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DramaShare Ministries

Wabbits, Eggs, and Weasons for Readers Drama

Wabbits, Eggs, and Weasons for Readers Drama

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Children, eggs and rabbits learn the reason for celebrating Easter in this easily staged open book Readers drama.

Only basic memorization is required but practice is essential to understand basics of speaking properly and with proper emphasis. Extra non-speaking actors would be great.
An easily produced children’s drama for Easter or at anytime of the year.

 Cast:    8

  • The Easter Egg
  • Willy Wabbit
  • Pastor (or leader in the church)
  • Charlie, smaller child
  • Becky, negative kind of character
  • Norm, a "chip on the shoulder" kind of character
  • Tony, swings from negative to positive during drama
  • Sue, the positive person


 Lighting:   Normal lighting

     Lapel or directional microphones very important.

 Song:     none

 SFX:       none

 Costumes: Children and Pastor standard, Egg and Willy dressed as egg and bunny. If full costumes unavailable just a hint of rabbit ears, picture of egg, etc.

 Props:    All actors with spoken lines, (SLA), sit behind a large table.
All non-speaking actors (NSLA) sit at separate table painting eggs, (in sing / dance segments actors quickly stand, do activities, then freeze.
Need plastic eggs and paint brushes at NSLA table.

Special Instructions:   none

 Time:   9

Sample Scripts

Charlie:           Hi, Becky, what are you guys doing?

Becky, points to NSLAs :
Well those guys are painting Easter eggs.

Charlie, points to SLA:  
What about you guys?

Norm:   I am not getting covered in paint!

Tony:    Well, there’s that but mostly I have such a great speaking voice!

Becky:    And who told you that Tony Anderson!

Tony:   My Mom says I’ll be a great TV newsman.

Norm:   Maybe don’t give up your day job!

Sue:   Charlie we're painting Easter eggs red.

Becky:     I don't think we have any extra eggs for Charlie.

Charlie, sad:    So I don't have an egg?

Norm:    Then you don't have an Easter! Can’t have my eggs!

Charlie starts to cry

Sue:   You guys made Charlie cry! You can have some of my eggs Charlie!

Becky:  Who needs silly old Easter eggs at Easter?

Easter Egg comes on stage, reacts

Egg:   Who said that? “Who needs Easter eggs?” Just everyone, that's what! No eggs, (beat) Easter's cancelled!

Charlie cries harder

Sue:    Easter will be fine, don’t listen to some overstuffed egg.

Egg:    Not just some egg I'll have you know! I am The Easter Egg!

Egg starts marching in a circle around the stage.

Egg, chants, sing-song:
Me, I'm The Easter Egg, I'm the reason for Easter

Egg waves to NSLA actors, says:
Come on guys, let's celebrate the reason for Easter . . .  Me!

All  NSLA actors march around the stage, following Egg, sing:
He is The Easter Egg, He is the reason for Easter!
He is The Easter Egg, He is the reason for Easter!

Willy, onstage: What's the wacket out here? (to Egg) And, hewwo bweakfast!

Egg:   I happen to be the one and only, The Easter Egg, the reason for Easter!

Willy, laughs: Mr. Sunny-Side-Up says he's the weason for Easter! I wove it! Gotta tell this one to the guys at the cawwot patch! Guys, let's show eggy-poo who weawwy is the weason for Easter!
Me, I'm The Easter Wabbit, I'm the weason for Easter

Egg waves to the NSLA actors who join him
He is The Easter Wabbit, He is the weason for Easter!
He is The Easter Wabbit, He is the weason for Easter!

Egg:  What makes you think that you, a carrot cruncher, could be the reason . . .

Willy:   A cawwot cwuncher! Did you call me a cawwot cwuncher? You wascal!

Charlie:  Why do you think you’re the reason for Easter? I mean, why do people go to church at Easter if you are the reason for Easter.

Egg:     Not me, I don't go to church!

Willy:   Me neither, I don't think wabbits are even awwowed (allowed) in church.

Sue:    My grandpa said we go to church to celebrate Jesus dying on the cross.

Norm:  Yeh, right! As if we would go to church just ‘cause somebody died!

Sue:    It's not because somebody died, it's because somebody came back to life.

Becky:    As if! No way someone can die and come back to life!

Norm:     A fairy tale is all! Likely the Easter Egg is the reason for Easter.

Tony:   OK but what if the Egg is only a fairy tale?

Willy:    Tony is wight! Not too wikewy some Easter Egg would be the weason for Easter! It's me, Willy Wabbit!

Charlie:   I agree with Sue. Probably has something to do with going to church. Too bad there’s no one to tell us the real reason for Easter.

Pastor comes on stage

Pastor:      Did I hear someone talking about the reason for Easter?

Charlie:    Yeh, see, the Easter Egg, he says he is the reason . . .

Egg:       Right, and everyone knows that's true, I mean, after all, I . . .

Pastor:   Sorry, Easter Egg, you look great, but you’re not the reason for Easter.

Willy:    I told you you're not the weason for Easter! I’m the weason for Easter.

Pastor:   Sorry, Willy, you are a fun part of Easter, but you aren't the reason either.

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