DramaShare Ministries

Win The Race Series

Win The Race Series

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Winning the race with God’s grace.
A 5 part drama, designed for VBS or children’s camp, uses the theme of car racing to focus on finding your purpose in life: by knowing and following Jesus (John 17:3), through true worship (Mark 12:30), by knowing God’s people (Ephesians 2:19), by serving God (Ephesians 2:10), by telling others about Jesus (Acts 1:8).
Five racers, (Andi Airhead, Randy Ratchet, Ted Tirechanger, Wendy Wrench, Trudy Treadwear), are joined by a racer wannabe, singer Laps the Racer. The result is silliness with a message.

Set: none really necessary, but race car paraphernalia would be useful

Costumes: car racing costumes would be useful

Sound: there is an on-going song done to the tune of “Oh I Never Shall Marry” and it sung (very badly and off key) by Laps, who (badly) accompanies himself on the guitar.

Time: 50 (each segment approximately 10 minutes)

Sample of first script:

First Segment: knowing and following Jesus

Andi, Randy, Ted, Wendy and Trudy come on stage talking

Andi: Like you said Trudy, the whole race season really comes down to the next big race.

Randy: Nothin’ wrong in that really Andi, that’s kinda the way it should be, one mega race, winner take all.

Ted: Whoooeee! Excitin’ is what Randy! Smell’a oil and burnin’ tire rubber . . . it just doesn’t get much better’n that!

Wendy: After all Ted, isn’t this what we all race for?

Trudy: For a fact Wendy, and, of course, to get my name on the big prize. I can see it all now, (mimes holding up a trophy), right there on the big trophy, “Winner – Trudy Tirewear!

Laps comes strolling on stage, strumming guitar and singing,(tune “Oh I Never Shall Marry”), other actors watch, only mildly interested

Laps: Oh they call me a racer
I bin racin’ long time
For sure I’m a legend
Only in my own mind.

sees audience, reacts

Laps: Heydee ho race car enthusiasts and otherwise hip and happy folks!
Laps the Racer here.

other actors look at Laps with blank look

Laps: Laps . . . the Racer here . . . I’m sure you have heard of me.

Andi: Actually I haven’t Laps, but pleased to know you . . I am Andi Airhead, (points to Randy), that there is Randy Ratchet, (points to Ted), and there’s none other than Ted Tirechanger, (points to Wendy), and I am sure you’ve heard of Wendy Wrench, (points to Trudy), and last but no way least is racer of the week, Trudy Treadwear.

Laps: Wha’d’ya mean, never heard of me?
My name is on everyone’s lips.
My adoring public follows me around day and night.
I am here to win the big race . . .
Way I see it I am pretty much a shoo-in to win.

Andi clears throat, Laps reacts

Laps: Well, I mean, there’s you and the other racers here too I mean and . .

Andi: Thanks for noticing.

Randy: Just who, or what, is Laps the Racer?

Laps, sings: Let me sang you the answer to that question

(Laps clears his throat, prepares to sing)

Me, me, me, me

Oh they call me a racer
I bin racin’ long time
For sure I’m a legend
Only in my own mind.

I was borned in Daytona
My first race in KC
All the races I sure know
Cause they’re like home to me

Ted: OK, I’ll ask, . . . if you are such a great racer, adoring fans all over, your name on everyone’s lips, why haven’t we ever heard of you, Laps the Racer?

Laps: Cause racin’s only half of what I do. Me, I’m a race car driver, but when I’m not burnin’ rubber I’m a sanger.

Wendy: A “sanger”?

Laps: Yep, shore am. Me, I’m a sanger sangin’ songs.

Trudy: On purpose?

Laps: Yep, pretty much so.

Trudy: A shame that, actually.

Andi: So, Laps, you telling us you will be driving in the next race then?

Laps: Well . . likely, just have two little details to work out first.

Randy: Little details? . . Care to give us a fer-instance?

Laps: Well, first, I need a car.

Ted: For sure that would help your chances of winning is my guess.

Andi: Last time I can recall a fella wining a car race without a car is . . (thinks) . . never actually.

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Winning the race with God’s grace by finding purpose in life.

