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DramaShare Ministries

The Only Commission

The Only Commission

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Cast Number

The boss is back after a three-day absence but is not back to stay.

He is leaving a handful of people with the big job of reaching the whole world with the message about their product. But he is leaving someone, (a kind of Comforter you might say), to assist them.

A contemporary way of looking at the ascension, Pentecost and the Great Commission.

Cast:  3

  • Jessie, male, (also plays Comforter to show they are one and the same)
  • Jamie, (m or f)
  • Andy (m or f)

Bible Reference: 

  •  Acts 1:1-11, Matthew 28:20, Luke 24:53

Set:  bare

Lighting:  standard

Sound:  wireless mics if available

Song:  none

SFX: none


  • normal except Jessie has a choir gown, (preferably white), worn over clothing when Jessie takes on the role of Comforter


Special Instructions:  none

Time:  7

Sample of script:

Scene – The Departure

(Jessie, Jamie, and Andy enter the stage.)

JAMIE: I’m gonna tell you, Jessie, it’s great to have you back here with us.

ANDY: We sure were worried! You suddenly left the business, and we were like... who’s running the place? Who’s making the decisions?

JESSIE: Look, people, how many times did I tell you? I told you I would be gone three days, and I was.

ANDY: I know, I know, you told us, Jessie. Guess in the excitement it kinda slipped our minds a bit.

JAMIE: Which all doesn’t matter now... you are back where you belong! All’s well!

JESSIE: Matter of fact, it does matter, Jamie. See, thing is, I am going up to Home Office to work with my Father.

ANDY (shocked): Whaaattttt? You are doing what?

JAMIE: Whose dumb idea is this anyhow?

JESSIE: Well, fact is, it’s my Father’s idea, and I’d be careful calling my Father’s ideas dumb. As I recall, it’s his name on your paycheck. And for the record... I fully support my Father’s plan.

JAMIE: Begging your pardon, Jessie, but really, has this plan been thought through?

JESSIE: It has been the plan since the first day this place was created.

ANDY: But with all you management people moving to Home Office... who’s here driving the ship?

JAMIE: Andy’s right, Jessie! With no one in charge, this business will for sure go south!

JESSIE: I am leaving management to very qualified, dedicated people—no worries there.

ANDY: Oh sure, someone new! This here has been your baby from square one. No one else can possibly do what you’ve done!

JAMIE: Andy’s right, Jessie. You have the power and the knowledge to steer the ship. I suppose you expect someone else can go and work with a failed company, breathe life into it, get it back on its feet, making money? No one but you can do that, Jessie!

JESSIE: All the things I have done all over this region, you can do—and more.

ANDY: “We can do?” Hey, wait up here... Us guys are good enough at what we do, but no way can we manage this project!

JESSIE: Like I said, you will carry the business—not just here in the region, but worldwide!

JAMIE: “Worldwide?” You have got to be kidding!

ANDY: Begging your pardon, I don’t think you have thought this through, Jessie.

JESSIE: Begging your pardon... you are saying I haven’t thought this through? Tell me, Andy, how long have you been with me?

ANDY: Well, let’s see... been likely three years or so.

JESSIE: You’re right, Andy. In that time, can you remember me not thinking things through?

ANDY: Sorry, Jessie, look, I didn’t mean to say that you...

JESSIE: No, Andy...

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