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DramaShare Ministries

The Tougher Message

The Tougher Message

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Cast Number

Say you are normally the Advice-giver, News-giver, at times even the bad News giver?

Pretty straightforward, when the Problem is “X” you give “X” advice, pulling Solution “X” from your “Advice Catalogue,” it’s worked in the past. . Case Closed, another successful Solution, a positive entry in your ministering journal.

But, WHOA, all of a sudden you are the one needing the Advice? . . Suddenly you are, . . how could this be? . . You're receiving the News! . . Worse, . . it's . .  bad News . . about your loved one!

It does happen . . .

In fact, it happened to me on a dark and very lonely November night.   A very surreal night, as nurses and doctors rushed about, seemingly gliding across the shiny, polished floors as they made their way from one emergency room to another.  A scene I had witnessed, even been a part of many times.

The difference was . . This time it was my loved one in that operating room.  Why was the Advice, and Solutions, so useless and so . . not helpful?

Cast: 1 (monolog)

Bible Reference: Psalm 23


blank with only a couch or chairs at centerstage

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none


spotlight tight on actor


normal hospital sounds, calls for doctors


Bible, cell phone

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions:

Action happens fairly close to downstage, close to the audience who thus become more involved in the drama which is taking place.

Time: 10

Sample of script:

In the darkness, SFX of hospital sounds are heard, then repeated occasionally through the drama

A tight spot slowly up, never allow the light to be too bright, focusing only on the actor who sits, very obviously upset on a couch onstage, sighing, checking the watch, looking at side offstage obviously expecting someone.

Allow some time for the actor to show he is troubled, afraid, not in control

SFX: hospital sounds

When the connection has been made with the audience, the actor stands, stretches, shakes head, paces, sits again, punching hand into an open palm, speaks

How could they possibly be taking this long, I mean, I know they have to be thorough . . . but . .
I have spent enough times in these situations, called to be here to be with a friend, sometimes by a friend of a friend who had been told that I was . . . “Good at this sorta thing, when things had gone south” for these poor folks!”

I know it all takes time but . . .

SFX: hospital sounds

This waiting, surely they should be . .

checks watch, taps to see it’s working, stands up, walks to door entrance, stops, goes to the couch

They must have found the problem, I mean, is it . . . the Big C?
Waiting . . .
See, the thing is . .
Sitting there, all alone, waiting . . . For . . . The Message.

The message that is telling me . . . what has happened . .

SFX: hospital sounds

The Message . . . The one I desperately long to hear . . .

thinks wipes a tear

Maybe the Other message  . .  the one I do not want to . . .

I just sit here, head bowed, hands over my head as though forming a shield from blows feared, yet expected.


I am the one that usually sits here with my clients,, the individual ones, or the families . .  the hurting ones. . .

SFX: hospital sounds

Right now I would say to my hurting clients, “You just have to be patient, after all, you know your doctor, you trust her, she is the best in the field, please, just . .  .

“Sit here with me dear friends, I would like to read for you a passage that always speaks to me:

Our Father who art in heaven . . Hallowed is thy . . .

shakes head, bows head, wipes a tear

Look at me, the one who is praised for leading people through likely the scariest moment in their lives . . .

See that me, the one with all the answers, all “so very right and appropriate! So very self-assured!" . . (pauses, sobs) . . .

Hey, you with all the answers . . .

Do me a favor, . .  Shut up! . . . Now!!

You are the one that has the answers to every malady of man . .  or woman.

Thinking back . ..  my answer,  does not answer, they are . .

They are . .  blows!

Words which are really . . . blows, not of a physical nature, but just as real, just as crushing, unthinkably more damaging.

As my clients are waiting . . . Their Message.

Here, now, through my mind comes a torrent of memories of the Messages I have given in the past week.

SFX: hospital sounds

Now I am the one.  Awaiting . . . The Message.

Messages, not new to me, in fact, Messages are my stock in trade, always have been, not unusual, I mean I am the Advisor, the comforter.

Am I really listening to my clients, I mean,  . .  or am I really just saying words . . .

Are these words said to comfort my clients?

Yes of course they are! . .  I mean, after all, that’s my duty, my obligation, my . . .

SFX: hospital sound

Or are my words simply meant to ease a tough situation, to keep my clients from . .

From making a scene, . .  I mean there are often others around, deep in their grief and I . .

SFX: hospital sounds

Yet here I am, . .  alone. . .

Awaiting . . . my Message.

stands in grief looks around, sits down again

I am very used to Messages which came at all hours of the day . . .or night.

Night Messages, often far less palatable, often far more . . . disconcerting.

But . .  see, . .  they are the kind of situations, . .  kind of Messages which come to Other Families . . . not to mine, certainly not to me.


God, if you are out there . . . out here . .  in here, . . . in this pristinely, antiseptically clean place!

Why me?

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