This series is designed for VBS or children’s camp, but useful in all settings. The skit uses 5 racer drivers, who are, (to be kind), unique. But it all comes together to find God's purpose in our life through the theme of car racing, (and a motivating degree of good family-friendly humor, this to hold the attention of kids and their leaders LOL), to focus on finding purpose in life through the 5 segments indicated below, which are all included in this series package:

  • This script, Winning The Race Series, as the name implies is the entire collection of all 5 scripts in the series, (the individual 5 scripts can be purchased separately, however cost of purchasing individual scripts is, of course, higher than ordering the series).
    • To purchase this complete series of 5 segments script click here 
    • or to order each individual standalone segment, (ignore if selecting series above):
      • Segment #1 knowing and following Jesus (John 17:3) link
      • Segment #2 through true worship (Mark 12:30) link
      • Segment #3 knowing God’s people (Ephesians 2:19) link
      • Segment #4 serving God (Ephesians 2:10) link
      • Segment #5 telling others about Jesus (Acts 1:8) link

Cast:     6

  • Andi Airhead
  • Randy Ratchet
  • Ted Tirechanger
  • Wendy Wrench
  • Trudy Treadwear
    • Laps the Racer, the singer/guitarist, (sorry we couldn't find anyone with talent but he comes free so . . .), and all work together to result in silliness with a strong Christian message

Bible Reference:    John 17:3

Set:      none really necessary, but race car paraphernalia would be useful

Lighting:        standard

  Sound:     wireless mics if available

Song:     an on-going song to the tune of “Oh I Never Shall Marry,” sung (very badly and off key) by Laps, who (badly) accompanies himself on the guitar.

SFX: sounds of race cars, horns, squeal of tires, sound heard around race tracks

Costumes:      car racing costumes would be useful

Props:      car racing items if available

Special Instructions:   none

  Time:     50 (approximately 10 minutes each segment

Sample of first script, (all 5 scripts included in this package:

First Segment: knowing and following Jesus

Andi, Randy, Ted, Wendy and Trudy come on stage talking

Andi: Like you said Trudy, the whole race season really comes down to the next big race.

Randy: Nothin’ wrong in that really Andi, that’s kinda the way it should be, one mega race, winner take all.

Ted: Whoooeee! Excitin’ is what Randy! Smell’a oil and burnin’ tire rubber . . . it just doesn’t get much better’n that!

Wendy: After all Ted, isn’t this what we all race for?

Trudy: For a fact Wendy, and, of course, to get my name on the big prize. I can see it all now, (mimes holding up a trophy), right there on the big trophy, “Winner – Trudy Tirewear!

Laps comes strolling on stage, strumming guitar and singing,(tune “Oh I Never Shall Marry”), other actors watch, only mildly interested


Oh they call me a racer
I bin racin' long time
For sure I'm a legend
Only in my own mind.

sees audience, reacts

Laps: Heydee ho race car enthusiasts and otherwise hip and happy folks!
Laps the Racer here.

other actors look at Laps with blank look

Laps: Laps . . . the Racer here . . . I’m sure you have heard of me.

Andi: Actually I haven’t Laps, but pleased to know you . . I am Andi Airhead, (points to Randy), that there is Randy Ratchet, (points to Ted), and there’s none other than Ted Tirechanger, (points to Wendy), and I am sure you’ve heard of Wendy Wrench, (points to Trudy), and last but no way least is racer of the week, Trudy Treadwear.

Laps: Wha’d’ya mean, never heard of me?
My name is on everyone’s lips.
My adoring public follows me around day and night.
I am here to win the big race . . .
Way I see it I am pretty much a shoo-in to win.

Andi clears throat, Laps reacts

Laps: Well, I mean, there’s you and the other racers here too I mean and . .

Andi: Thanks for noticing.

Randy: Just who, or what, is Laps the Racer?

Laps, sings: Let me sang you the answer to that question

(Laps clears his throat, prepares to sing)

Me, me, me, me

Oh they call me a racer
I bin racin' long time
For sure I'm a legend
Only in my own mind.

I was borned in Daytona
My first race in KC
All the races I sure know
Cause they’re like home to me

Ted: OK, I’ll ask, . . . if you are such a great racer, adoring fans all over, your name on everyone’s lips, why haven’t we ever heard of you, Laps the Racer?

Laps: Cause racin’s only half of what I do. Me, I’m a race car driver, but when I’m not burnin’ rubber I’m a sanger.

Wendy: A “sanger”?

Laps: Yep, shore am. Me, I’m a sanger sangin’ songs.

Trudy: On purpose?

Laps: Yep, pretty much so.

Trudy: A shame that, actually.

Andi: So, Laps, you telling us you will be driving in the next race then?

Laps: Well . . likely, just have two little details to work out first.

Randy: Little details? . . Care to give us a fer-instance?

Laps: Well, first, I need a car.

Ted: For sure that would help your chances of winning is my guess.

Andi: Last time I can recall a fella wining a car race without a car is . . (thinks) . . never actually.

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