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DramaShare Ministries

Women Reaching Out In Love

Women Reaching Out In Love

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Three women are asked to play Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalene for a women’s retreat. And each wants to play the mother of Jesus, because the other roles are perceived to be lesser, (or somewhat tainted), roles. But when the three characters are investigated a little more it becomes obvious that each of the “Marys” had an equally prominent and loving role with Jesus, with the other followers, and with each other.

Cast: 3 women, any age

Time: 10

Sample of script:

(Monica comes on stage, looks around, checks her watch, and frowns.)

MONICA: Why is it that no one ever shows up on time at these church things? . . Shellie asked me to be here like . . (checks watch) . . . ten minutes ago! . . (Pauses, thinking.) But it’s not like I was late . . I mean . . I was . . otherwise committed!

(Teresa rushes on stage.)

TERESA: Oh hi Monica, I was supposed to meet Shellie here, have you seen her?

(Monica, annoyed.)

MONICA: No, I have not seen Shellie, matter of fact! . . I was supposed to meet Shellie here . . and no sign of her yet . . and I have been waiting here like fifteen minutes!

(Teresa frowns.)

TERESA: Really? . . So was I.

MONICA: Well, see Shellie asked me to . . .

(Lois rushes on stage.)

LOIS: Oh hi girls . . Have you seen Shellie? . . I am late for a meeting with her.

TERESA: Seems like we all are meeting Shellie. . . and seems like she is late!

MONICA: Well, like I was about to tell Teresa, Shellie asked me to play the part of Mary in our Ladies’ Time Out program next month.

LOIS: Monica, I am confused . . . Shellie asked me to play the part of Mary. . .

TERESA: Well Lois, I can see where you are confused, fact is Shellie asked me to play the part of Mary.

(Monica makes a time-out sign.)

MONICA: OK, hold on here you two! . . There’s the three of us here, right . . . and obviously only one of us can be playing Mary, right?

(Lois, leafing through script pages.)

LOIS: Oh I get it! . . . See, there are three Marys in this play.

MONICA: Three Marys??? . . . In one play??? . . . Like how is that gonna happen?

TERESA: Talk about mass confusion, three Marys! I don’t think so!

LOIS: No, see here, as well as Mary, the mother of Jesus, there is Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalene.

(Monica looks through the script.)

MONICA: Oh I get it! . . Three different Marys.

TERESA: OK, now that makes sense.

LOIS: Yes, you girls will be playing Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalene.

(Teresa, confused.)

TERESA: We will be?

MONICA: And who will be playing Mary, the mother of Jesus?

(Lois, in shock.)

LOIS: Well, I will be, who did you think would?

MONICA: Well me for sure.

(Lois giggles.)

LOIS: You, Monica Adams? . . . Mary, the mother of Jesus? . . . I don’t think so!

TERESA: Lois, and just what makes you think you would just naturally be Mary?

LOIS: Well, after all, I am on the organizing committee of the Ladies Time Out program.

MONICA: Along with seven other ladies, but that doesn’t make any of you Queen of England, let alone Mary, the mother of Jesus in this play!

TERESA: I can not see how you two could miss the obvious, I am the natural Mary!

LOIS: And just what makes that so obvious and natural, Teresa?

TERESA: Look at my hair . . . I am blond!

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