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Standard Heroes
Standard Heroes
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Captain Ordinary, the guy who is not a super hero, “just a standard hero.” Joins his friend “Batboy” (not to be be confused with Batman or Robin), prove that strength is not about what you look like on the outside, it is about how God works on you on the inside.
Based on David and Goliath
This script, Standard Heroes, is Part 1 of a three-part series, "Captain Ordinary", also see Part 2, “Truth is Strength” and Part 3, “Salvation Through Submission”
Cast: 6
- 3 m or f, can be played by any age but meant to be teens
- CO (Captain Ordinary)
- Batboy, CO's accomplice
- Tanya damsel in distress
Bible Reference:
- 1 Samuel 16:1-3, 1 Samuel 17
Set: bare
Lighting: standard
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
SFX: none
Costumes: standard
Props: none
Special Instructions: none
Time: 10
Sample of script:
CO (Captain Ordinary) and Batboy are talking as they come on stage
CO: So anyhow, my mom says, “Where ever did you guys come up with that story?”
Batboy: You have got to be kidding me CO!
CO: I tell you Batboy, those were my words, right down to the very last question mark!
Tanya rushes on stage
Batboy: Well I gotta tell you, never in my whole life have I heard anything coming even close to that!
Tanya: Excuse me . . .
CO and Batboy ignore her
CO: I tell you Batboy, some of the stories I could tell you, why just last week . .
Tanya: Thank goodness I have found you, you just gotta help me, I got this . ..
CO: Excuse me . . .?
Tanya: I need a super hero, and quick!
CO, laughs: A super hero . . . I don’t think you will find a superhero around here. Do you know any superheroes Batboy?
Batboy, chuckling: Nope, CO, no caped crusaders in my backyard.
Tanya: Stop clowning around Robin . . .
Batboy: “Robin”? For why are you callin’ me “Robin”?
Tanya: Well your name is Batboy . . You know . . . Batman . . . Robin . . . Batboy.
CO: Hey, that’s rich! “Meet me in the Batmobile, Batboy!”
CO and Batboy doubled over, laughing, Tanya very frustrated
Tanya: You aren’t Robin? Then give me one good reason that you are called “Batboy”.
Batboy: I can give you two actually. . . One my actual name is Cornelius, and I hate that name. . . . Two, I am the batboy on our division twelve baseball team, the Glue Guys, and so the name just kinda, well, stuck.
Tanya, to CO: So are you saying that if he isn’t Robin, then likely you aren’t Batman?
Batboy, laughing: Batman!
(sings theme song)
Da da da da da da da da, Batman!
Now that is rich CO!
CO: Batboy, to the bat cave!
Tanya: Would you two stop clowning around, I am in serious trouble and I was told I would find a super hero here.
CO: Sorry if you were misled . . .
Tanya: Tanya.
CO: Hi Tanya. But I am surely no superhero.
Batboy: Sure that whoever sent you here didn’t say “standard hero”?
Tanya: “Standard hero”?
CO: Yep, I am one of the local standard heroes, pleased to know you; folks around here call me CO.
Tanya: CO?
CO: Yep, stands for Captain Ordinary.
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