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Stages Of Messiah - Upper Room

Stages Of Messiah - Upper Room

Regular price $14.00 USD
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Scene 6 – The Upper Room & Gethsemane
From the 8-scene Readers Drama, "Stages of Messiah," depicting key moments in Jesus' life and ministry.

Other available scenes:

Each scene can be performed as a stand-alone drama.

Bible Reference:

Luke 22:7-53


  • 3 readers: Narrator, Reader 1, Reader 2 (male or female)
  • Additional actors for Tableau (as desired)


  • Minimalist setup with 3 chairs

Sound & Costumes:

  • Standard


  • Spotlights for Narrator, Readers, and Tableau
  • Experiment with spot colors and placement to isolate Readers and Tableau, while keeping the overall stage dim
  • Individual reading lights for Readers


  • A short, relevant hymn or song recommended at the end of each scene
  • Suggested hymns focus on reintroducing older songs to the congregation


  • Silent, frozen actors creating a visual representation of the scene
  • For this scene: A table with a chalice and loaf of bread
  • Can be highlighted by a spotlight or projected in shadows


  • Approximately 6 minutes (plus song)

Scene VI – The Upper Room & Gethsemane

Tableau: A table set with a chalice and loaf of bread.

R2: Celebration!

R1: Contemplation!

R2: Declaration!

Narrator: And Jesus sent Peter and John to prepare a place for them to eat the Passover.

“As you enter the city, you will see a man carrying a jar of water. He will enter a house. Say to the owner of that house: ‘The Teacher asks, where is the Upper Room where I and my disciples may take the Passover?’”

There you shall make preparations.

R1: When all the disciples and Jesus had arrived, and were reclining at the table, Jesus spoke:

Narrator: “It is my wish to eat this Passover with you, for I shall not eat it again until I am back with my Father in Heaven.”

R2: Taking the cup, Jesus gave thanks.

Narrator: “Share this cup with each other, for I will not drink again until God’s Kingdom comes.”

R1: Jesus then took the bread, broke it, and handed it to the others.

Narrator: “This is my body which I have cheerfully given for your benefit! Remember this when you eat.”

R2: After supper, he took the cup, saying:

“This cup represents the covenant, which the shedding of my blood will give to you.”

R1: But Jesus also warned them—there was a traitor among them.

Narrator: “I will go as a sacrifice for each of you… but oh, the calamity awaiting that man!”

R2: There was speculation and denial about who the betrayer could be.

Only Jesus knew as Judas left the room.

Narrator: But the disciples did not—could not—understand the depth of what Jesus was saying.

Want to see how the story unfolds? DramaShare members get this complete script— and access to our entire library—free! Not a member? You can still grab this individual script and bring it to life.

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