DramaShare Ministries
Transfiguration, USA
Transfiguration, USA
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It's nice on the mountain but we must work in the world
Sample of script:
Johnica and Petrina wander onto stage, talking as they enter
Johnica: Yep, you’re right, another awesome day in paradise.
Petrina: Ever since I moved here, why, I just can’t get over what a spectacular town you have here.
Johnica: Spectacular, certainly all that and more. Transfiguration is one gorgeous place to live. Such a beautiful view from up here on the mountaintop, above the smog and the pollution that is all around down below. Nice homes, clean streets, no crime, everyone helps everyone, kindness abounds. What more could you want?
Melody comes on stage
Johnica: I believe we have a new guest here. Good day to you, (sir/madam), my name is Johnica, this here is Petrina, welcome to Transfiguration, USA. You’re new to these parts, aren’t you?
Melody: Hello, yes, just arrived, good to meet you, Johnica, Petrina. Sorry, my name is Melody.
Petrina: It’s a pleasure; I know you will just enjoy every minute here, such a gorgeous, hassle-free place. Can’t see why anyone would ever want to live anywhere else.
Melody: Well, I must say, being new I haven’t learned everything about the place yet, but what I have seen so far, I am very impressed. How long since you guys got here?
Johnica: Let’s see, four years for me come May 8th. I came here by way of Outreach, made my way through Discovery, then headed down Joy Boulevard, took the High Road to Transfiguration. Been here ever since.
Petrina: Really, I didn’t know the route you traveled Johnica. Me, my route was a little different, I was traveling through Goodlife County, by accident it seemed like I happened upon Good News subdivision, got pulled over into Water Immersion Way, and the rest, like they say, is history. Been living across the road here in Faithful Ones Village since I turned the bus around, just better than 18 months ago.
Johnica: What about you, Melody, you booted it on down Glory Freeway coming here to Transfiguration?
Melody: No, actually I kind of a round about way here. I had been living in Despairville for many years, until finally I found myself on Deadend Turnpike, realized I needed help, so I turned in to a Wayside Assistance Center, and asked the Person in charge for a complete makeover.
Johnica: Interesting kinda thing, never heard of anyone traveling that road before, but to each his own, like I always say. But then, like I was saying, you booted it on down Glory Freeway to Transfiguration, right?
The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.
It's nice on the mountain but we must work in the world
Sample of script:
Johnica and Petrina wander onto stage, talking as they enter
Johnica: Yep, you’re right, another awesome day in paradise.
Petrina: Ever since I moved here, why, I just can’t get over what a spectacular town you have here.
Johnica: Spectacular, certainly all that and more. Transfiguration is one gorgeous place to live. Such a beautiful view from up here on the mountaintop, above the smog and the pollution that is all around down below. Nice homes, clean streets, no crime, everyone helps everyone, kindness abounds. What more could you want?
Melody comes on stage
Johnica: I believe we have a new guest here. Good day to you, (sir/madam), my name is Johnica, this here is Petrina, welcome to Transfiguration, USA. You’re new to these parts, aren’t you?
Melody: Hello, yes, just arrived, good to meet you, Johnica, Petrina. Sorry, my name is Melody.
Petrina: It’s a pleasure; I know you will just enjoy every minute here, such a gorgeous, hassle-free place. Can’t see why anyone would ever want to live anywhere else.
Melody: Well, I must say, being new I haven’t learned everything about the place yet, but what I have seen so far, I am very impressed. How long since you guys got here?
Johnica: Let’s see, four years for me come May 8th. I came here by way of Outreach, made my way through Discovery, then headed down Joy Boulevard, took the High Road to Transfiguration. Been here ever since.
Petrina: Really, I didn’t know the route you traveled Johnica. Me, my route was a little different, I was traveling through Goodlife County, by accident it seemed like I happened upon Good News subdivision, got pulled over into Water Immersion Way, and the rest, like they say, is history. Been living across the road here in Faithful Ones Village since I turned the bus around, just better than 18 months ago.
Johnica: What about you, Melody, you booted it on down Glory Freeway coming here to Transfiguration?
Melody: No, actually I kind of a round about way here. I had been living in Despairville for many years, until finally I found myself on Deadend Turnpike, realized I needed help, so I turned in to a Wayside Assistance Center, and asked the Person in charge for a complete makeover.
Johnica: Interesting kinda thing, never heard of anyone traveling that road before, but to each his own, like I always say. But then, like I was saying, you booted it on down Glory Freeway to Transfiguration, right?
The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.