DramaShare Ministries

Win the Race - Serving God

Win the Race - Serving God

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Winning the race with God’s grace.
A segment of the 5 part drama, designed for VBS or children’s camp, uses the theme of car racing to focus on finding your purpose in life. This segment speaks of finding your focus by serving God.
Five racers, (Andi Airhead, Randy Ratchet, Ted Tirechanger, Wendy Wrench, Trudy Treadwear), are joined by a racer wannabe, singer Laps the Racer. The result is silliness with a message.

Sample of script:

Finding your purpose in the race by serving God

Andi and Trudy come on stage, speaking

Trudy: So, anyhow Becky just got back last night from the SCRA annual meeting in Phoenix.

Andi: I bet Becky would get a real up-close look at how things happen there. The Stock Car Racing Association does a great job and I know Becky will do great serving on the board of directors.

Trudy: Well she sure was excited about being elected to the board.

Andi: Becky has served on the local board for years so it’s not like she is new to making good decisions.

Trudy: Well Becky always says she learned a ton from serving on the executive with you Andi. You’ve always been serving over the years.Andi: What about all the years you have been a volunteer Trudy? When they gave you the “VIP Volunteer” award last year everyone I talked to said it couldn’t go to a more deserving person.

Trudy: We all do our bit Andi, no one is more deserving than anyone else.

Laps, comes on stage, singing, strumming guitar: Oh they call me a racer I bin racin’ long time For sure I’m a legend Only in my own mind.

Andi: Hi Laps, hey I was just talking about you to Lefty Speedball last night.

Laps: Lefty Speedball?

Andi: Yeh, Lefty, he’s in charge of recruiting crowd control people for the big race next month. I said maybe you would like to volunteer.

Laps: Me? Volunteer? And just where do you figger I am gonna carve out time in my hectic schedule to like volunteer?

Trudy: All of us are busy Laps, but without volunteers we simply couldn’t put on these great activities, racing just wouldn’t fly without dedicated volunteers.

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Winning the race with God’s grace, finding purpose in life by serving God.

This is Segment #3 of 5 part drama “Serving God”.
NOTE all segments can be ordered as standalone scripts, or as the complete series.
Winning The Race is designed for VBS or children’s camp, but useful in all settings. The skit uses 5 racer drivers, who are, (to be kind), unique. But it all comes together to find God’s purpose in our life through the theme of car racing, (and a motivating degree of good family-friendly humor, this to hold the attention of kids and their leaders LOL), to focus on finding purpose in life through the 5 segments indicated below:

  • This script, “Winning The Race – Serving” focuses on Serving God, and is Segment #4 of 5 standalone segments, (the cost of purchasing scripts as individuals is, of course, higher than ordering the complete series).
    • To purchase the complete series of 5 segment script click here 
    • or for individual segments:
      • Segment #1 knowing and following Jesus (John 17:3) link
      • Segment #2 through true worship (Mark 12:30) link
      • Segment #3 knowing God’s people (Ephesians 2:19) link
      • THIS Segment #4 serving God (Ephesians 2:10) link
      • Segment #5 telling others about Jesus (Acts 1:8) link

Cast:     6

  • Andi Airhead
  • Randy Ratchet
  • Ted Tirechanger
  • Wendy Wrench
  • Trudy Treadwear
  • Laps the Racer, the singer and guitarist, (sorry we couldn’t find anyone with talent but he comes free so . . .), but Laps is a wannabe singer and a wanna be racer
    • and all these work together to result in silliness with a strong Christian message

Bible Reference:    Ephesians 2:10

Set:      none really necessary, but race car paraphernalia would be useful

Lighting:        standard

  Sound:     wireless mics if available

Song:     an on-going song to the tune of “Oh I Never Shall Marry,” sung (very badly and off key) by Laps, who (badly) accompanies himself on the guitar.

SFX: sounds of race cars, horns, squeal of tires, sound heard around race tracks

Costumes:      car racing costumes would be useful

Props:      car racing items if available

Special Instructions:   none

  Time:     10 minutes (approximately 10 minutes each segment)

Sample of THIS “SERVING GOD” SEGMENT #4 script:

Finding your purpose in the race by serving God
Andi and Trudy come on stage, speaking

Trudy: So, anyhow Becky just got back last night from the SCRA annual meeting in Phoenix.

Andi: I bet Becky would get a real up-close look at how things happen there. The Stock Car Racing Association does a great job and I know Becky will do great serving on the board of directors.

Trudy: Well she sure was excited about being elected to the board.

Andi: Becky has served on the local board for years so it's not like she is new to making good decisions.

Trudy: Well Becky always says she learned a ton from serving on the executive with you Andi. You’ve always been serving over the years.Andi: What about all the years you have been a volunteer Trudy? When they gave you the “VIP Volunteer” award last year everyone I talked to said it couldn’t go to a more deserving person.

Trudy: We all do our bit Andi, no one is more deserving than anyone else.

Laps, comes on stage, singing, strumming guitar: Oh they call me a racer I bin racin' long time For sure I'm a legend Only in my own mind.

Andi: Hi Laps, hey I was just talking about you to Lefty Speedball last night.

Laps: Lefty Speedball?

Andi: Yeh, Lefty, he’s in charge of recruiting crowd control people for the big race next month. I said maybe you would like to volunteer.

Laps: Me? Volunteer? And just where do you figger I am gonna carve out time in my hectic schedule to like volunteer?

Trudy: All of us are busy Laps, but without volunteers we simply couldn’t put on these great activities, racing just wouldn’t fly without dedicated volunteers.

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