DramaShare Ministries

Will You Be There

Will You Be There

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Monologue contemporizes Peter’s denial of Jesus. Points out how easy it is to talk about following Jesus but how we desert our faith when the going gets tough.

Peter's denial of Jesus is chronicled in a contemporary way.
Points out how easy it is to talk about following Jesus but how we desert our faith when the going gets tough.

Cast: 1 f (monolog)

Bible Reference:

  • Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, John 13, 18

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 8

Sample of script:

Boss says, “Will you be there for me?’

I says, “Count me in, I will be there.”

Boss says, “Going against public opinion’s rough, like salmon swimmin’ upstream in flood season.”

I says, “When have I let you down? Like I said, you can always count on me.”

Yeh, right! Famous last words!

Sorry, didn’t do the intros did I? Name’s Pete. Pete Stone. Me, I work over at Rock Solid Mechanical. New Outlets Coordinator is the tag that shows on my business card.
Good job, exciting mostly, I get to do my thing.

Boss, Jess Cross, he is a dream to work for, high on training, high on incentives, pushes a fella to do his thing, stretches his people more than a bit. Jess, he told me that he was gonna use me to build up outlets all over the country. “Rock Solid is gonna be around the globe, and Pete, you will be the guy carrying the ball!,” Jess says. Sounded really nice, flattering kinda, scary a bit too, fact is.

Tough business we are in, know what I mean? Competition can be intense sometimes, and some of our competition is well connected, politically speaking. So, thing best to do is you watch your back, careful not to do or say anything that could be used against you. Well, best thing it truly is, but hardly the boss’ way of doing business.

Old Sam Heddrens, he runs the show over at Temple Mechanical, he has it in for all us guys at Rock Solid Mechanical, especially for Jess. See Jess he don’t mince no words when it comes to how things is, how things oughta be, just says his piece, take it or leave it. And when you are that way chances are you can get folks lining up to poke holes in your balloon, first chance they get.

Sam Heddrens’ feelings about Jess they go way back, back before Jess got the reputation he’s got today. One of the original employees at Rock Solid, fella name of John Baptone, he set up over by the river, just off of Desert Road. All kinds of locals they went out to see John, listen to what he had to say. Folks from Temple Mechanical they dropped by too, trying to trick John into making product claims he couldn’t back up. John, he was another one of those “say it like it is” fellas, called them guys a pack of snakes, told them they better get lost, clean up their act, and right quick-like. Told them that just ‘cause they was in the union, had their fancy engineering degrees, that did no way mean they was above the law. As you likely figgered, this kind of talk by John didn’t get him on the invitation list for Sam Heddron’s Temple Mechanical Christmas bash! Then when Jess Cross showed up on the scene, making statements, not kowtowing to Sam and his bunch, things just heated up that much more, seems like.

Anyhow, then’s then, now’s now. Things have just been goin’ from bad to worse, feelings running high, all us guys wonderin’ what’s gonna blow where. Now it’s the big SEMEA convention time at Capitol City. . . . . SEMEA. . . . . South Eastern Mechanical Engineering Association. All us guys in the business, obviously we are gonna be there.

When us Rock Solid guys got to the hotel we got together for a private meeting, top floor of the conference hotel. Jess, he was acting really different, kinda scary matter of fact.
Jess he had a private little chat with Jude Iscar, Rock Solid Treasurer. Me, I couldn’t hear all that went on, except Jess he says, “Look, you gotta do what you gotta do, go do it!” And with that Jude he took off like he had a herd of stampeding buffalo on his tail. Truth is I never was a real big fan of Jude’s but hey, he has his job to do, bills seemed to be paid on time, my pay check never came in late. Besides, who ever figured out those accounting types, way I see it.

About then Jess he starts talking about he’s gonna be going away, going to be arrested.
What? Look, most often Jess he said some things would set a fella on his ear, but never nothing like this before. So, me, I say, look, they want to take you down, the road to you runs straight through me!

That’s when the boss says: “Will you be there for me?’

I says, “Count me in, I will be there.”

Boss says, “Going against public opinion’s rough, like salmon swimmin’ upstream in flood season.”

I says, “When have I let you down? Like I said, you can always count on me.”

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