DramaShare Ministries
The Prayer Shawl
The Prayer Shawl
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Focusing on prayer ritual rather than on prayer itself.
A short comedy skit with a very strong and true message.
Bible Reference: Matthew 6:/p>
Cast: 2
Actor (male or female, any age)
Offstage Voice of God (VOG)
Set: blank
Lighting, Sound, Costumes: standard
Props: prayer shawl, just a piece of cloth is all that is required
Time: 5
Sample of script:
actor comes on stage, and with much ceremony puts on prayer shawl, kneels down to pray
Actor: Dear heavenly father, Lord of all the nations, defender of the faithful remnant, Ancient of days, Yahweh, I Am, . . .
VOG, interrupts:
I am here.
actor, startled, looks around, frowns
Actor: Who . . . what was that?
(shakes head, closes eyes, adjusts prayer shawl)
Where was I . . .
I might as well start at the beginning . . .
Dear heavenly father, Lord of all the nations, defender of the faithful remnant, Ancient of days, Yahweh . . .
VOG, interrupts again:
I got it, you want to talk with me, I want that too . .
actor stands, rushes from one side of stage to the other, angry
Actor: That kid next door is driving me crazy!
(speaks loud to offstage location)
“Johnny, now you cut that out!
One more time and I shall call your mother!”
(looks at watch)
Look at the time will ya, I have important stuff to do, but oh well . .
(kneels again, throws prayer shawl over one shoulder)
OK. here we go, this won’t take long . . .
(speaks very fast)
Dear heavenly father, Lord of all the nations, defender of the faithful remnant, Ancient of days, Yahweh . . .
VOG: I think surely we are done with introductions, can we just chat?
Actor, worried: Who are you?
VOG: God.
Or . . as you like to put it . . .
“Dear heavenly father, Lord of all the nations, defender of the faithful remnant, Ancient of days, Yahweh . . .”
Actor, tentative:
You mean like . . . (points upward) . . .
VOG: Not up there, right beside you, always . .
actor, takes a few steps to the side, very nervous
Actor: You mean like . . . the . . . God?
VOG: You know another God?
Actor, flustered:
Yes, . . I mean . . . No . . I mean . .
VOG: It’s good talking with you child . . Seems I don’t hear from you hardly ever . .
Actor: Well that’s all gonna change now that I got me a prayer shawl.
VOG: A prayer shawl?
Actor, holds up prayer shawl:
A prayer shawl . . . Isn’t it a knockout?
VOG: And the . . reason . . for . . this . . . ah . . prayer shawl would be . .?
Actor: It is a . . prayer . . . shawl!
VOG: I get it . . but why did you get it . . .and why are you wearing it?
Actor: To talk to God . . that is . . to talk to . . er . . . you . . God. . . I mean, that’s how prayer is done.
The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.
Focusing on prayer ritual rather than on prayer itself.
A short comedy skit with a very strong and true message.
Actor m or f
Offstage Voice of God (VOG)
Bible Reference: Matthew 6:10
Set: standard
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
Lighting: standard
SFX: none
prayer shawl, just a piece of cloth is all that is required
Costumes: standard
Special Instructions: none
Time: 5
Sample of script:
actor comes on stage, and with much ceremony puts on prayer shawl, kneels down to pray
Actor: Dear heavenly father, Lord of all the nations, defender of the faithful remnant, Ancient of days, Yahweh, I Am, . . .
VOG, interrupts: I am here.
actor, startled, looks around, frowns
Actor: Who . . . what was that?
(shakes head, closes eyes, adjusts prayer shawl)
Where was I . . .
I might as well start at the beginning . . .
Dear heavenly father, Lord of all the nations, defender of the faithful remnant, Ancient of days, Yahweh . .
VOG, interrupts again:
I got it, you want to talk with me, I want that too . .
actor stands, rushes from one side of stage to the other, angry
Actor: That kid next door is driving me crazy!
(speaks loud to offstage location)
“Johnny, now you cut that out!
One more time and I shall call your mother!”
(looks at watch)
Look at the time will ya, I have important stuff to do, but oh well . .
(kneels again, throws prayer shawl over one shoulder)
OK. here we go, this won’t take long . . .
(speaks very fast)
Dear heavenly father, Lord of all the nations, defender of the faithful remnant, Ancient of days, Yahweh . .
VOG: I think surely we are done with introductions, can we just chat?
Actor, worried: Who are you?
VOG: God.
Or . . as you like to put it . . .
“Dear heavenly father, Lord of all the nations, defender of the faithful remnant, Ancient of days, Yahweh . . .”
Actor, tentative:
You mean like . . . (points upward) . . .
VOG: Not up there, right beside you, always . .
actor, takes a few steps to the side, very nervous
Actor: You mean like . . . the . . . God?
VOG: You know another God?
Actor, flustered:
Yes, . . I mean . . . No . . I mean . .
VOG: It’s good talking with you child . . Seems I don’t hear from you hardly ever . .
Actor: Well that’s all gonna change now that I got me a prayer shawl.
VOG: A prayer shawl?
Actor, holds up prayer shawl:
A prayer shawl . . . Isn’t it a knockout?
VOG: And the . . reason . . for . . this . . . ah . . prayer shawl would be . .?
Actor: It is a . . prayer . . . shawl!
VOG: I get it . . but why did you get it . . .and why are you wearing it?
Actor: To talk to God . . that is . . to talk to . . er . . . you . . God. . . I mean, that’s how prayer is done.