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Aliens Live at Church Sketch 1

Aliens Live at Church Sketch 1

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How Shall We Live? Living as "not of this world" but as aliens.

This three-part comedic skit series explores the Christian life as "aliens" in the world, reflecting our heavenly citizenship. Each 4-minute sketch conveys biblical truths through humor, making them accessible to diverse church audiences.

Purchase Information

Individual segment scripts may be purchased; however, the aggregate cost of doing so is much higher compared to purchasing the complete script, which includes all three segments. The three individual segments and the ordering procedure are indicated below:

  • Sketch 1 (THIS SKETCH): Holiness or Holy Living – Based on 1 Peter 1:13-15. An alien from outer space has come to Earth and is learning about the very strange earthly culture here.
  • Sketch 2: Citizenship as Aliens – Notes that we are aliens, not of this world; our citizenship is different (1 Peter 2:9-12).
  • Sketch 3: Respectful Living – Focuses on respect in relationships (1 Peter 2:13-3:8).

Individual sketches (each 4 minutes) can be used separately or in a series. The comedic approach allows biblical truth to be communicated in a way that is more accessible to a diverse audience, reflective of modern churches.

Production Details

Cast: 2 (Male or Female)

  • Alvin – The alien, with a high and squeaky voice
  • Allan – A local

Bible Reference: 1 Peter 1:13-15

Set: Bare

Lighting: Standard

Sound: Wireless mics if available

Song: None


  • Sound of a "whooshing" spacecraft
  • Sound of praise and worship music


  • Alvin should be dressed as a space dweller.
  • Allan should wear regular clothing.

Props: None

Special Instructions: None

Total Time: 12 minutes (4 minutes per segment)

Sample Script

Sketch 1: Be Holy

SFX: A loud "whooshing" noise offstage.

(Alvin and Allan come on stage from opposite sides, backing on stage, looking around carefully. They bump into each other and react with fear.

Sample Script

Sketch 1: Be Holy

SFX: A loud "whooshing" noise offstage.

(Alvin and Allan come on stage from opposite sides, backing on stage, looking around carefully. They bump into each other and react with fear.)

Allan: Who . . who . . are . . you?

Alvin: Be kind, I am a visitor here!

Allan: You sure dress different . . are you from Atlanta (or some town in the area)?

Alvin: Atlanta? . . Where’s that? I am from Flinder-gleegen-regan.

Allan: Just as I suspected . . outta state.

Alvin: No state, I am from the royal monarchy of Flinder-gleegen-regan.

Allan: I see, Europe.

Alvin: What’s this, Europe?

Allan: Across the ocean, thousands of miles away.

Alvin (annoyed): I am from the planet of Flinder-gleegen-regan, three billion light years away.

Allan (wide-eyed): You mean . . (points upward) . . . .

Alvin: Take a left at Saturn, sharp right at Neptune, cruise on in to Flinder-gleegen-regan.

Allan: You mean there’s life out there?

Alvin: Oh my yes, you must drop by and visit someday.

Allan: What made you decide to come to Earth?

Alvin: Our listening devices on Flinder-gleegen-regan picked up these strange sounds coming from this building.

Allan: Oh, that would likely be our Worship Pastor, Pastor Tom, and his music.

Alvin: A strange but not entirely unpleasant beat. . . What do you do in this building?

Allan: It is our church.

Alvin: Church? . . What is church?

Allan: It is where we come to praise God and learn more about him.

Alvin: And God would be?

Allan: God created everything—heaven and earth and skies and all that exists.

Alvin: You are telling me that this God created everything?

Allan: Everything.

Alvin: So you are saying this God created Flinder-gleegen-regan?

Allan: Well, fact is, I never heard of Flinder-gleegen-regan until now, but if it’s out there, then obviously God created it.

Alvin: Wow! . . Just wait ‘til King Woonga hears about this!

Allan: King Woonga?

Alvin: Our illustrious leader on Flinder-gleegen-regan. . . I want you to tell King Woonga all about this God of yours. King Woonga, he has been real puzzled over who created the universe.

Allan: And this . . King Woonga . . is coming here to Streetsville?

Alvin: Sure is, his spaceship is due here in (looks at watch) . . seven hundred years.

Allan: Seven hundred years! . . Well, none of us will be here by then.

Alvin: You plan on going somewhere soon?

Allan: Seven hundred years is many generations.

Alvin: Many generations? . . (checks watch again) . . . Just six hundred and eighty-three years now.

Allan: My guess is your years and ours are not the same.

Alvin: Seven hundred years is like forty sleeps. . . But tell me more about this God of yours.

Allan: Well, God is holy.

Alvin: And holy is . . ?

Allan: Well, kinda hard to describe, but . . . perfect, worthy of honour, and without sin. . .

Alvin: Sin?

Allan: Doing wrong things.

Alvin: So you and this God of yours never do wrong things?

Allan: Well, God is perfect, but we are human, and unfortunately we do sin. . . But because we have chosen to follow God and his son Jesus, we are called to be holy.

Alvin: God has a son?

Allan: Yes, God’s son Jesus came to Earth to die for our sins, and so we who have chosen to follow him can be holy through Jesus.

Alvin: Wow, so everyone on Earth has chosen to follow Jesus and so all you guys are holy, huh?

Allan: Unfortunately, no. Not all have chosen to follow Jesus.

Alvin: And the reason for that would be. . .?

Allan: Pride. . . self-centeredness . . . rebellion . .

Alvin: We’ve got lots of that in Flinder-gleegen-regan too. . . But no one has told us about God and his son Jesus. . . Maybe you can come to Flinder-gleegen-regan and tell us about God?

Allan: Well, we do have a very active missions and outreach ministry here at Grace Fellowship. . . We can check with Pastor Jean . . .

Alvin: And Pastor Jean would be . . .?

Allan: Pastor Jean is Associate Pastor for Missions and Outreach here at Grace Fellowship, and she is simply on fire to bring people to the Lord.

Alvin: Well, I do know King Woonga will want to take Pastor Jean back to Flinder-gleegen-regan in his personal spaceship.

Want to see how the story unfolds? DramaShare members get this complete script— and access to our entire library—free! Not a member? You can still grab this individual script and bring it to life.

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