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DramaShare Ministries

They Didn't Know

They Didn't Know

Regular price $15.00 USD
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This human video (mime to music) is based on the song They Didn’t Know from Kurt Carr’s One Church CD. The performance dramatically portrays Jesus’ suffering, crucifixion, and resurrection. Through expressive movement and choreography, the audience experiences the pain of Jesus’ sacrifice and the ultimate victory of His resurrection.

Run-Time: 4-5 minutes

Cast: 7+ actors (flexible cast size)

Biblical Reference:

  • Isaiah 53:5 – "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed."
  • Luke 23:34 – "Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’"

(Sample Choreographed Script) Lyrics: Jerusalem on a dusty road.

  • Action: Jesus enters from upstage center, walking slowly. If no entrance point is available, Jesus remains frozen on stage before the scene begins. The actors form a “V” formation with Jesus at the point. Two actors at the back turn toward Jesus as He enters.

Lyrics: An innocent man condemned to death.

  • Action: The two upstage actors extend index fingers toward Jesus, showing hatred and scorn. Jesus takes a slow step forward, with the two actors following slightly behind Him.

Lyrics: Bore a cross on His shoulders.

  • Action: One actor mimes placing a heavy cross on Jesus’ shoulders. Jesus staggers slightly under the weight. Another actor raises a fist as if to strike Him. Jesus takes another slow, painful step forward, followed by more actors.

Lyrics: They didn’t know.

  • Action: Jesus looks left and right, making eye contact with actors who immediately look away in disgust. He takes a slow step forward as the others follow.

Lyrics: Down the Via Dolorosa, He staggered in agony.

  • Action: Jesus continues moving slowly, actors portraying the weight of the moment through their expressions and movements.

Lyrics: As He looked upon the hatred in the eyes of His own seed.

  • Action: Jesus looks left and right again. Actors intensify their expressions of hatred and disgust. Jesus takes another slow step forward.

Lyrics: They didn’t know He was enduring this for them.

  • Action: Jesus stands upright and extends His hand. Two downstage actors begin to show contemplation, cupping their chins as if thinking deeply.

Lyrics: So they could live forever more in paradise with Him.

  • Action: Downstage actors continue to reflect on the moment as Jesus stands in silent suffering.

Lyrics: They didn’t know one day they’d sing His praise, with fear and trembling.

  • Action: Downstage actors lift their hands in worship while others remain hardened.

Lyrics: They didn’t recognize the King that kings call King.

  • Action: Downstage actors fall to their knees in reverence, while others remain standing in defiance.

Lyrics: He didn’t have to die for me. He could have just set Himself free.

  • Action: Two downstage actors gesture as if trying to pull Jesus away from suffering, but He remains steadfast.

Lyrics: But instead, He was wounded for our transgressions…

  • Action: Actors portraying soldiers throw the downstage actors to the ground and mime striking Jesus, who recoils in pain.

Lyrics: They hung Him high and stretched Him wide. They nailed His hands and feet.

  • Action: Actors push Jesus backward, extending His arms as if nailed to a cross. Others crouch down to make Jesus appear elevated. One actor mimes piercing Jesus' side.

Lyrics: Look at my Savior hanging there, suffering, bleeding, dying…

  • Action: Two downstage actors weep while others mock and laugh.

Lyrics: But on the third day, Jesus rose!

  • Action: Jesus suddenly awakens, lifting His hands in benediction. Downstage actors kneel and raise their hands in praise, while others cower in fear and retreat offstage.

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