DramaShare Ministries

Win the Race - know Gods People

Win the Race - know Gods People

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Winning the race with God’s grace.
A segment from a 5 part drama, designed for VBS or children’s camp, uses the theme of car racing to focus on finding your purpose in life. In this segment we focus on knowing God’s people.
Five racers, (Andi Airhead, Randy Ratchet, Ted Tirechanger, Wendy Wrench, Trudy Treadwear), are joined by a racer wannabe, singer Laps the Racer. The result is silliness with a message.

Winning the race with God’s grace, finding purpose in life by knowing and TRUE WORSHIP.

This is Segment #3 of 5 part drama “KNOWING GOD’S PEOPLE”.
NOTE all segments can be ordered as standalone scripts, or as the complete series.
Winning The Race is designed for VBS or children’s camp, but useful in all settings. The skit uses 5 racer drivers, who are, (to be kind), unique. But it all comes together to find God's purpose in our life through the theme of car racing, (and a motivating degree of good family-friendly humor, this to hold the attention of kids and their leaders LOL), to focus on finding purpose in life through the 5 segments indicated below:

  • This script, "Winning The Race – Knowing God’s People" focuses on Knowing God’s People, and is Segment #3 of 5 standalone segments, (the cost of purchasing scripts as individuals is, of course, higher than ordering the complete series).
    • To purchase the complete series of 5 segment script click here 
    • or for individual segments:
      • Segment #1 knowing and following Jesus (John 17:3) link
      • Segment #2 through true worship (Mark 12:30) link
      • THIS Segment #3 knowing God’s people (Ephesians 2:19) link
      • Segment #4 serving God (Ephesians 2:10) link
      • Segment #5 telling others about Jesus (Acts 1:8) link

Cast:     6

  • Andi Airhead
  • Randy Ratchet
  • Ted Tirechanger
  • Wendy Wrench
  • Trudy Treadwear
  • Laps the Racer, the singer and guitarist, (sorry we couldn't find anyone with talent but he comes free so . . .), but Laps is a wannabe singer and a wanna be racer
    • and all these work together to result in silliness with a strong Christian message

Bible Reference:    Ephesians 2:19

Set:      none really necessary, but race car paraphernalia would be useful

Lighting:        standard

  Sound:     wireless mics if available

Song:     an on-going song to the tune of “Oh I Never Shall Marry,” sung (very badly and off key) by Laps, who (badly) accompanies himself on the guitar.

SFX: sounds of race cars, horns, squeal of tires, sound heard around race tracks

Costumes:      car racing costumes would be useful

Props:      car racing items if available

Special Instructions:   none

  Time:     10 minutes (approximately 10 minutes each segment)

Sample of THIS "KNOWING GOD" SEGMENT #3 script:

as actors come on stage they, talk to each other and wave, talk to unseen friends off stage

Trudy: That was some exciting race on TV wasn’t it?

Wendy: Awesome is what Trudy! And the way Terry Pitblaster rounded that last turn, and shot across the finish line ahead of all the other cars, that was like unbelievable!

Ted, points offstage:
Speaking of Terry Pitblaster, look, there he is, in person! Hey Terry, good seein’ ya, congrats on that big win buddy!

Randy: Wow, isn’t it something Ted, seein’ all the racers, knowing them by name, feels real . . real special is what!

Andi: Sure is special, knowing all the racers!

Laps, comes on stage, singing, strumming guitar: Oh they call me a racer

I bin racin' long time
For sure I'm a legend
Only in my own mind.

Andi: OK, so there is some of the racers that it's better you don’t know. Hey buds, how's all my friends in the racin’ biz?

Trudy, points offstage:Hey will you look at that . . . Flyin’ Frankie Ferrari!

Laps: And he would be . .?

Trudy: Only the three-time winner of the Indy 500! Hey Frankie, great seein’ ya again old friend!

Wendy, points offstage:
Theresa! Hey, how are you? Great win at Atlanta, some car you have there girl!

Laps: Do you guys know every racer around?

Wendy: Well Laps, you gotta understand, we’ve been in the racin’ scene for like, forever, sooner or later you get to meet all the guys.

Andi: Over there, in the yellow jumpsuit, that there is Tommy Tyrone, has been racing in Europe, verrryyyy successful!

Trudy: Yah, and, over there, (points offstage), Allan Firestone, winningest driver in NASCAR history. (waves) How’s things Allan, ma man?

Wendy: There’s Tanya Toronado. She has had such a rotten string of troubles lately . . blew her engine at KC when she had a for-sure winner in the last lap. (shouts off stage) You hang in there Tanya, the kind of luck you have had lately can’t last!

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