DramaShare Ministries
Wait For A Miracle
Wait For A Miracle
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The disciples wait for the Pentecost experience.
Trusting Jesus even when the wait seems useless. Knowing His word to be true. Jesus does performs miracles through the mighty power of God.
Trusting Jesus even when the wait seems useless. Knowing His word to be true. Jesus does performs miracles through the mighty power of God.
Cast: 8
- Peter
- Matthias
- Levi
- Mark
- Mary Magdalene
- Thomas
- Dan
- Thaddeus
Bible Reference: Acts 2:1
- bare stage with at least one curtain at Upstage Center, sufficiently large to be clearly seen by audience
Lighting: standard
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
- with great care, and warning all participants in advance, the use of strobe lights or, (preferred), by flashing regular lighting on multi-coloured aluminum foil, giving impression of flickering flames of fire over the heads of the actors
- a curtain(s) at Upstage Center, sufficiently large to be seen by audience, at the point in the drama indicated in the script, a small fan located behind the curtain is turned on giving the impression of a a breeze
- at the same time as indicated with curtain, sounds of breeze and door rattling
Costumes: likely traditional
Props: none
Special Instructions: none
Time: 10
as lights come up some actors are sitting, laying, standing, most in prayer positions. After a few seconds Peter and Matthias come on stage, move to USC position, all eyes on Peter
Levi: What now, Peter?
Peter: I have brought brother Matthias, chosen by God to take his place as one of the twelve, in place of the betrayer.
Levi: No, I meant, how much longer must we wait?
Peter: Waiting is never easy, yet wait we will, as the Lord instructed. You heard Him, “wait here in Jerusalem.”
Mark: But, He talked in riddles, told us to wait for "the gift My Father promised", to be "baptized with the Holy Spirit". What can that mean? How will we know it has happened?
Mary Magdalene: Mark, I know that for men waiting and wondering has always posed problems. You recall that morning after visiting the tomb, I burst in, talking, as you put it, “utter nonsense.”
Peter: I remember, Mary Magdalene. Your announcement about Jesus risen from the dead, being alive, it, well, it seemed too much to believe.
Thomas: I admit I was one who didn't believe; but when Peter proved it and when the Lord appeared, when I was able to examine Him closely, there was no denying it had happened!
Peter: Many people have seen Him Thomas; right up to when He was taken up to heaven; that was when He told us to wait here. That is what we will do.
Dan: Still, it’s the waiting. Makes me wonder if there is reason to hold on . . .
Mary Magdalene: Dan, He instructed us: “just a few days more”.
Levi: It has already been a few days. Nothing!
Thaddeus: But the fellowship we've shared: praying, seeing those who scattered after the crucifixion. It’s good to be with brothers, get ready for the ministry of which He spoke. Think of it! Me, Thaddeus, to the ends of the earth!
Mark: But why to Samaria? What have Samaritans done to deserve salvation?
Thomas: Mark, it’s not what the Samaritans, nor ourselves, have done to deserve salvation, it’s what Jesus has done.
Peter: The time here hasn’t been lost. There has been time for prayer and preparation. It gave God the chance to choose the right person to replace Judas. (arm around Matthias) Matthias, here is God’s excellent choice.
Levi: We are to tell the whole world the Good News? Did you notice, most of us are not well educated. If we are to travel throughout the world how do we handle different languages? I speak only two languages; many of you are not even that gifted.
Mary Magdalene: What did He say? “You people have so little faith!” Jesus performed many miracles: He raised Lazarus from the dead, He cured the lame, the blind. And, don’t forget He, Himself rose from the dead! And we are concerned about a simple language barrier?
Dan: Perhaps you are right, Mary Magdalene. We will wait a little longer.
Mark: Wait? And do what?
Thomas: I suggest we do exactly as He told us, sit here quietly in this upper room, locked in our thoughts, our prayers, as we await His promise.
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