DramaShare Ministries

Trending Transformation

Trending Transformation

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Theme:       The power of God making transformative changes in lives. Comparing this to how a butterfly is transformed from egg through pupa to the glorious perfection, the butterfly. Easily performed drama with humour, roles can be combined to reduce cast size.


Bible Reference:      Roman 12:2


Cast:         12 (m or f) likely teens


Set, Sound, Costumes:       standard


Props:        phone, watch, papers


Time:        9


Sample of script:


Jenna comes onstage, obviously waiting for something, checks watch, shakes head, move, repeat

After a few seconds Gary and Tina come onstage, watch Jenna, confused


Gary:        Ummm, ahh . . . Jenna . . .


Jenna ignores, continues as above


Tina:         Jenna, mind telling me exactly kinda what you are doing?


Jenna:        Oh sorry Tina, hi Gary. Well, thing is I am wondering when my Dad will be done.


Gary:        Your dad is coming to pick you up? . . . My Mom is going to pick me up, we can give you a ride home Jenna.


Jenna, frightened look:
Nooooooo! . . . I do not want to go home until I am sure Dad is . . .  finished!


Greg, Alex & Brett come on stage, listen


Tina:         Finished? . . . What is your dad doing Jenna?


Jenna:        Dad is . . . (frightened look) . . . renovating our home!


Brett, fear:    No, not your dad! . . . I mean . . .


Greg:        Someone’s gotta . . . like . . . stop him!


Alex:        This could be dangerous . . . a disaster!


Jade, Nicky & Parker rush on stage, worried!


Jade:         Jenna, I heard your dad is renovating your home!


Parker:       Surely your Mom talked your dad out of such a terrible idea!


Jade:         After the last carpentry disaster surely someone would stop your dad!


Shelby, Sydney & Whitney rush onstage


Whitney:      Jenna, can you talk your dad out of this foolishness?


Jenna:        You know my father, when he gets an idea . . . !


Sydney:      I remember how your dad destroyed his last project!


Whitney:      Yah but last time he was working on a bird house so no biggie! But this is like . .  a house, . . . your house!


Jenna:        Dad said it was time for a renovation! . . . Said he wants to transform the place!


Greg:        Transform from a house to what though? . .  Shouldn’t transformation result in something better?


Whitney:      Yeh, like a butterfly.

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

The power of God making transformative changes in lives. Comparing this to how a butterfly is transformed from egg through pupa to the glorious perfection, the butterfly. Easily performed drama with humour, roles can be combined to reduce cast size.

Cast:         12 (m or f) likely teens
Cast: 12 m or f

  • Jenna
  • Gary
  • Greg
  • Alex
  • Brett
  • Tina
  • Jade
  • Ricky
  • Parker
  • Shelly
  • Sydney
  •  Whitney
      • roles could be combined to reduce

Bible Reference: Romans 12:2

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • phone, watch. papers

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 9

Sample of script:

Jenna comes onstage, obviously waiting for something, checks watch, shakes head, move, repeat
After a few seconds Gary and Tina come onstage, watch Jenna, confused

Gary:        Ummm, ahh . . . Jenna . . .

Jenna ignores, continues as above

Tina:         Jenna, mind telling me exactly kinda what you are doing?

Jenna:        Oh sorry Tina, hi Gary. Well, thing is I am wondering when my Dad will be done.

Gary:        Your dad is coming to pick you up? . . . My Mom is going to pick me up, we can give you a ride home Jenna.

Jenna, frightened look:
Nooooooo! . . . I do not want to go home until I am sure Dad is . . .  finished!

Greg, Alex & Brett come on stage, listen

Tina:         Finished? . . . What is your dad doing Jenna?

Jenna:        Dad is . . . (frightened look) . . . renovating our home!

Brett, fear:    No, not your dad! . . . I mean . . .

Greg:        Someone’s gotta . . . like . . . stop him!

Alex:        This could be dangerous . . . a disaster!

Jade, Nicky & Parker rush on stage, worried!

Jade:         Jenna, I heard your dad is renovating your home!

Parker:       Surely your Mom talked your dad out of such a terrible idea!

Jade:         After the last carpentry disaster surely someone would stop your dad!

Shelby, Sydney & Whitney rush onstage

Whitney:      Jenna, can you talk your dad out of this foolishness?

Jenna:        You know my father, when he gets an idea . . . !

Sydney:      I remember how your dad destroyed his last project!

Whitney:      Yah but last time he was working on a bird house so no biggie! But this is like . .  a house, . . . your house!

Jenna:        Dad said it was time for a renovation! . . . Said he wants to transform the place!

Greg:        Transform from a house to what though? . .  Shouldn’t transformation result in something better?

Whitney:      Yeh, like a butterfly.

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