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DramaShare Ministries

Walk To Calvary

Walk To Calvary

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Cast Number

Jesus is forced to carry his cross up the painful, tragic hill to Calvary.

After a rigged trial, interrogation by unwilling Herod and Pilate, beatings by soldiers and condemnation by the same crowd that sung his praises as he triumphantly entered the city just days before . . .  A short monologue.

Cast:  1 monolog (m or f)

Bible Reference:    Matthew 27:32-33

Set:  bare

Lighting:  standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song:  none

SFX:  none

Costumes:  likely traditional

Props: none

Special Instructions:   none

Time: 2

Sample of script:

actor comes slowly on stage, frightened, feeling the pain of the happenings, slowly throughout

(Narration begins, solemn and heavy with emotion.)

Now condemned to die, they led Him outside the city gates.

(A pause, as if witnessing the scene unfold.)

Forced to carry His own rough-hewn crosspiece, each step brought excruciating pain…
as the cruel wood dug into His flesh…
the bloody flesh left hanging from His back…
having been sliced by the merciless scourging of soldiers and the jeering crowd!

(A moment of shame and remorse, reflecting on the betrayal.)

The same crowds that praised Him at Bethany,
who, with shouts of “Hosanna!”
spread a carpet of palm branches before Him as He rode into Jerusalem…
who urged Him on as He confronted the officious temple leaders…

These same crowds now took sport in mocking Him,
spitting in His face,
ridiculing His pronouncement as the Son of God!

(Eyes lower, as if witnessing Jesus struggling under the weight of the cross.)

Thus it was that He, prodded and pushed,
took the long walk up the slope to Golgotha
the Place of the Skull

The infamous place called…


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