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DramaShare Ministries

Waiting For the Present

Waiting For the Present

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Witnessing, attending church outreach activities.

We must use all the powers that God gave us in order to be a fruitful witness and a mentor to others. Jesus taught by example and so must we.

A hard-hitting, easily staged message with some comedy.

Cast: 3 m or f

  • Billy
  • Bobby
  • Bert

Bible Reference: Acts 2

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none or add a few chairs, throw in a revival sign or let your imagination soar.

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 15

Sample of script:

Revival Meeting

(Bobby and Bert are sitting around, looking bored. Billy enters.)

BILLY: Hi guys, what’cha doin’?

BOBBY: Hi, Billy. Not doin’ much, actually. Just hangin’.

BERT: Yep, that’s it, Billy. Just hangin’.

BOBBY: Kinda borin’, this. Me ‘n Bert, all by ourselves, just waitin’ for somethin’ to happen.

BERT: You said it, Bobby! Borin’. That’s what!

BILLY: So, now that we’ve settled on the theory that all this waiting is boring... what now?

BOBBY: What now, what, Billy?

BILLY: What are you going to do? Seeing as how just hangin’ is borin’, what are you planning to do to change things?

BERT: Change? Why’d we wanna change?

BOBBY: Yeh, seems like that’d be kinda silly! Change? Why for’d we change? Nope, I don’t think so, Tim. Me ‘n Bert, we’re just hangin’. Just gonna be hangin’.

BILLY: That’s... that’s just—well—silly, that’s what! I mean, you are bored here, yet you don’t plan to do anything about it! It just doesn’t figure!

BERT: Oh, and Billy, I s’pose you’ve got mega-plans—what you’re gonna do, right? As if!

BILLY: Well, yes, as a matter of fact, I am going to the fairgrounds for the big revival meeting.

BOBBY (laughs): Revival? You are gonna leave all this and head out to a... revival? Well, I have never heard of anything so, so...

BERT: silly, that’s what! And I s’pose there’s gonna be thousands of people out there at this—this... what did you call it?

BILLY: Revival meeting.

BERT: Oh, yeh—revival meeting.

BILLY: And no, I don’t expect there will be thousands of people at the revival meeting. More likely hundreds of people, I would expect.

BOBBY: So, hey, there you go then! Hundreds of people, you say. And just how do you expect a revival with only hundreds of people? Tell me that, will ya?

BERT: What do ya do at these here— (thinks)—revival meetin’s?

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