DramaShare Ministries

Totally Lost

Totally Lost

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A drama on the lostness of man, we are lost without Jesus. He will show us the way if we have faith and trust in Him and His word.
In this drama the man who is lost is “Dad” and, as is usual for a man, he is not about to stop and ask directions from anyone.
A fun-filled look at lostness.

Sample of script:

actors are sitting on chairs, miming driving a car

Teen: Is it my imagination or is this the fifth time I have seen that highway sign?

Dad: How could you have seen that sign before, we are just entering Plattsville, Kansas. And we have never been in Plattsville, Kansas before.Mom: I agree, we have never been in Plattsville, Kansas before. But, just one question. If we are entering Plattsville, Kansas, why does the sign say “You are entering Pinseville, Georgia”?

Dad: What are you taking about woman? The sign says, “you are entering . . .” what in the world is this?

Mom: We are lost, aren’t we?

Teen: Kansas . . . Georgia. Gee, Mom, you pick up quick on things, don’t you?

Dad: I think I have it now. If we just find the junction of the interstate and . . .

Teen: . . .and travel for six days . . .

Mom: Let’s stop here at the next service station, maybe they can help us.

Dad: Why would we waste time at a service station? Besides, it’s 3 AM, nothing is open. But, no problem, I think I have it figured out. See, here on the map, it’s plain, I see it now, I-64 to I-36, we just must have taken the wrong turn . .

Teen: . . . yep, likely at Detroit.

Mom: What are we going to do, Jim? We are almost out of gas.

Dad: It’s all right Lydia, we will be just fine, must be a 24 hour service station here somewhere.

Teen: Better be soon, the “Low Fuel” light has been on for almost 15 minutes now. Besides, I need to go to the bathroom.

Dad: Didn’t I tell you to go to the bathroom when we stopped last?

Teen: I did, but that was eight hours ago. (pause) Dad, I am scared.

Mom: It will be OK sweetheart, just have patience.

Teen: You don’t sound very convincing. Or convinced. Look, it’s starting to rain. You are right Mom, we are totally lost.

Dad: Nonsense, may I remind you that we are never all alone? This car is fully equipped with GPS monitoring.

Mom: GPS?

Teen: “Gone-astray People Search” would be my hope.

Dad: Not even close. Global Positioning System.

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Lost without Jesus. He will show us the way if we have faith and trust in Him.
A man who is lost is "Dad" and, as is usual for a man, he is not about to stop and ask directions from anyone.
A fun-filled look at lostness.

Cast: 3

  • Dad
  • Mom
  • Teen

Bible Reference: Matthew 18:11

Set: blank

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • 3 chairs for actors to sit on
  • remote control for GPS

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 10

Sample of script:

actors sitting on chairs, miming driving a car

Teen: Is it my imagination or is this the fifth time I have seen that highway sign?

Dad: How could you have seen that sign before, we are just entering Plattsville, Kansas. And we have never been in Plattsville, Kansas before.

Mom: I agree, we have never been in Plattsville, Kansas before. But, just one question. If we are entering Plattsville, Kansas, why does the sign say “You are entering Pinseville, Georgia”?

Dad: What are you taking about woman? The sign says, “you are entering . . .” what in the world is this?

Mom: We are lost, aren’t we?

Teen: Kansas . . . Georgia. Gee, Mom, you pick up quick on things, don’t you?

Dad: I think I have it now. If we just find the junction of the interstate and . . .

Teen: . . .and travel for six days . . .

Mom: Let’s stop here at the next service station, maybe they can help us.

Dad: Why would we waste time at a service station? Besides, it’s 3 AM, nothing is open. But, no problem, I think I have it figured out. See, here on the map, it’s plain, I see it now, I-64 to I-36, we just must have taken the wrong turn . .

Teen: . . . yep, likely at Detroit.

Mom: What are we going to do, Jim? We are almost out of gas.

Dad: It’s all right Lydia, we will be just fine, must be a 24 hour service station here somewhere.

Teen: Better be soon, the “Low Fuel” light has been on for almost 15 minutes now. Besides, I need to go to the bathroom.

Dad: Didn’t I tell you to go to the bathroom when we stopped last?

Teen: I did, but that was eight hours ago. (pause) Dad, I am scared.

Mom: It will be OK sweetheart, just have patience.

Teen: You don’t sound very convincing. Or convinced. Look, it’s starting to rain. You are right Mom, we are totally lost.

Dad: Nonsense, may I remind you that we are never all alone? This car is fully equipped with GPS monitoring.

Mom: GPS?

Teen: “Gone-astray People Search” would be my hope.

Dad: Not even close. Global Positioning System.

Teen: And it will tell you where you should have stopped for directions, right?

Dad: All we need to do is just push this little red button, and voila! Gives us full details on where we are, and if necessary sends out a service team to provide complimentary road-side assistance. Lydia, would you be so kind to do the honours, push the button please?

Mom, takes remote, presses button: I have to admit that I questioned the need for this when we bought the car.

Dad: Called it “just another toy for Dad” as I recall. Now what are we saying about this toy?

Mom: Not sure what we are saying. But the toy is saying, “No Service”.

Dad: Whaaaaatttttt? Here, let me try. (takes remote, pushes frantically on the buttons, slaps remote against his leg). This is simply not possible! The salesman told me that there is perfect coverage in 99.9% of America.

Teen: Welcome to the uncharted tenth.

Dad: Well, we will just have to phone the police and get their assistance.

Mom, looking at cell phone: Sorry to disappoint you, seems like AT&T and GPS have a lot in common.

Dad: You mean . . .

Mom: Yep, “No Service.”

all actors bump

Dad: Oh great! Now we are out of gas!

Mom: Jim, we are totally lost, out of gas, no phone, no one has any clue where we are, in the middle of the night, with no hope for help.

Teen: Mom! Dad! I am frightened! I have *never in my whole life* felt so lost!

Mom: It’s OK sweetie. We will just have to wait until someone comes along.

Teen: I want someone to come along right now! (pause) What if no one comes along? (pause) What if the wrong type of person comes along? Let’s face it, the good people will be home in bed at this time of the morning. (pause) I just changed my mind, I hope no one comes along until morning. That way it’s more likely that it will be good people.

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