DramaShare Ministries

Upon This Foundation

Upon This Foundation

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A meeting is held to set out the guidelines and operating parameters of a new church and there is “good” input as to what is needed and advisable for a culturally inclusive church. But the voice of Jesus keeps interrupting the proceedings.
Drama illustrates the understanding of the Advent season, can be used at any time of year.
Cast: 10 in total, Danny, Lady #1, #2, #3, Man #1, #2, #3, Narrators #1 & #2, Voice of Jesus. Note – roles could be doubled up, could be male or female
actors are seated, a meeting is going on
Danny: I’d like to welcome everyone here tonight to this meting as we set out to form our new Elm Street Church. My name is Danny Banda, and I have served as chairman on the formation committee. Now then, can I ask for your input as to the kinds of things we need to consider in getting this church off the ground, so to speak?
Voice Jesus: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God.
Danny: Er, yes, thanks, thanks for your comment, sir. Fine, now then, anyone else?
Lady #1: Well, coming from an old established church, I believe what you need to do is start off with a good, well-balanced family-oriented offering, something for everyone.
Lady #2: I agree! We need to be sure we have something to offer the young people. So many bad influences around, now-a-days! What is the church for if not to provide good training for our young people? If they don’t learn in church, then where, I always say!
Man #1: I don’t disagree with what you ladies are saying, but, really, aren’t we, well, aren’t we putting the proverbial horse before the cart?

A meeting discusses guidelines and operating parameters of a church.

There is “good” input as to what is needed and advisable for a culturally inclusive church. But the voice of Jesus keeps interrupting the proceedings.
Drama illustrates the understanding of the Advent season, can be used at any time of year.

Cast: 10 m or f

  • roles could be doubled up, could be male or female
  • Danny
  • Lady #1, #2, #3
  • Man #1, #2, #3
  • Narrators #1 & #2
  • Offstage Voice of Jesus

Bible Reference: Matthew 6:33

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 7

Sample of script:

actors are seated, a meeting is going on

Danny: I’d like to welcome everyone here tonight to this meting as we set out to form our new Elm Street Church. My name is Danny Banda, and I have served as chairman on the formation committee. Now then, can I ask for your input as to the kinds of things we need to consider in getting this church off the ground, so to speak?

Voice Jesus: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God.

Danny: Er, yes, thanks, thanks for your comment, sir. Fine, now then, anyone else?

Lady #1: Well, coming from an old established church, I believe what you need to do is start off with a good, well-balanced family-oriented offering, something for everyone.

Lady #2: I agree! We need to be sure we have something to offer the young people. So many bad influences around, now-a-days! What is the church for if not to provide good training for our young people? If they don’t learn in church, then where, I always say!

Man #1: I don’t disagree with what you ladies are saying, but, really, aren’t we, well, aren’t we putting the proverbial horse before the cart?

Danny: I am afraid I don’t follow you. 

Man #1: Well, I’m a businessman, and what I’m saying is, first things first. 

Danny: Meaning? 

Man #1: Meaning, this is a church, but it’s a business, too, I want to tell you. And we need to be sure we have a solid foundation for this new church. 

Danny: And a solid foundation would be . . . 

Voice Jesus: The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 

Danny, embarrassed: Ahhh, yes, yes, of course, now then, (looking at Man #1), you were saying, sir? 

Man #1: I was saying, we need a firm financial and organizational foundation if we are to be of value in this neighborhood. 

Man #2: We have so many things to do. How do we know what we should do first? 

Voice Jesus: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. 

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