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Aliens Live at Church Sketch 3

Aliens Live at Church Sketch 3

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This is Sketch 3 of a 3 part series from 1 Peter on, "How Shall We Live?"

In this comedic yet thought-provoking skit, Alvin, an inquisitive alien from Flinder-gleegen-regan, and Allan, a local, discuss human behavior and Christian values during a drive.

Alvin is amused by the impatience of Earth’s drivers, recalling an angry man who mocked another driver with a joke about the traffic light "ripening." However, his curiosity grows when he notices a Christian fish symbol on the angry driver’s car, prompting him to question why a Christian would behave unkindly.

Allan explains that while Christians are called to kindness, they sometimes fail. Alvin presses further, wondering what happens when someone doesn’t ask for forgiveness. Allan acknowledges the difficulty but reassures him that God’s forgiveness is always available.

Purchase Information

Individual segment scripts may be purchased; however, the aggregate cost of doing so is much higher compared to purchasing the complete script, which includes all three segments. The three individual segments and the ordering procedure are indicated below:

  • Sketch 1: Holiness or Holy Living – Based on 1 Peter 1:13-15. An alien from outer space has come to Earth and is learning about the very strange earthly culture here.
  • Sketch 2: Citizenship as Aliens – Notes that we are aliens, not of this world; our citizenship is different (1 Peter 2:9-12).
  • Sketch 3 (THIS SKETCH): Respectful Living – Focuses on respect in relationships (1 Peter 2:13-3:8).

Individual sketches (each 4 minutes) can be used separately or in a series. The comedic approach allows biblical truth to be communicated in a way that is more accessible to a diverse audience, reflective of modern churches.

Cast:  2 (m or f)

  • Alvin the alien with a high and squeaky voice
  • Allan is a local

Bible Reference: 1 Peter 2:13-3:8

Set:      bare

Lighting:  standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song:  none


  • sound of “whooshing’ space craft
  • sound of praise and worship music


  • Alvin the alien should be dressed up as space dweller
  • Allan regular clothing

Props:      none

Special Instructions:   none

Time:     4 minutes each segment, total 12 minutes

Sample Script:

(Actors come on stage.)

Alvin: That was a nice drive in your spacecraft.

Allan: Actually, we call it a “car,” Alvin.

Alvin: Sorry . . . car . . . This is so different from back in Flinder-gleegen-regan! But one thing surprises me . . . strange how people here seem to be in a hurry, even when they are out for a quiet ride in the country.

Allan: Guess you are right.

Alvin: And that lady stopped at the corner—some of the other drivers were sure angry with her. . . Did you hear that one guy? He yelled at her, “What are you waiting for, lady? Are you waiting for the green light to ripen?” . . . That was funny . . . “Waiting for the green light to ripen”! . . . Funny!

Allan: Some people can be unkind.

Alvin: Did you notice the car that angry guy was driving? . . . I am not sure what kind of car it was, but there was this little silver fish on the back.

Allan: Ouch!

Alvin: What does the fish mean?

Allan: Actually, it means that the person who drives that car is a Christian.

Alvin: I thought Christians were supposed to be kind to other people.

Allan: Yes, Alvin, we are supposed to be kind to others . . . but sometimes we fail.

Alvin: And when you fail, then what?

Allan: Well, we ask for forgiveness, and then, with God’s help, we try to do better.

Alvin: That angry Christian—guess he forgot to ask the lady’s forgiveness, huh?

Allan: Yes, it appears he did forget.

Alvin: So what then? Seeing as how he didn’t ask the lady’s forgiveness, and maybe he never sees that lady again, does that mean he will never be forgiven?

Allan (smiling): You know, for an alien, you ask some real tough questions.

Alvin: Sorry, it’s just that I want to learn all I can while I’m here on Earth, so I can explain it all to my friends when I get back to Flinder-gleegen-regan. . . But I will try to ease up on the questions, OK?

Allan: No, please ask away. It’s good to have someone challenge us with good questions about how we live.

Alvin: Well, if you are sure, there is another question I have. It’s bothering me a bit.

Allan: What’s that, Alvin?

Alvin: Well, when you went through that area where the police were pulling cars over . . .

Allan: It’s called a radar trap.

Alvin: Right, the radar trap . . . All the other guys that got pulled over were arguing with the police, getting angry.

Alvin: And when the police officer told you that his equipment had malfunctioned, told you to go on, you told him that you were speeding too.

Allan: Well, that’s a fact. I was speeding, just the same as the other drivers who were caught on radar.

Alvin: But, I don’t understand . . . you were free to go . . .

Allan: Yes, in the eyes of the law, and in the eyes of man, I was free, but as a Christian I am to be God’s...

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