DramaShare Ministries

The SS Zark VBS Program Manual

The SS Zark VBS Program Manual

Regular price $75.00 USD
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An affordable 5 day VBS program, very adaptable to your needs.

"The SS Zark - God's Wonderful Creatures" is a comprehensive 300+ page, 5 day (plus closing session) program which features drama, storytelling, puppetry, games, activities, food ideas and many original songs.
This program is easily adaptable, allowing your church to scale back or expand on the program.
Each day a different "creature" is the focus, these include beaver, monkey, lion, dog and butterfly. Themes and activities, along with Bible study, are based on the characteristics of the "creature", (example, the beaver builds his house on the solid lake bottom so nothing can destroy it).

This program is downloaded to your computer.

For a sample of some of the materials in this manual Click Here

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