DramaShare Ministries

Without Beginning or End

Without Beginning or End

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God is without beginning or end, unchanging. This drama takes us from the Holy Birth on into the life that Jesus had teaching and preaching to the masses, to His crucufiction and ressurection.
A drama which talks of the baby in the manger and the life that he lived through to the tomb

Sample of script:

actors come on stage
Sandra: Come, children, let me read you the story without beginning or end.
Child 1: “Without beginning”? How can that be? Everything has to start somewhere . . .
Child 2: . . . . and end somewhere too.
Child 3: If there’s no beginning, and no end, then it can’t be a story, now can it?
Sandra: Yes, it can, and it must! Sit with me, listen carefully please!
Sandra seats all actors
Sandra: This story begins before the beginning of time, and carries on over the centuries, with stops along the way in stables, in workshops, on painful Golgotha hills and in silent tombs.
Sandra opens book, starts to read
One day, more than 2,000 years ago, in the very ordinary town of Nazareth, a very young, very ordinary girl of 12 was given strange, exciting, frightening news. You see, this young girl, Mary, would soon be a mother. And as though that was not strange, exciting and frightening enough in itself, there was more . . . much more, to the news. An angel explained to Mary that the father of this child was to be . . . God Himself. Although worried and concerned, as would be any young girl, Mary accepted the news. So did Joseph, the man Mary was to marry. And it just so happened that Mary and Joseph were required to go to Bethlehem just at the time that when the baby was to be born. The story tells how the little town of Nazareth was full to overflowing, as people from all over the region had come to pay their taxes. How dreadful that the only place for the baby to be born was a cold, dark, dirty stable, and that a place fit only for animals must be the birthplace of the tiny first son of Mary. And of God. A baby boy. And they called His name Jesus. How amazing, the witnesses to the birth! Angels with music and message fit for, meant for, a King. Kings from the Orient, with regal robes and expensive gifts. Shepherds, the lowly and coarse, with neither gift nor garment of consequence, except for the love and joy in their hearts. And animals. The unassuming, donating their warmth to the Child and his family. A lamb.
all actors freeze as offstage voice speaks:
I was merely one of the temple sheep
In Bethlehem that day.
A couple came and bedded down,
In my stable, in the hay.
A baby boy was born that night
All nature did applaud!
The woman spoke, as though in prayer,
”Behold the son of God!”

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

God is without beginning or end, unchanging. This drama takes us from the Holy Birth on into the life that Jesus had teaching and preaching to the masses, to His crucufiction and ressurection.
A drama which talks of the baby in the manger and the life that he lived through to the tomb

Sample of script:

actors come on stage
Sandra: Come, children, let me read you the story without beginning or end.
Child 1: “Without beginning”? How can that be? Everything has to start somewhere . . .
Child 2: . . . . and end somewhere too.
Child 3: If there’s no beginning, and no end, then it can’t be a story, now can it?
Sandra: Yes, it can, and it must! Sit with me, listen carefully please!
Sandra seats all actors
Sandra: This story begins before the beginning of time, and carries on over the centuries, with stops along the way in stables, in workshops, on painful Golgotha hills and in silent tombs.
Sandra opens book, starts to read
One day, more than 2,000 years ago, in the very ordinary town of Nazareth, a very young, very ordinary girl of 12 was given strange, exciting, frightening news. You see, this young girl, Mary, would soon be a mother. And as though that was not strange, exciting and frightening enough in itself, there was more . . . much more, to the news. An angel explained to Mary that the father of this child was to be . . . God Himself. Although worried and concerned, as would be any young girl, Mary accepted the news. So did Joseph, the man Mary was to marry. And it just so happened that Mary and Joseph were required to go to Bethlehem just at the time that when the baby was to be born. The story tells how the little town of Nazareth was full to overflowing, as people from all over the region had come to pay their taxes. How dreadful that the only place for the baby to be born was a cold, dark, dirty stable, and that a place fit only for animals must be the birthplace of the tiny first son of Mary. And of God. A baby boy. And they called His name Jesus. How amazing, the witnesses to the birth! Angels with music and message fit for, meant for, a King. Kings from the Orient, with regal robes and expensive gifts. Shepherds, the lowly and coarse, with neither gift nor garment of consequence, except for the love and joy in their hearts. And animals. The unassuming, donating their warmth to the Child and his family. A lamb.
all actors freeze as offstage voice speaks:
I was merely one of the temple sheep
In Bethlehem that day.
A couple came and bedded down,
In my stable, in the hay.
A baby boy was born that night
All nature did applaud!
The woman spoke, as though in prayer,
”Behold the son of God!”

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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