DramaShare Ministries

Where the Pastor is King

Where the Pastor is King

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Celebrating a pastor’s fiftieth anniversary in the ministry, expressing appreciation for a pastor’s dedication to God and church. Pastor’s name happens to be “King”.

Cast: 8
Shelly and Maria are mid to late teens
all others (3 girls and 3 boys) are pre to early teens

Set: none

Lighting, sound: standard

Props: none

Sample of script:

Shelly, Maria, Helen, Jenna & Susie come on stage chatting, Helen, Jenna & Susie are looking around, impressed

Helen: Wow, this is nice!

Shelly: If you like our church, you’re gonna be real excited about the people at this church!

Maria: Folks around here at (name of church) are real, and real nice too!

Jenna: Things for us kids to do here?

Shelly: Lots of activities for all ages here at (name of church).

Susie: Can’t see anyone around.

Maria: Hey well it’s early, just you wait, the place will be bustling soon enough.

Billy, Bobby and Peter come on stage, Helen, Jenna and Susie move toward the boys, leaving Shelly and Maria separate from the rest

Susie, looking at the boys, big smile: Gotta hand it to you Shelly, Maria, there for sure are people here at (name of church) to get excited about!

Jenna: And lots of people for young women like ourselves to get to know, real well!

Helen, to boys: Do I assume that you men are members of (name of church)?

Billy, looking around, confused: Huh?

Bobby, looking around, confused: Men?

Peter, pushes Billy and Bobby out of the way, big smile at girls: For sure, we (emphasize) men . . are indeed members of this here church. . . . And do we assume that you ladies are new to this church, perhaps looking for a church home, . . . perhaps?

Your pastor is having an anniversary, or there is a birthday, or birth of a child in the congregation.

This script is all about celebrating significant happenings in YOUR church, DramaShare can quickly write a script designed to  meet the need, whether a pastor's anniversary in the ministry, the addition of a youth pastor, the birth of a child, the marriage of two church members. And it will not have the "TO THE HOUSEHOLDER" type of feeling, we will talk about your specific situation. We are including this script since it points out what DramaShare can do for your church, writing, expressing appreciation for what is happening in YOUR church.

Cast:    10 (m versus f can be adjusted, as can numbers of actors)

  • mid to late teens:
    • Shelly, mid to late teens
    • Maria, mid to late teens
  • pre to early teens:
    • Jenna
    • Susie
    • Helen
    • Jenna
    • Susie
    • Billy
    • Bobby
    • Peter

Bible Reference:    Ephesians 4:11

Set:    blank

Lighting:       standard

  Sound:     wireless mics if available

Song: none

SFX: appropriate greeting during church service

Costumes:      standard

Props:     none

Special Instructions:   none

  Time:     10

Sample of script:

Shelly, Maria, Helen, Jenna & Susie come onstage chatting, Helen, Jenna & Susie looking around, impressed

Helen: Wow, this is nice!

Shelly: If you like our church, you’re gonna be real excited about the people at this church!

Maria: Folks around here at (name of church) are real, and real nice too!

Jenna: Things for us kids to do here?

Shelly: Lots of activities for all ages here at (name of church).

Susie: Can’t see anyone around.

Maria: Hey, well it's early, just you wait, the place will be bustling soon enough.

Billy, Bobby & Peter enter stage, Helen, Jenna and Susie move to boys, Shelly & Maria are apart from the rest

Susie, looking at the boys, big smile: Gotta hand it to you Shelly, Maria, there for sure are people here at (name of church) to get excited about!

Jenna: And lots of people for young women like ourselves to get to know, real well!

Helen, to boys: Do I assume that you men are members of (name of church)?

Billy, looking around, confused: Huh?

Bobby, looking around, confused: Men?

Peter, pushes Billy & Bobby out of the way, big smile at girls: For sure, we (emphasize) men . . are indeed members of this here church. . . . And do we assume that you ladies are new to this church, perhaps looking for a church home, . . . perhaps?

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