DramaShare Ministries
What's It Worth?
What's It Worth?
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“What’s It Worth” is a short dramatic script in the form of a TV game show about the lure of the world’s temptations, and what we may or may not be willing to sacrifice to achieve them.
Keywords: temptation, wealth, Satan, soul, materialism
Bible Reference: Matthew 26:/p>
Cast: 2 males, 1 female, 1 (male) offstage voice
LOU, 30-50
BILL, 30-50
MARCIE, 30-50
ANNOUNCER, voice only
Set: A “game show” set: two podiums side-by-side, video projection screen above and behind.
Special effects: Recorded applause, “game-show theme” and “Jeopardy” music, a ringing bell (boxing-match type), screen images of game-show logo, sports car, and item list.
Props: None
Costumes: “Contestants” wear street clothes, “host” wears overly-garish sport coat & tie.
Lighting: Standard
Sound: Standard
Special instructions:
All (royalty-free) recorded sounds and images required for this scene are available from DramaShare.
Time: 5 min.
Sample of script:
The scene opens on a dark stage
And now, it’s time for America’s favorite game show, What’s It Worth! Here’s your host, Lou Cypher!
SFX: A video screen showing a game-show logo, SPRIGHTLY GAME-SHOW MUSIC, and RECORDED APPLAUSE
Lights rise to reveal two game show contestants, MARCIE and BILL, standing at podiums. A game show host, LOU CYPHER, swiftly enters.
LOU, exuberantly:
Hey, hey, hey! Hello and welcome to What’s It Worth; the show where you can win it all, as long as you’re willing to lose it all! Let’s meet our contestants, shall we? First up is a struggling single mother with four beautiful kids. Give it up for Marcie!
MARCIE, grinning and waving nervously):
Hi, everybody!
LOU: Our second contestant is also our reigning winner, who’s made it all the way through to the finals. A genuine risk-taker, let’s hear it for Bill!
BILL, waving with confidence:
LOU: All right, then, let’s get started. First up is Marcie. (points to video screen) Marcie, here’s your prize!
A brand-new luxury car!
SFX: A video screen projection of an expensive sports car, RECORDED APPLAUSE
Marcie SQUEALS and CLAPS delightedly.
SFX: A video screen projection of a short list: GROCERY BUDGET, HOUSE PAYMENT, COLLEGE FUND
LOU, pointing to the screen:
Here’s what you can trade: your grocery budget, your house payment, or your oldest daughter’s college fund. Okay, Marcie, it’s up to you. What’s it worth?
MARCIE, anxiously:
Oh, gee, Lou, I just don’t know. That’s such a beautiful car,
And I’d just love to have it, but I really need to make all those other
LOU: I understand, Marcie. (waving at screen) But take a look at that beauty. You’d be the envy of all the other moms with their perfect families and their wonderful lives. (temptingly) Surely that’s worth just a little sacrifice?
The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.
Lure of the world's luxury temptations is in the form of a TV game show.
What we may or may not be willing to sacrifice to achieve these "luxuries" is the message of this drama.
Keywords: temptation, wealth, Satan, soul, materialism
Well written by DramaShare member Randy Harding.
Cast: 4 m or f
- LOU, 30-50
- BILL, 30-50
- MARCIE, 30-50
- OSV (Offstage voice) ANNOUNCER
Bible Reference: Matthew 26:41
- “game show” set two podiums side-by-side, video projection screen above and behind.
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
Lighting: standard
- Recorded applause
- “game-show theme” and “Jeopardy” music
- a ringing bell (boxing-match type)
- screen images of game-show logo, sports car and other items list.
Props: none
- “Contestants” wear street clothes
- “host” wears overly-garish sport coat & tie.
Special Instructions:
- All (royalty-free) recorded sounds and images required for this scene are available on the internet, for assistance contact DramaShare
Time: 5
Sample of script:
The scene opens on a dark stage
ANNCR (VOICE ONLY): And now, it's time for America's favorite game show, What's It Worth! Here's your host, Lou Cypher!
SFX: Video screen showing a game-show logo, SPRIGHTLY GAME-SHOW MUSIC, and RECORDED APPLAUSE
Lights up show contestants, MARCIE and BILL, at podiums.
LOU CYPHER, quickly enters.
LOU, exuberantly: Hey, hey, hey! Hello and welcome to What's It Worth; the show where you can win it all, as long as you're willing to lose it all! Let's meet our contestants, shall we? First up is a struggling single mother with four beautiful kids. Give it up for Marcie!
MARCIE, big smile, waves nervously): Hi, everybody!
LOU: Our second contestant is also our reigning winner, who's made it all the way through to the finals. A genuine risk-taker, let's hear it for Bill!
BILL, waving, confident: Hello!
LOU: All right, then, let's get started. First up is Marcie. (points to video screen) Marcie, here's your prize!
ANNCR (VOICE ONLY): A brand-new luxury car!
SFX: video screen shows an expensive sports car,
Marcie SQUEALS and CLAPS delightedly.
LOU, pointing to the screen: Here's what you can trade: your grocery budget, your house payment, or your oldest daughter's college fund. Okay, Marcie, it's up to you. What's it worth?
MARCIE, anxiously: Oh, gee, Lou, I just don't know. That's such a beautiful car, . . . And I’d just love to have it, but I really need to make all those other payments.
LOU: I understand, Marcie. (waving at screen) But take a look at that beauty. You'd be the envy of all the other moms with their perfect families and their wonderful lives. (temptingly) Surely that's worth just a little sacrifice?