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The Unseen Jesus

The Unseen Jesus

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The amazing healing powers of Jesus.

Those powers were seen even when Jesus was not, and so it is today. The paraplegic man is brought on a stretcher for Jesus' healing touch and this man's faith and that of those who intuitively brought the paraplegic man "through the roof" Jesus was there to heal. Perhaps more than most of Jesus' healing powers for today are spelled out. We do not physically see Jesus yet he can, and does heal. We must believe and have faith.

each listed below:

  • The Unseen Jesus. Mark is found in a crowd discussing Jesus and His work.
  • Knowledge Which Demands A Decision  Joseph of Arimathea tries to deny he claimed Jesus’ body at the cross.
  • It Is Not Our Problem. Pilate in a monologue, tries to justify his decisions. He ultimately washes his hands.
  • My Emmaus Moment Peter comes to the time when he meets his Savior. His Emmaus moment.
  • God Of The Common People. Mary, Elizabeth, Mary Magdalene and Lazarus meet to discuss the various lives of their familys and the ministry of Jesus.
  • Waiting Together Today. Tony and Tracie come together to discuss the Easter message and how it applies to them today.

 Cast:  4

  • Mark
  • Person #1
  • Person #2
  • Person #3
  • Person #4

Bible Reference:    Mark 2:1-12

Set:  bare

Lighting: standard

Sound:  wireless mics if available

Song: none

SFX:  none

Costumes:  none

Props: none

Special Instructions:   none

Time: 15

Sample of script:

Actors look upstage, on tiptoes, trying to see and look at each other. Confusion, milling around, murmuring from crowd, amazed,  people speak excitedly:

1: Did you see that?

2: Unbelievable!

3: I would never have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes!

4: That is no regular man, not doing the things he does!

Mark, at downstage edge of the crowd, moves as though pushed by an unseen person, reacts, speaks as though to someone downstage

Mark: Stop your pushing, we all want to see! No chance you will get up to the house, out here in the courtyard, that’s as close as most of us have got all day! (as though pushed again) I said, stop pushing! The place is packed, no one gets preference getting in. No one! Look, (points), see, over there, see the guy in the robe? Eli, his name is, director of the biggest religious college in Jerusalem. Even with his reputation, he hasn’t been able to get any closer than the courtyard, not much chance you are going to get a closer look!

1: Mark here is dead on, we have been waiting here for hours just to catch a glimpse of him. No one’s leaving from inside, so no one out here is getting a chance to move in closer.

2: Exactly, just you wait in line like everyone else!

3: Maybe you could try going up those stairs and dropping in through the roof!

everyone laughs, murmurs agreement

Mark: Well, it was just before you got here, four guys carrying a paraplegic on a stretcher came along, no way they could get through this crowd. I was willing to step aside, no way the others were going to let these guys through. After a bit the guys carry the stretcher up the stairs, I figured they were taking the paraplegic up there to rest. Next thing I know, there’s some dirt falling down from the roof, among the people inside. I mean, like, there was some dancing around in there, everybody trying to get back out of the way, and hardly even standing room in there! Me, I thought there’s an earthquake or something. Anyhow, what should happen next but this stretcher gets lowered down from the ceiling. Sure enough, it’s the guy they had carried up on the roof!

3: I know it’s hard to believe, like I said, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes no way I would believe!

4: Got that right! I mean, I have never . . .!

Mark: Turns out the guys who carried the paraplegic up on the roof, they realize their friend is in real rough shape, needs help right now. So they knew they had no chance getting through the crowd. Pretty smart of them really, they figured out the only way they could get it done was to dig down through the roof and lower the paraplegic right there in front of the Teacher. (pause) The Teacher. The prophet. Jesus of Nazareth. You haven’t heard of him? I just expected that’s why you were here, to see him, hear what he has to say. All day long, since he arrived here in Capernaum, it’s been a steady stream of people. I mean news travels fast in a small town you know. (pause) What does Jesus do to hold the crowd you say? You truly aren’t from anywhere around here are you? Everyone from all over Judea, they know Jesus. Awesome teacher, I mean he can not only tell you all the law, but he explains it in a way that makes it, I don’t know, guess you could say he tells it in a way that makes it come alive.

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