DramaShare Ministries

Win the Race - True Worship

Win the Race - True Worship

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Winning the race with God’s grace.
A segment of the 5 part drama, designed for VBS or children’s camp, uses the theme of car racing to focus on finding your purpose in life.
This segment focuses on true worship.
Five racers, (Andi Airhead, Randy Ratchet, Ted Tirechanger, Wendy Wrench, Trudy Treadwear), are joined by a racer wannabe, singer Laps the Racer. The result is silliness with a message.

Sample of script:

Finding your purpose with true worship

Andi, Randy, Ted, Wendy and Trudy come on stage talking

Andi: So this fella says, “Surely they can build a car that will stand up to that kinda use.”

Randy: Some folks just don’t seem to realize an automobile is a finely tuned instrument, needs to be respected, looked after.

Ted: For a fact, whether you are amateur driver or pro, look after your vehicle people!

Wendy: Got two hundred thousand clicks on my car, yet it’s in like showroom condition!

Trudy: Sure Wendy, but you like baby that car of yours.

Wendy: Why not? After all, my car is my baby!

Laps comes strolling on stage, strumming guitar and singing, other actors watch, only mildly interested


Oh they call me a racer
I bin racin’ long time
For sure I’m a legend Only in my own mind.

Randy: Run for cover, it’s . . . him (her)!

Laps: Hey, just the guys I was looking for!

Andi: Hey Laps, what’s up?

Laps: My friend, Hector Headstrong, introduced me to this awesome new game and . .

Ted: You have a friend whose name is Hector Headstrong? That’s amazing!

Wendy: I find it even more amazing that you have a friend.

Laps: Anyways, my friend, Hector Headstrong, introduced me to red chipmunk racing.

Trudy: This Hector dude races chipmunks?

Laps: Sure does, and not just chipmunks, red chipmunks! Hector races as much as 32 days a month, and I plan to do the same.

Andi: That could be a tough thing to do, seein’s on the best of months there’s only like 31 days, . . . but then who’s counting?

Laps: So, anyways, I am gonna sign up to be a chipmunk racer

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Winning the race with God’s grace by finding purpose in life.

This is Segment #2 of 5 part drama. NOTE all segments can be ordered as standalone scripts, or as the complete series.
Winning the race is designed for VBS or children’s camp, but useful in all settings. The skit uses 5 racer drivers, who are, (to be kind), unique. But it all comes together to find God's purpose in our life through the theme of car racing, (and a motivating degree of good family-friendly humor , this to hold the attention of kids and their leaders LOL), to focus on finding purpose in life through the 5 segments indicated below:

  • This script, "Winning The Race - True Worship" focuses on TRUE WORSHIP, and is Segment #2 of 5 standalone segments, (the cost of purchasing scripts as individuals is, of course, much higher than ordering the complete series).
    • To purchase the complete series of 5 segments script click here
    • or for individual segments:
      • Segment #1 knowing and following Jesus (John 17:3) link
      • THIS Segment #2 through true worship (Mark 12:30) link
      • Segment #3 knowing God’s people (Ephesians 2:19) link
      • Segment #4 serving God (Ephesians 2:10) link
      • Segment #5 telling others about Jesus (Acts 1:8) link

Cast:     6

  • Andi Airhead
  • Randy Ratchet
  • Ted Tirechanger
  • Wendy Wrench
  • Trudy Treadwear
  • Laps the Racer, the singer and guitarist, (sorry we couldn't find anyone with talent but he comes free so . . .), but Laps is a wannabe singer and a wanna be racer
    • and all these work together to result in silliness with a strong Christian message

Bible Reference:    Mark 12:30

Set:      none really necessary, but race car paraphernalia would be useful

Lighting:        standard

  Sound:     wireless mics if available

Song:     an on-going song to the tune of “Oh I Never Shall Marry,” sung (very badly and off key) by Laps, who (badly) accompanies himself on the guitar.

SFX: sounds of race cars, horns, squeal of tires, sound heard around race tracks

Costumes:      car racing costumes would be useful

Props:      car racing items if available

Special Instructions:   none

  Time:     50 minutes (approximately 10 minutes each segment)

Sample of THIS "TRUE WORSHIP" SEGMENT #2 script:

Finding your purpose with true worship

Andi, Randy, Ted, Wendy and Trudy come on stage talking

Andi: So this fella says, “Surely they can build a car that will stand up to that kinda use.”

Randy: Some folks just don’t seem to realize an automobile is a finely tuned instrument, needs to be respected, looked after.

Ted: For a fact, whether you are amateur driver or pro, look after your vehicle people!

Wendy: Got two hundred thousand clicks on my car, yet it's in like showroom condition!

Trudy: Sure Wendy, but you like baby that car of yours.

Wendy: Why not? After all, my car is my baby!

Laps comes strolling on stage, strumming guitar and singing, other actors watch, only mildly interested


Oh they call me a racer
I bin racin' long time
For sure I'm a legend Only in my own mind.

Randy: Run for cover, it's . . . him (her)!

Laps: Hey, just the guys I was looking for!

Andi: Hey Laps, what's up?

Laps: My friend, Hector Headstrong, introduced me to this awesome new game and . .

Ted: You have a friend whose name is Hector Headstrong? That’s amazing!

Wendy: I find it even more amazing that you have a friend.

Laps: Anyways, my friend, Hector Headstrong, introduced me to red chipmunk racing.

Trudy: This Hector dude races chipmunks?

Laps: Sure does, and not just chipmunks, red chipmunks! Hector races as much as 32 days a month, and I plan to do the same.

Andi: That could be a tough thing to do, seein’s on the best of months there’s only like 31 days, . . . but then who’s counting?

Laps: So, anyways, I am gonna sign up to be a chipmunk racer

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