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DramaShare Ministries

The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff

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Cast Number

Beware of those who use bible quotes for their own purposes and to judge other people.

Message is clear still with a fun content.

Script written by DramaShare members Jane and Dal Harris

Cast: 2 m or f

  • Brother John
  • Sister Sarah

Bible Reference: Matthew 7:1-2

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available


  • “Follow the Fold” music from Guys and Dolls

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • A tambourine for Sister Sarah and a drum or horn for Brother John


  • “Salvation Army” style black and white outfits. “Sensible” shoes. Writers used white polo shirts with Brother John and Sister Sarah embroidered on.

Special Instructions:

  • mood of the discussion is light-hearted, not angry.

Time: 4

Sample of script:

Actors enter, marching around the room, ending front center as music ends

Brother John: Hallelujah! That is Righteous music. Righteous. Have you noticed, Sister Sarah, how God seems to favor the Right?

Sister Sarah: No, Brother John, I have not.

Brother John: I don’t suppose you would, you being Left-handed.

Sister Sarah: What do you mean by that?

Brother John: It’s as plain as day. When the Bible talks about sitting “at the right hand of God” it’s clearly a position of favor

Sister Sarah: I seem to recall the disciples asking Jesus if they could sit one at his right hand and one at his left. They are both positions of favor.

Brother John: Oh sure, but don’t you think James and John would have been arguing over which one of them goes on the right? I’d bet on John, he’s the dominant brother.

Sister Sarah: But John was clearly left-handed.

Brother John: What? How do you know that?

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