DramaShare Ministries
Where Jesus Walked
Where Jesus Walked
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An Easter message recounts the many healing miracles performed by Jesus.
During his ministry healing was a priority, including some that we may not consider in the list of his miracles. Includes Upper Room Maundy Thursday scene, the crucifixion, the resurrection. Uses standard music and a Jewish song and dance.
Includes full staging suggestions and uses standard music and a Jewish song and dance.
Performed many times around the world including Mt Airy COG in Philadelphia
Cast: 28, 4 female and 24 male:
- Doctor Luke, older narrator
- Amos, younger narrator/singer
- Jesus
- the twelve disciples
- Stamos, the centurion
- 1st thief
- 2nd thief
- Segment parts:
- Abraham, the bridegroom whose water was turned into wine
- Jeremiah, the man with the withered hand
- Ruth, the invalid woman
- Eli, temple official
- Joseph, a man born blind
- Lazarus, who Jesus raised from the dead
- Mary, sister of Lazarus
- Martha, sister of Lazarus
- Jacob, the farmer into whose herd of pigs the demons were cast
- Elizabeth, the hemorrhaging woman who was healed touching Jesus’ robe
- Crowd made up of men, women and children to be used in various segments
- NOTE: Since most of the actors in the Upper Room scene have limited parts in the other segments, some of these roles could easily be combined, in fact some or all of the actors in the segments, as well as Stamos and the two thieves could be played by the actors who play the disciples.
- Also, some segments could be deleted if necessary, with some change in the narration.
Bible Reference: John 2:1
- Main acting area will have Upper Room scene with table with chairs in the background, extreme stage right. This set, other than table, will be fairly bare, might be windows on back wall which would be visible only when the spotlights are on the table.
- Tomb/Hill will be off to the side, extreme stage left. This will be made up of a deck approximately 8’ high, 12’ or more wide and 5’ or more deep, and will be firmly moored to the floor and/or wall so it is secure. On this deck the narrators will stand and, later, the crucifixion will take place, so it must be sufficiently substantial to safely carry the weight of three grown men.
- The crucifixion at the hill of Calvary will happen on the top of what is in other scenes the tomb. Since we do not want to see the outline of the crosses until the crucifixion scene, the crosses may either be laying on top of the deck until required, or better, could slide upright down into the tomb, (through the deck), when not in use for crucifixion scene. The crosses would be very light as they are used as a visual only. The men “on the crosses” are actually standing on the top of the deck, backs to the audience, and their hands are supported by holding on to handles which are attached to the backside of the crosses.
- The visual look of the tomb/ hill is actually a very narrow front made of a painted backdrop or more elaborate set made of papier mache or polystyrene and which is attached to the front of the deck.
- (DramaShare has plans available to assist in creating the visual front).
- The opening for the tomb can be a separate block of polystyrene. Hang black cloth inside the opening to the tomb so no reflections will be seen when the tomb is open.
- Note that the visual front is approximately 6” higher than the deck so that the feet of the men on the cross can not be seen, thus the audience will not be aware that the men are standing on the deck and not on the cross. NOTE: in venues where there is a balcony for the audience the visual front may need to be higher so that the top of the deck can not be seen, (although this will be unlikely since the lighting level will be low).
- In many cases this tomb/hill will be used to hide the piano to keep it out of sight, piano can easily and safely be stored under the deck.
- A relatively low light level will be maintained at most times therefore only a few spotlights are desirable, to focus selectively on the Upper Room, the narrators, the crucifixion and the individual healing segments. The key will be to position and control the lighting in such a way as to be able to isolate small areas of the stage: the table in the Upper Room, narrators and the crucifixion on the raised stage, individual segments on the main acting stage.
Sound: wireless mics if available
- If desired / preferred the narrator’s voices, or some others, could be pre-recorded.
- As well as the songs suggested in the script, (or in place of them), other songs could be added between some or all segments.
- He Touched Me by William Gaither
- Adir Hu (Jewish song) (request music and sound files)
- I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked by Daniel S. Twihig
- Because He Lives by William Gaither
- Jewish Dance:An optional dance is shown as part of the Upper Room scene. This same dance could alternatively be part of any/or the Abraham wedding segment and/or at the closing of the entire drama.
SFX: none
Costumes: standard
- pitcher of water
- wash basin
- towels
- chair
- cups
- loaf of bread
- table and chairs for Upper Room scene
Special Instructions: none
Time: 120 minutes, (if all segments and songs are used)
Sample of script:
In the dark the narrators are heard from their position on the hilltop raised stage
Amos: Just look at the people, Doctor Luke. Sickness, injury, illness, infirmity, disease, all around us!
lights 50% up on top of hill
Amos: We doctors are few, how are we to heal them, meet their needs, Doctor Luke?
Luke: They need a touch from the great physician.
Amos: The great physician? They call you the great physician Doctor Luke.
Luke, chuckling:Me? Hardly me, young Doctor Amos.
Amos: Then who?
Luke: Jesus. The Christ.
Amos: The Christ? But he is dead! What healing would be done by a dead man?
Luke: The Christ is many things, dead is not one of them.
Amos: But sir, I respect you, however the facts are that . . . .
Luke: Then young Doctor Amos, if you respect me you will respect my words.
Amos: Forgive me Doctor Luke, but how could a man like myself, a learned man, one devoted to science and learning, how could I bring myself to believe that a man who was crucified, dead and buried, how could he work some healing from the grave. I am sorry sir, unless I could see this healing with my own eyes, then and only could I believe!
