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Knowledge Which Demands A Decision

Knowledge Which Demands A Decision

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Cast Number

The search for knowledge is, and should be, a lifelong pursuit.

But as we all finally realize, we need to be careful what we search for, as did Joseph of Arimathea, when he gets too close to Jesus, and he had to make a decision.  Jesus proved to be too engaging, too believable, too much "the real thing" and Joseph's life was changed forever.

This script is one of 6 included in the Coping With Crowds series script, each listed below:

  • The Unseen Jesus. Mark is found in a crowd discussing Jesus and His work.
  • Knowledge Which Demands A Decision  Joseph of Arimathea tries to deny he claimed Jesus’ body at the cross.
  • It Is Not Our Problem. Pilate in a monologue, tries to justify his decisions. He ultimately washes his hands.
  • My Emmaus Moment Peter comes to the time when he meets his Savior. His Emmaus moment.
  • God Of The Common People. Mary, Elizabeth, Mary Magdalene and Lazarus meet to discuss the various lives of their familys and the ministry of Jesus.
  • Waiting Together Today. Tony and Tracie come together to discuss the Easter message and how it applies to them today.

Cast:  2

  • Joseph of Arimathea
  • Person in crowd
  • Optional any number for crowd

Bible Reference: John 19:38

Set:  bare

Lighting:  standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

SFX: none

Costumes: Traditional or contemporary

Props: none

Special Instructions:   none

Time: 10

Sample of script:

Crowd is upstage, backs to audience, stretching, trying to see what is happening
Joseph enters stage, looks around furtively, trying not to be noticed

Joseph:  Things have quietened down, perhaps I can get a closer look at what is going on.

(tries to move in closer, runs into a person)

Oh, excuse me, didn’t mean to bump into you sir.

I must be more careful, I can’t allow anyone to recognize me.
Perhaps if I pull my hood more closely around my
But I really do want to see what has happened here, the reason for all the commotion.
Someone said he had risen.
Risen from the dead . . . I mean . . . is it possible?
Well, he did say many times something about on the third day, I thought he was talking about the temple.  Likely he was . . .  but . .
Someone said his disciples came and stole the body.
Someone said there was an earthquake.
The women were here just a few minutes ago.  They saw something, I am sure of that.  I wanted to call out to them:

”Stop, Mary, Salome, tell me, what did you see?”

That’s what I wanted to say.
What I did say was . . . nothing,  . . . I kept silent.
I was hidden behind that boulder over there.
I was afraid the women might have let it slip to Caiaphas and the others that I had been seen here, that I was in a place where a man in my position simply shouldn’t have been.
In my position I can’t afford to take any chances.
I have taken far too many chances already.
Of course I want to follow the Teacher, but the Teacher is dead . .  I think . .  He was dead, that I know for sure

person from the crowd turns around, stares at Joseph, recognition comes across the face

Person:  I know you, you are from Arimathea.  My cousin lives over there in the central hill country.  I remember seeing you last time I was there.  What was your name again?

Joseph: I have no idea what you are talking about!  Arimathea?  I have been there perhaps once or twice in my whole life is all!  You obviously have me mixed up with someone else.

Person: I have a good memory for faces, I could swear I saw you in Arimathea!  Well, perhaps we will meet again some time.
(pauses, looks directly into Joseph’s face)
Are you sure you aren’t from Arimathea?

Joseph:  Do I look to you like the type who would be climbing that rough hill country?  Now for the last time . . .

Person:  Fine, fine, don’t need to get belligerent, just look like someone I guess.

Person moves back into crowd, Joseph again pulls his hood more closely around his face

Joseph:  That was close!
No way I could explain my way out of being seen here.I just pray that Pilate didn’t tell anyone about me claiming Jesus’ body on Friday.

That was a rash and foolish move on my part, in hindsight a grave mistake I made, taking the body like that.  But I was so overcome with his death.  And Nicodemus was so adamant it was the right thing to do.
Nicodemus needs to be more careful as well.

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