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DramaShare Ministries

Watch The Lamb

Watch The Lamb

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Cast Number

Watch The Lamb.
A Human Video script, (no music or video), to Ray Boltz' song. This is mime to music. The body and hands tell the story with words and music. A beautiful moving drama for all ages

Katherine Menagh of Ottawa said:
"Thank you and your ministry for all the help you gave me! The Lord was with me and He was delighted with the Human Video of Watch The Lamb. I gave it to the Lord as a First Fruit offering of my devotion to Him. Many people in the audience were weeping,"

 I'll take that as a good sign.

Cast: 4+

  • Father
  • Son A
  • Son B
  • Soldier
  • Any number for crowd scene

Bible Reference: Luke 23, 24

Set: standard

Sound: none


  • Watch The Lamb song by Ray Boltz

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 4

 Sample of script

As the performance opens, Father and Son A and Son B come on from the upstage center toward the downstage center, looking around as though looking at new sites, some excitement on faces, occasionally stepping aside as an unseen traveler passes by, waves hello, and shake hands.

Father’s left arm is in a position as one would cradle a lamb. Note, prepare very thoroughly for this as to what size the lamb would be, length and width, weight.

Maintain the size throughout the drama.


Walking on the road to Jerusalem

The time had come to sacrifice again

While still walking, Father would lovingly pet the lamb, hand showing the profile of head, neck, back of lamb.

My two small sons they walked beside me down the road

The two “sons” do not necessarily have to be either male nor small.
They should stay to the sides, (Son A to the Right, and Son B to the Left), and behind the father, peering around Father, excitedly and inquisitively. They should be crouched down to appear smaller.

The reason that they came was to watch the lamb. . .

Father will proudly show off the lamb to the sons, Son B will reach around and pet the lamb.

They said, Daddy, daddy what will we see there
There’s so much that we don’t understand

Sons will tug on father’s arms, touch his shoulder to get his attention, lip sync the words.

So I told them of Moses and Father Abraham

Father looks over one shoulder then the other, points with index finger as though instructing the sons.

And then I said dear children watch the lamb

Father smiles at lamb and at both sons, nods head affirmatively.

There will be so many in Jerusalem today

Father and children appear to be jostled around by the crowd, father would try to protect children and also the lamb.

We must be sure this little lamb doesn’t run away

Father smiles lovingly at lamb and at both sons, nods head affirmatively

And I told them of Moses and Father Abraham

Father looks over one shoulder then the other, points with index finger as though instructing the sons.

And then I said dear children watch the lamb

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