Luke, chuckling:Are you sure your name is Amos and not Thomas? But I caution you Amos, don’t let your profound knowledge get in the way of understanding.
Amos: I am sorry sir, I was impertinent, forgive me.
Luke: You have a brilliant mind Amos, weigh the evidence for yourself. Let me review for you just a few examples of the healings performed by the Christ.
Amos: But sir, how can you be sure of these things, have you seen them with your own eyes?
Luke: Young and doubting Amos, my friend and co-worker in healing, I ask you, of the many medical procedures in which you received instruction, how did you validate these procedures as being legitimate? Did you see the originator of that procedure as he first proved it to be reliable?
Amos: No, no of course I didn’t, but I read reliable documents, spoke to those who had seen the procedures first hand.
Luke: Well said young Amos! And so it was that I was a constant companion of Paul and a close friend and confidant of many who saw first hand the healings that happened. And to prove all this to my own mind I have read and researched countless documents.
Amos: So all of the healings have been written down, recorded?
Luke, chuckling:No, certainly not all the things which Christ did in his time on earth were recorded, for as my friend John, the disciple of Christ said in his recounting of facts, “if every one of them were written down, surely the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.”
Amos: Then how can one honestly evaluate . . .
Luke: Please, let me give you a sampling of that which I know to be true and which I can substantiate. Firstly it is important to understand that Jesus was able to do these miracles because of the power of God which was in him.
Amos: And this power was proven in the presence of witnesses?
Luke: Many witnesses indeed. An excellent manifestation of his power came early, before the reputation of Jesus had swept the country.
lights begin to go down on top of hill, and up on main acting stage where Abraham is standing alone. This switch in lighting continues until by the time Abraham speaks he can be clearly seen and Luke and Amos are in darkness
Luke: Jesus, his disciples, his mother Mary and many of their family were invited to a wedding in Cana . . .
(Optionally) wedding segment opens with a Jewish dance.
This song, Adir Hu, is a traditional dance song, and we have audio files and lyrics as shown below, as well as sheet music, although the music may not be the same as the audio file. Adir Hu goes through several different tunes so to speak.
(see the full script for dance details)
Lights focus on Abraham and Mary
Abraham: Mary, this is a disaster! My wedding day, and this happens! My life, my career, my position in the community, in the temple, will be destroyed!
Mary: Be still, Abraham, you must think clearly.
Abraham: Think clearly? Woman, I am marrying the daughter of one of the most influential families in the region. The whole town has been invited, guests had traveled many days to be there.(points to guests)Look, it is a beautiful day, the opulence of the feast, the beauty of my bride, the music, the dancing, the wine!Oh no, Mary, the wine! I am told we have run out of wine!
Mary: It is understandable Abraham, it is a hot day, and your guests are thirst.
Abraham, annoyed:Understandable? All that anyone will understand is that I have failed as a host, I have disgraced myself! The day is ruined!
Mary, thinking: Perhaps not. Give me a moment with my son.
Abraham: I have no idea what you have in mind, but whatever it is, do it quickly! See, already some of the guests are getting thirsty . . . and restless.
Mary goes to Jesus who is seated with the disciples, talks to him
Mary: Son, Abraham is in dire need and you must help.
Jesus: Help?
Mary: There is no more wine.
Jesus: Then talk to a wine vendor, not I.
Mary: There is no time. You can help, if you will, and you must.
Jesus: Woman, it is not yet my appointed time.
Mary: Situations alter that which is planned.(Mary motions to a servant, Jesus leaves with servant)Go with him and do all he asks of you.
Mary moves back to Abraham
Mary: All is under control.
Abraham: Under control? I am about to be ridiculed, here comes the one who will cast the first stone.
a person quickly approaches Abraham, slaps him on the back
Person: There he is, our esteemed host! (starts to smile) Everyone brings out the choice wine first, and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now. Truly I am impressed!
person pats Abraham on the back, moves back into crowd
Abraham, to Mary: Was it your son Jesus who was responsible for this miracle? How, how did he do this? Is there no limit to his powers?
Mary: Limits? No, I fear no limits at all.
lights slowly down on main acting stage, until only a pinpoint light focuses only on Mary’s face, as her faces turns into a thoughtful frown, then lights go to full off.
Slowly lights up on Luke and Amos on the hill
Amos: An amazing story. Is it true?
Luke: It is true.
Amos: Amazing! But although a miracle, still not a healing, not the restoring of a healthy body. This healing of a body takes more than plain water and a life is far more worthy than even the most amazing wine.
Luke: You are fully right in what you say. Listen as I tell you of Stamos, the centurion.
lights down on the hill, up on main acting area where Jesus comes into sight, a moment later joined by Stamos
Luke: Jesus was entering Capernaum when a centurion from the local garrison came out to meet him . . .
Stamos: Lord, listen to me . .
Jesus: You, a Roman soldier would talk to me, a Jew?
Stamos: I am a leader in our army with 100 soldiers answering to me, yet I would give it all if you would agree to my request.
Jesus: And your request is?
Stamos, distraught: My servant is deathly ill, I fear he will die. I know that only you can save him.
Jesus: I will go to your house and heal your servant.
Stamos: Lord, I'm not good enough for you to come into my house. Just give the order, and my servant will get well.
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