DramaShare Ministries
Womens Retreat Announcement
Womens Retreat Announcement
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Announcement for ladies retreat. The ladies invite Flipper to the retreat. There is a great big HOWDEEE for everyone. Comedy
Ladies' retreat announcement for finding ladies interested in attending.
In this short comedy announcement, the ladies invite Flipper to the retreat. There is a great big HOWDEEE for everyone in this comedy.
Cast: 3
- Iris
- Penny
- Flipper, a Hillbilly gal
Bible Reference: Ephesians 4:16
Set: standard
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
Lighting: standard
SFX: none
Props: none
- Flipper dressed as hillbilly
Special Instructions: none
Time: 8
Sample of script:
Flipper, comes on stage: Howwwwddddeeeeeeeeeee!
Iris and Penny come rushing on stage in a panic
Iris: Whatever was that awful sound?
Penny: Sounded like my cat when I caught his tail in the vacuum cleaner.
Flipper: Whatever y’alls talkin’ ‘bout. Why I am here ta tell ya, I bin standin’ here, not once did I hear so muchs a sound. Only thang spoke was when I howdeed.
Iris: Howdeed?
Flipper: Yep, howdeed.
Penny: Just what exactly is “howdeed”?
Flipper: Howwwwddddeeeeeeeeeee!
Iris and Penny crouch in fear, cover their ears
Penny: Whatever is that?
Flipper: Well, I was howdeein’ so’s that I would git ta know y’alls ‘n all, doncha see? Why back in the hills, why we howdee most all the time!
Iris, massaging her ears: My husband is an ear doctor, maybe he should go practice in those hills, likely we could retire in no time.
Penny: I take it you are new to (name of church) are you?
Flipper: Shore nuff am, I’m here ta tell ya. An’ I shore nuff am a-longin’ ta git ta meet y’alls, shore am!
Iris: Well, that’s . . nice, isn’t it nice Penny?
Penny: Yeeeeesss, yesss, it is, that’s the word, nice!
Flipper: Whar ever’s ma manners? Ma name’s Frannie McGillicuddy-Edmonds is who I am, y’alls jist gonna call me Flipper!
Flipper grabs Iris and Penny’s hands and violently shakes hands with them
Iris: Ahhhhhhhh huh! Yes, Flipper it is then. And me, I’m Iris. Like you to meet my good friend Penny here. Flipper, Penny. Penny, Flipper. Penny is the organizer of the upcoming women’s retreat here at (name of church).
Penny: Flipper, great to meet you, yes it is.
Flipper: All’s I got ta say is jist Howwwwddddeeeeeeeeeee!
Iris and Penny try to hide, cover ears
Flipper: Don’t you folks never howdee up here none?
Iris, under breath: We try very hard not to.
Flipper: What’s that, didn’t quite hear y’alls, didn’t.
Iris: I said, I said, that is I said, “we try in our hearts to,” yep, that’s what I said all right.
Flipper: Hey, you jist a lookee here, Iris, why I shall be flat out proud ta larn y’alls to Howwwwddddeeeeeeeeeee! jist like me. Now see here, y’alls hold yer mouth jist like this and y’alls . . .
Penny: Ohhhhh my, was that (name of church secretary) I heard calling? (cups hand to ear as though trying to hear) What’s that you say? (pause) You have the invitations all ready for me for the women’s retreat?
Iris: I better go help you with those, Penny, much too big job for you alone.
Flipper: Wimmen’s re-treat y’alls say? What all y’alls do on this re-treat?
Penny: Well the women from the church go for a weekend, have a blast, we have (list the activities that are going on, speakers, etc), get to know each other, spend time together in Bible study and worship.
Flipper: So did y’alls have a treat last time y’alls went out?
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