DramaShare Ministries

Try a Little Gentleness

Try a Little Gentleness

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A young person, an ex-convict with a background of drug abuse, tries coming home to start all over, and is met with not quite open arms.
The importance of accepting someone who has paid for their crime, and is in need of a second chance; forgiving as Jesus does.

Sample of script:

Jan walks to center stage and stands alone. A group of people are standing at opposite side of stage, speaking quietly.

Margie walks up to Jan with a pitcher in her hand offering to refill her drink

Margie: Hi, like some more tea?

Jan: Oh, thank you.

Margie: I’m Margie. Are you new around here?

Jan: I’m Jan, glad to meet you. I’m sort of new around here, I lived here as a child, thought I would come back for a fresh start in life.

Margie: Oh that’s nice! Well we’re glad to have you back, have a seat.

Jan: Thank you. It’s so nice to be back in town! I almost forgot what it was like to live in a small community.

Margie: Oh, why did you move away?

others come closer, speaking among themselves quietly, then start listening to Jan

Jan: After college I had a job opportunity that seemed to good to pass up. You know, big money, big city, big apartment, all the glitz and glamour … (fades off into deep thought).

Margie: Wow and now you have decided to come back here?? (notices ankle bracelet). What is that?? (pointing to at Jan’s ankle)

Jan: Oh, this. (sighs, looks at ankle) Well, I got mixed up in the party scene and before I knew it I was experimenting with drugs. I got caught one day with some illegal prescription drugs I had bought from a so called friend. To make a long story short I ended up going to the state pen and now I’m on probation and have to wear this lovely anklet.

Margie: OK, but . . I heard that drug users almost always go back to using. And they try to talk others into doing drugs too. Drug users even steal from their families to support their disgusting habit! I can’t believe you came back here to live, we don’t need any druggies here, go back to your big city. You’ll never make it here, the cops know who you are and they’ll be watching you. (she gets up to walk away)

Jan: But that’s not true, I never stole from anyone, and now that I’m off the drugs I’ll never take them again, I learned my lesson…. Wait, you don’t understand…….. (Margie storms away).

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

A young ex-convict, background of drug abuse, tries coming home to start all over.
Unfortunately she is met with not quite open arms.
The importance of accepting someone who has paid for their crime, and is in need of a second chance; forgiving as Jesus taught.

Cast: 6 m or f

  • Jan, convicted felon out after serving sentence
  • Margie, doesn't trust Jan
  • Ann
  • Jody
  • Tina
  • Bruce, wants to be Jan's support

Bible Reference: Colossians 3:13

Set: bare

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • barbeque
  • security ankle bracelet
  • 3 or more folding chairs
  • plastic pitcher
  • napkin
  • plastic cups

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 12

Sample of script:

Jan comes to centerstage, stands alone. At opposite side a group are speaking quietly.
Margie holding pitcher crosses to Jan, offers to refill Jan's drink

Margie: Hi, like some more tea?

Jan: Oh, thank you.

Margie: I'm Margie. Are you new around here?

Jan: I'm Jan, glad to meet you. I'm sort of new around here, I lived here as a child, thought I would come back for a fresh start in life.

Margie: Oh that's nice! Well we’re glad to have you back, have a seat.

Jan: Thank you. It's so nice to be back in town! I almost forgot what it was like to live in a small community.

Margie: Oh, why did you move away?

others come closer, speaking quietly among themselves, start listening to Jan

Jan: After college I had a job opportunity that seemed to good to pass up. You know, big money, big city, big apartment, all the glitz and glamour … (fades off into deep thought)

Margie: Wow and now you have decided to come back here?? (notices ankle bracelet) What is that?? (pointing to at Jan's ankle)

Jan: Oh, this. (sighs, looks at ankle) Well, I got mixed up in the party scene and before I knew it I was experimenting with drugs. I got caught one day with some illegal prescription drugs I had bought from a so called friend. To make a long story short I ended up going to the state pen and now I'm on probation and have to wear this lovely anklet.

Margie: OK, but . . I heard that drug users almost always go back to using. And they try to talk others into doing drugs too. Drug users even steal from their families to support their disgusting habit! I can't believe you came back here to live, we don't need any druggies here, go back to your big city. You'll never make it here, the cops know who you are and they'll be watching you. (she gets up to walk away)

Jan: But that's not true, I never stole from anyone, and now that I'm off the drugs I'll never take them again, I learned my lesson.... Wait, you don't understand…….. (Margie storms away)

Jan sits in shock, head down. The other ladies begin talking among themselves.

Ann: Whoa, did you hear that? Margie was sure nasty to that lady.

Jody: She sure was.

Tina: Yeah, but that's a felony offence.

Ann: Still no reason to talk so mean to a person.

Tina: You're right about that, but would you want to hang out with a known felon? Look, she has to wear that box on her ankle. Everyone would think you are a bad person as well. I know I don't want my reputation trashed by associating with people like that.

Jody: Yeah, you're right. My momma use to say "birds of a feather flock together". Hey, I’m president of the PTA; can you imagine what the parents would think of me if I hung out with her? (turns to leave)

Ann: Gosh, you're right Jody. I might lose my job at the city hall if I hang around people like that.

Tina: I respect myself too much to associate with criminals, let's go.

Tina, Jody and Ann move to far side of stage
Bruce walks on stage, sees Jan crying, moves to Jan, sits down beside her

Bruce: Hi, I'm Bruce. (pause) Is the food that bad? . . . That’s was a joke, you might have missed it . . . Can I help you with something? (hands her a napkin)

Jan: No, just go away.

Bruce: I'm sorry, I can't just go away. Something is wrong and maybe I can help.

Jan: I said go away!

Bruce: Okay then, I'll just go over here.

Bruce moves to another seat, Jan looks up

Bruce: Boo!

Jan: I told you, please just leave me alone.

Bruce: I see a very upset young lady sitting here and I want to help her.

Jan: Look, I'm not the type of person you want to be seen with okay? Now, get out of here.

Bruce: What type of person are you?

Jan: defiantly stands up, screams: I'M A CONVICTED FELON, A EX-DRUG USER, SCUM OF THE EARTH, NOW GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!

Jan crumbles to the floor, crying

Bruce: And what is your name miss convicted felon? (gently helps her up)

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