of the parables he uses to explain the things of God.
For Segment I – Builders/Rich Man & Lazarus 1 Cor 3:11, Matt 7:21-27, Lk 16:19-31
For Segment II – Stilling Storm/Good Samaritan Jn 20:31, Mk 4:35-41, Lk 10:30-37
For Segment IV – Great Supper/Raising Lazarus Jn 11:25, Lk 14:16-24, Jn 11:1-46
For Segment V – Second Coming Rev 22:7, Jn 14:1-6, Acts 1:1-11, 1 Thes 4:13-18, 1 Cor 15:51-58, Matt 24:21-31, Rev 19-21
Bible Reference:
For this Segment – Lost Sheep/Prodigal Son Is 53:6, Lk 15:1-7, 15:11-24
Cast: 6 (male or female)
Wolf ben Benjamin, Situation Room
Elizabeth, news anchor
Andrew ben Eli, co-news anchor
Simon ben Thomas, onsite reporter
Lydia, weather reporter
OV, offstage voice
Set: JNN (Jerusalem News Network) TV studio with desk and backdrops to indicate a studio.
On one side of the set is a sign, “SITUATION DESK” where Wolf sits.
Have a lighted sign (ON AIR) or simply a sign that is put up and taken down at appropriate time.
The set can be as elaborate or plain as you desire, example, TV cameras and lights, directors, studio workers, etc.
Costumes: either traditional or contemporary
Props: papers for reporters to refer to
Sample of script:
JNN Studio, Elizabeth, Andrew, Lydia, Wolf and Simon are at the desk
Elizabeth: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to JNN, the Jerusalem News Network. I am your anchor, Elizabeth, and here are some of the stories we are following for you tonight.
All Jerusalem has enjoyed the story in this morning’s edition of the Jerusalem Enquirer. . . Seems the popular prophet of Nazareth is seeking out friends among this town’s . . less desirable citizens. . . .
Lydia, I believe you received some inside information about this news story?
Lydia, confused: Well, yes Elizabeth, but it was you who gave me the information, and the pictures . . .
Elizabeth, embarrassed, angry: Well . . yes . . I . . but, . . it doesn’t matter, just give the details please Lydia.
gives Lydia a dirty look as Lydia starts to speak
Lydia: In their early edition this morning the Jerusalem Enquirer printed a story regarding the social life of Jesus ben Joseph, the itinerant preacher and prophet from Nazareth. It seems that some of his closest associates may have a history of crime and corruption.
Elizabeth: Really now, and just what sort of crime and corruption are we speaking of here Lydia?
Lydia: The report alleges that the offenses range from petty theft and vagrancy to murder and prostitution.
Elizabeth: Hardly the type of people one would expect to be involved with the self-proclaimed son of God. . . . Let’s bring in Wolf ben Benjamin at the JNN Situation Desk . .
Wolf . . . what do you hear about this scandal?
Wolf: Well, Elizabeth, not sure it could be called a scandal, there has been no suggestion of any wrongdoing on the part of Jesus ben Joseph, and associating with people who may have made mistakes in their lives is hardly a crime.
Elizabeth: Not a crime perhaps, but hardly the kind of action one would expect from someone who seems anxious to stand up in the temple and say his piece.
Wolf: Interesting is that although no one has publically taken responsibility for starting this story however some individuals we spoke with indicate the source is inside the temple.
Andrew: That is what my sources tell me as well. And one can expect that was the case, after all the Nazarene has long been a thorn in the side of Ananias.
Elizabeth: Andrew ben Eli! . . Surely you are not accusing the Sanhedrin of concocting a story.
Andrew: Well, I didn’t say that, but Caiaphas and his friends have been relentlessly looking for a way to discredit Jesus.
Wolf: Simon ben Thomas, I believe that you were speaking with Jesus ben Joseph earlier today, did he deny the references to those around him.
Simon: No, not at all . .
Elizabeth: Then that just proves that the allegations are correct, doesn’t it?
Simon: In the mind of Jesus, and, perhaps in the minds of most of the people in the streets of Jerusalem, whether those with whom Jesus associates are models of respectability is of little consequence.
Elizabeth: One would hope that the citizens of Jerusalem would have more regard for what is right.
Simon: While I was interviewing Jesus today a top ranking priest in the Sanhedrin walked by, shouting out to me . . “How dare you talk with him, he takes in sinners and eats meals with them, treating them like old friends.”
The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.