DramaShare Ministries
Truth is Strength
Truth is Strength
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Captain Ordinary, the guy who is not a super hero, “just a standard hero.” Joined by his friend “Batboy” (not to be be confused with Batman or Robin), prove that real strength means relying on God to do what He wants you to do even when it is difficult. (Even telling the truth even when you know you may get in trouble)
This script, Truth is Strength, is Part 2 of a three-part series, "Captain Ordinary", also see Part 2, “Truth is Strength” and Part 3, “Salvation Through Submission”
- 4 m or f, can be played by any age but meant to be teens
- CO (Captain Ordinary)
- Batboy, CO's accomplice
- Tanya damsel in distress
- Mel, Tanya's friend
Bible Reference:
- Joshua 1:1-19
Set: bare
Lighting: standard
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
SFX: none
Costumes: standard
Props: none
Special Instructions: none
Time: 10
Sample of script:
Scene Opens
(Batboy is standing on stage, looking very glum. Tanya and Mel enter.)
Tanya: Oh, there you are, Batboy! I was looking all over for you—to introduce you to my friend, Mel.
Mel: You have no idea how much I have been looking forward to meeting you, Batboy. All I have heard all day is how awesome you are—and CO too.
Batboy: Awesome? Yeah, right!
Mel: Tanya told me how she was way down in the dumps—upset and unhappy—and you guys got her to praying, and how all the problems were looked after. Needless to say, I am amazed and impressed.
Tanya: Like I told you, Mel—CO and Batboy are outta this world!
Mel: Never did ask you—what does CO stand for?
Tanya: Captain Ordinary.
Mel: Ordinary? These guys don’t sound at all ordinary to me.
Tanya: Well, CO told me that there’s no problem being ordinary, ‘cause they have a very extraordinary God.
Mel: Wow, sounds cool. I suppose you guys are just bubbly and real happy all the time, right?
Batboy: Don’t you see me bubbling over right now? (big sigh)
Mel: Hey, listen—I told my mom I would call and let her know where I was. She always worries when I don’t check in. I’ll be back in just a minute.
(Mel exits.)
Tanya: I can’t help noticing—it seems like something’s wrong, Batboy.
Batboy: Oh, yeah. Something real wrong is what.
Tanya: Well, did you talk to God about it?
Batboy: No, actually, I am, like, kinda embarrassed, actually.
Tanya (frowns, thinking): Oh, so what you’re saying is—God doesn’t listen to you if you’re embarrassed?
Batboy: Noooooooooo! But it’s just that, well... it’s a long story.
Tanya: I have to tell ya, I have nothing but time. Why don’t you tell me about it?
Batboy: Well, it’s just that I really messed up. Like I told you, I’m the batboy for our baseball team, The Glue Guys. But I’d like to work my way up in the team—maybe someday even get to play.
So, when the lady that washes our team uniforms got sick, I picked up all the uniforms from the clubhouse, took them home, and washed them. I figured that everybody would be so impressed that surely they would ask me to play.
Tanya: Good for you, Batboy!
Batboy: Bad for me is what!
Tanya: How so?
Batboy: Well, I didn’t look at the labels when I put the uniforms in the washing machine. And I used real hot water ‘cause I thought that would get them really clean. Turns out they are supposed to be washed in cold water so they don’t shrink.
Tanya: Oooopppsss! And they came out kinda...
Batboy: Put it this way—if you hear of any kindergarten baseball team looking for uniforms, I got a real deal for them!
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