DramaShare Ministries

Woman Of The World

Woman Of The World

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Theme:       Being a Christian woman in a predominantly non-Christian world, being pitted against feminism, apathy and a world view that Christianity is irrelevant and outmoded. Women have gained greatly in many areas but there are still inequities.


Bible Reference:      Luke 1:/p>


Cast:         1 female


Set, Sound, Costumes:       standard


Time:        8


Sample of script:


actor comes on stage


What’s that old saying? . . .

“It’s a jungle out there!”

Fact is, the world out there, for a woman, is no bed of roses!

And I should know . . .

After all . . .  I’m a woman . . .  (chuckles) . . . and my middle name is Rose.

I’ve been there . .  and I am there!

Being a woman, now, today, in 2017. . . is . . well . . interesting.

Don’t get me wrong, I mean, it’s not like it was for my grandmother . . . and her mom as well . . .

Back in the day, . . .  the struggles those women faced! . .  Wow! . .

Unbelievable from today’s perspective what they went through!

Things have hugely improved, no question . . .

Even though . . . society, including the church, still has some catching up to do with equal pay and some other areas.

But current thought is . . .

Women today . .  they got it made!

Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

And women today with Christian beliefs . . .

Many today believe, . . . Christian women surely have got it made!

Nothing holding them back.

The best of both worlds: a more understanding secular society plus the grace of God and the support of the church in their lives.

Now before anything else said . . .

I am not a feminist. . . . Not even close. . .

I am not here representing or promoting any cause.

But I am here representing all the Christian women of the world.

I am a Christian woman who may be single, I may be married.

I, with my husband, may have children, or I may be a single parent.

My occupation may be serving full-time within my home, or perhaps full or part-time outside.

Before marriage and family there was, for me, Christ’s call on my life, calling me to serve him.

My Christian life did not begin the day I was married; it began the day Christ called me to serve.

Marital status and the number, or absence, of children are not my life’s predominant markers.

Who I am in Christ is the central underpinning of my life.

The church has had to grapple with the evolving role, and position, of women in the world.

And in it’s midst.

To it’s credit the church has in many cases made progress.

In some cases, and in some issues . .  not so much.

And Christian women too grapple with inner, inherent issues:

Not wanting to be caught up in the worldwide, often overplayed feminist agenda . . .

Yet still having a strong interest, pride and opinion in their own femininity, and place in society.

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Being a Christian woman in a predominantly non-Christian world.
Being pitted against feminism, apathy and a world view that Christianity is irrelevant and outmoded. Women have gained greatly in many areas but there are still inequities.

Cast: 1 (monolog)

Bible Reference: Luke 1:42

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 8

Sample of script:

actor comes on stage

What’s that old saying? . . .

“It’s a jungle out there!”

Fact is, the world out there, for a woman, is no bed of roses!

And I should know . . .

After all . . .  I’m a woman . . .  (chuckles) . . . and my middle name is Rose.

I’ve been there . .  and I am there!

Being a woman, now, today, in 2017. . . is . . well . . interesting.

Don’t get me wrong, I mean, it’s not like it was for my grandmother . . . and her mom as well . . .

Back in the day, . . .  the struggles those women faced! . .  Wow! . .

Unbelievable from today’s perspective what they went through!

Things have hugely improved, no question . . .

Even though . . . society, including the church, still has some catching up to do with equal pay and some other areas.

But current thought is . . .

Women today . .  they got it made!

Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

And women today with Christian beliefs . . .

Many today believe, . . . Christian women surely have got it made!

Nothing holding them back.

The best of both worlds: a more understanding secular society plus the grace of God and the support of the church in their lives.

Now before anything else said . . .

I am not a feminist. . . . Not even close. . .

I am not here representing or promoting any cause.

But I am here representing all the Christian women of the world.

I am a Christian woman who may be single, I may be married.

I, with my husband, may have children, or I may be a single parent.

My occupation may be serving full-time within my home, or perhaps full or part-time outside.

Before marriage and family there was, for me, Christ’s call on my life, calling me to serve him.

My Christian life did not begin the day I was married; it began the day Christ called me to serve.

Marital status and the number, or absence, of children are not my life’s predominant markers.

Who I am in Christ is the central underpinning of my life.

The church has had to grapple with the evolving role, and position, of women in the world.

And in it’s midst.

To it’s credit the church has in many cases made progress.

In some cases, and in some issues . .  not so much.

And Christian women too grapple with inner, inherent issues:

Not wanting to be caught up in the worldwide, often overplayed feminist agenda . . .

Yet still having a strong interest, pride and opinion in their own femininity, and place in society.

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