DramaShare Ministries

Unfinished Mishmash

Unfinished Mishmash

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God’s work in our life is on-going, we are His “unfinished business”. His work in our lives brings us to completion, as He works in our lives
2: What 1 is saying, 3, is that when he finishes, this will likely, maybe, likely, be a house. Maybe.
1: When I finish? I will have you know that what you are looking at is the completed article.
2: This? This is a finished house?
1: Yeppers! Finished, done-zo, fini.
3: My only question is what finished it? Earthquake, tornado, act of God?

God's work in our life is on-going, we are His "unfinished business."
But His work in our lives brings us to completion, a constant but pleasant rebuilding of our inner being. Trouble is when we try to "finish the unfinished business" ourselves the result can turn into "unfinished mishmash."

Cast:    5 + crowd

  • 5 speaking parts, all m or f
    • #1 the leading actor, not real cerebral, is convinced he is much more proficient than the world knows he's not
    • #2 tries to be supportive of #1 by seeing the bright side
    • #3 more honest in not supporting #1
    • #4 mindset much like #3
    • #5 mindset much like #3
  • any number of non-speaking parts, these actors are critical to the skit as they direct the audience's perception to an acting spot and attitude existing only in the mind of actors and audience.

Bible Reference:    John 17:23

Set:      bare

Lighting:        standard

  Sound:     wireless mics if available

Song:     none

SFX: none

Costumes:      standard leisure clothing

Props:     none

Special Instructions:

All actors mime the existence of a house which is, (by their reactions): just downstage, or off to right, or left hand from their location. When the intent is that the house is small: all eyes and heads move downward and face shows unacceptability, when the house is large all eyes and heads move upward and face shows approval. Attention of all actors, including non-speaking crowd, is constantly and uniformly directed to those spots.
Ensure that in characterization and rehearsals the exact and consistent location, size and acceptance of the house is established for consistency. The audience must be convinced the non-speaking actors have uniformly bought in through "suspended belief."
Any number of non-speaking actors for crowd, have some of the crowd enter with each new speaking actor coming on stage. Ensure the non-speaking actors are at least as well trained as speaking actors since their roles must be even more convincing without being overdone, reacting appropriately to current tempo and feeling: (smile, snicker silently when correctness happens, sorrow when a hurtful thing is said, all agree at appropriate times). Correct reactions are essential as new situations happen, not "telegraphed" to the audience in advance.

  Time:     7

1 comes on stage, stands back, looks at his house, very satisfied look

1: Hey, gotta do say it myself, lookin’ sweeeeet!
All those guys tryin’ to tell me, “this is gonna be tough, no experience here, how can I do it?”
Guess I showed them, huh?
Like I say . . . swwwwweeeeeeeeeetttttt!

2 and 3 and some crowd come on stage, watch what 1 is doing, after a short time speak

2: Hey 1, whatcha doin’? That’s a. . . that’s a. . .

1: Hey 2, 3. Right on, 2, a house. Exactly.

3: A house? That... is a house?

1: Of course. See, don’t you like the style?

2: What 1 is saying, 3, is that when he finishes, this will likely, maybe, likely, be a house. Maybe.

1: When I finish? I will have you know that what you are looking at is the completed article.

2: This? This is a finished house?

1: Yeppers! Finished, done-zo, fini.

3: My only question is what finished it? Earthquake, tornado, act of God?

1:  You guys’re always the big jokers, come on now, be serious for a minute, be honest, have you ever seen anything like this?

2:  No problem being honest on that one, I have never, ever, in my whole life seen anything that comes close to this.

1: Hey guys, you just don’t know what it means to me, hearing you say such nice things about this house that I built. You maybe didn’t know, it’s the first house I ever did build.

3: Actually, I would have guessed that. Really. I would have.

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