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DramaShare Ministries

The Right Person

The Right Person

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Cast Number

"Slaves" are offered for auction, but someone has already bought them.

We are all tempted but we have all been bought, Satan will no longer have us in his grip if we confess our sins and ask the Lord to live in our hearts.

Cast: 8 m or f

  • Offstage Voice of God
  • World
  • Satan
  • Tony, can be any age, male or female
  • Jerry, can be any age, male or female

Bible Reference: Ephesians 6:12

Set: bare

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 9

Sample Script

Scene: The Auction of Souls

(World brings in Tony and Jerry, throwing them to the floor.)


There! Let the bidding begin! Two fine specimens!

(Satan walks over, laughing haughtily. He looks Tony and Jerry over and smiles approvingly.)


My, my, my, my, my! And what does World bring me this time? Fine specimens, you say, World? Very ordinary, it seems. But I am prepared to take them off your hands.


Off my hands? Don’t try your scheming way with me—I see the calculating look in your eye.

(Satan walks up to World and looks him in the eye.)


Calculating, is it? And I see the greed in yours, World.


Would you expect I do this for merriment? But we are wasting time! Who will have these two fine young ones? Will it be you or… (looks upward) …Him?


Oh, never fear, World—it will be me! Only I would have interest in ones so… so… so incredibly uninteresting! They are simply available… the right people, at the right place, at the right time, doing, I dare say… doing the wrong things!


So then, what am I offered for bringing these to you?


Offered? What do I offer you, World? The same as I have offered you all along—success, entertainment, wealth, status… oh yes, and don’t forget… (smirks) sin! I offer you sin, World! Luxurious sin! (laughs diabolically)


Please! Please! Let me go! You didn’t tell me it would be like this, World!


Oh, my, my, my! Your prisoner wishes to be released, World! (stares menacingly at Tony) You made your choice! Now, quiet!


Leave him alone! He didn’t understand—I didn’t understand! We knew we were the right people at the right place at the right time, but we didn’t realize the consequences of doing the wrong thing!


Oh, my, my! Poor baby! Shedding tears over the choices you have made!


It seemed so right at the time. You seemed to offer so much, World. You are so attractive—everything I ever wanted, it seemed. But once I got to know you, I found you aren’t attractive at all, are you, World? All that you offer is empty, unfulfilling. I had an opportunity to make the right choice… why did I choose wrongly? I was the right person at the right place at the right time, doing the wrong thing. How could I be misled by wrong choices?


Not simply the choices—the lost opportunities! We had a chance to take a stand… and we blew it!


Nonsense, dear ones! You are the right people at the right place at the right time, and believe me, you are doing the right thing. You are seeking personal freedom, away from the control of God. You are people, and you have a right to do as you please. Oh yes, good friends, you are the right people at the right place at the right time, and doing the right thing.


(shouting) Silence! You are mine! I bought you! World, you are mine! I own you! And now I own you two as well!

(A powerful voice suddenly speaks from above.)

Voice of God (VOG):

Leave them alone, they are mine!

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