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Virtuous Woman

Virtuous Woman

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No matter your lifestyle, background or occupation, all women can be virtuous, pleasing God

Sample of script:

Each actor is standing at center stage in a row across the stage, with sufficient room between each actor so the spotlight picks up only on actor at a time. When spot is on the speaking actor, all other actors are in total darkness.

Scene opens spot comes up on ‘Housewife’. Speaking begins when spot is totally up.

Housewife: Here we go again, another exciting day. Ya right! (Looks up and raises voice). Andrea and Lisa, for the last time, you are going to miss your bus! (Smiles and shakes her head.) Those girls! I love them so much, but I’m sure they’d forget their heads if they weren’t attached.. They sure have changed my life, that’s for sure. I never knew how amazing children and a husband could make you feel! (smiles, retrospective) You know, I thought I had things all figured out. Right after high school, I would go on to college, earn a journalism degree. Then I would get a job reporting for the country’s top news authority, and after precisely seven and one-half years of a successful career, I would meet Mr. Right.

Why seven and one-half years you ask? Isn’t it obvious? It is an established fact that it had taken precisely seven years and six months for the last two Pulitzer prize-winning female journalists to win this recognition, and I had no real reason to expect that my journey would be one less traveled. Nor moreso. And as for Mr. Right, he would be a freelance writer who could work out of our home, so that he could look after our 2.5 children, which would be born exactly five, then eight years into our marriage. I, of course, would continue on in my journalism career enabling us to pay off our mortgage and two SUV’s in 8.3 years.

(Laughs to herself.)

. Oh, I thought I had it all figured out, didn’t I? And did it work out exactly as planned? Well . . . not quite . . and . . . not at all, actually. I did meet a guy, but actually that happened early on, in grade 10 actually. Was he Mr. Right? Well, certainly at least Mr. Has-Possibilities! Anyhow, we fell madly in love and married the day after our high school graduation. So much for the seven and one half year wait. And the babies came a little sooner than I had planned, as we were only neatly newlyweds when the news of impending twins was delivered to us, and that they would be arriving two weeks before our first wedding anniversary. Oh, and my freelance writer husband actually turned out to be a struggling insurance salesman, traveling seven days a week so that we could make minimum payments on our bills. And no, I never did get that journalism degree, and not one single person has ever paid one dime to read the mind-bending revelations which are stored up and tucked away in my mind. But I want to tell you my breakthroughs in nose wiping and potty training are stuff legends are made of!

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

No matter your lifestyle, background or occupation, all women can be virtuous, pleasing God
Key words: virtuous woman strength pleasing to God

Cast: 4 females

  • Housewife
  • teacher
  • teenager (older teenager)
  • school principal (older lady)

Bible Reference: Proverbs 31:10-31

Set: blank

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none


  • 2 spotlights to illuminate speaker

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions:

  • actors standing at center stage in a row across the stage, with sufficient room between each actor so the spotlight features only one actor at a time. When spot is on the speaking actor, all other actors are in dark

Time: 14

Sample of script:

Scene opens spot comes up on ‘Housewife’, speaks

Housewife: Here we go again, another exciting day. Ya right!
(Looks up and raises voice).
Andrea and Lisa, for the last time, you are going to miss your bus!
(Smiles and shakes her head.)
Those girls! I love them so much, but I’m sure they’d forget their heads if they weren’t attached.. They sure have changed my life, that’s for sure. I never knew how amazing children and a husband could make you feel!
(smiles, retrospective)
You know, I thought I had things all figured out. Right after high school, I would go on to college, earn a journalism degree. Then I would get a job reporting for the country’s top news authority, and after precisely seven and one-half years of a successful career, I would meet Mr. Right.

Why seven and one-half years you ask? Isn’t it obvious? It is an established fact that it had taken precisely seven years and six months for the last two Pulitzer prize-winning female journalists to win this recognition, and I had no real reason to expect that my journey would be one less travelled. Nor moreso.
And as for Mr. Right, he would be a freelance writer who could work out of our home, so that he could look after our 2.5 children, which would be born exactly five, then eight years into our marriage. I, of course, would continue on in my journalism career enabling us to pay off our mortgage and two SUV’s in 8.3 years.

(Laughs to herself.)

. Oh, I thought I had it all figured out, didn’t I? And did it work out exactly as planned? Well . . . not quite . . and . . . not at all, actually. I did meet a guy, but actually that happened early on, in grade 10 actually.
Was he Mr. Right?
Well, certainly at least Mr. Has-Possibilities!
Anyhow, we fell madly in love and married the day after our high school graduation. So much for the seven and one half year wait. And the babies came a little sooner than I had planned, as we were only neatly newlyweds when the news of impending twins was delivered to us, and that they would be arriving two weeks before our first wedding anniversary. Oh, and my freelance writer husband actually turned out to be a struggling insurance salesman, travelling seven days a week so that we could make minimum payments on our bills.
And no, I never did get that journalism degree, and not one single person has ever paid one dime to read the mind-bending revelations which are stored up and tucked away in my mind. But I want to tell you my breakthroughs in nose wiping and potty training are stuff legends are made of!
I guess you could say that life hasn’t been real easy, nor anything close to what I’d planned, but I guess that why we need reminders that God’s in control, not us. I never thought that instead of wearing $200 leather high heels to my executive corner office, I’d be wearing slip-on sneakers that don’t even match! My daily challenges may not be the same as they would be in corporate America, but, tell me, how many business executives know how to get gum out of shag carpet? (Smiles.)
. God sure calls us to different places. Places that He has designed specifically for us. Instead of treating life as boring and tedious, I need to remember God has designed me to be a woman of virtue, a woman who pleases God in all she does.

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