DramaShare Ministries
The More Things Change
The More Things Change
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Choosing your neighbors can be a positive step but not when this is based on color, ethnicity or language.
We all want to be in the midst of our friends, and we are more comfortable with some people than with others. But when this “liking” or “disliking” is based on color, ethnicity or language this is, or will become, prejudice. Jesus continuously used the principle of being neighbor-friendly, likely more than any other person in history. So, if we are serious about "being more like Jesus" we need to take all "neighbour-friendly" classes offered to us in life.
If it was that much of a priority to Jesus likely “there’s no need to look to see what’s behind Door #2” . . He ate with the “unclean” and the prostitutes, the hated tax collectors, the very scum of society in His time on earth.
Cast: 2
This can be a lot for 2 actors, DramaShare is available through our exclusive Script Tweaking service to add another actor.
Bible Reference: Matthew 2:13-17
Set: blank set
Lighting:. as available
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
SFX: none
Costumes: leisure clothing
Props: none
Special Instructions:. none
Time: 15
Sample of Script
lights up
Tim & Tom mics on, speak offstage
Tim: Gots’ta tell ya Tommy boy this here old town’s goin’ ta Hades in a handbasket is what!
Tom, frowns: And you base this on what
Tim and Tom come slowly on stage
Tim: Open eyes, Tommy-boy, (points offstage). . . Remember . . . Jim and Lily White, they used to live there . .
Tom: Yes, but . . .
Tim: And not just that but, (points in another direction), . . Carolee Connors, she lived in that sweet little bungalow with the green shades, and matter’a fact . . if I remember right you used to date Carolee . . .
Tom: Of course I did but . . .
Tim: And see that gorgeous brick building there, used to be . .
Tom: Yes it used to be the Pentecostal Church before . . .
Tim: Bang on right Tom, for more years than I care to remember was the home of the Healing Hands Pentecostal folks. . . Kinda a bit over the top with their tongue clackin’ and all, but Christian to the core they was . . !
Not like the bunch in there now, no siree, I tell ya!
Tom: Actually, that building is now a Hindu temple and . .
Tim, shock, finger to lips to silence:
Shhhhhh! . . . Keep it down, I tell ya, someone’s gonna hear ya, want the folks here in town ta think yer some kinda . . bigot or sumpin? . . Come on now, Tom, wakey wakey! . . Worse the whole city’s gonna think we folk are ok with coloreds in our part of town!
Tom: Tim, really, I am very uncomfortable with that kind of talk . . Personally, I am enjoying the diversity that is happening around us.
Tim: Hey lookie here, I got no problem with diversity happening, just think those colored folk should stay where the good Lord planted, like it. say in the Good Book!
Tom: Not sure what you mean by “The Good Book” but if you are referring to the Bible I can assure you there is no reference to “colored folk” or where people of color should live. And if you keep talking that way I am going to have to leave!
Tim: Nah, you’re fine Tom, I didn’t take offence or nothin’ like that. . . It’s just us Christians we gotta stick together, keep the purity of our way of life, what we been fighting for all these centuries. Like ol’ Francis Graham always used to say . . “Correction is mine saith God.” . . . And ain’t no one goes against ol’ Francis Graham, I tell ya, there in his really transfixin’ rallies there on the baseball field!
Tom: You might be referring to . . Billy Graham, his name was Billy Graham. . .And besides . .
Tim: Middle name was Francis, not many folks knew that, just us’n’s who was major contributors ta Francis’ Easter Kids baskets.
Tom: You are really something Tim, I didn’t realize you were a Christian, what church do you attend?
Tim: Don’t attend no church Tommy boy, I follow the true word of God, like he says in the Book! . . , (qouting voice). “When a fella wants to praise the Big Guy he oughta not go to church or to the corner of a busy street like sinners they always do, he gotta go all by hisself on top’a his roof and pray that none of his friends or enemies can see what he’s up to!” . . . . Word for word that’s straight outa the good Book, fer a fact!
Tom: “Straight outa the good Book” huh? . . Where in the Bible did you find that one?
Tim: It was in . . (thinks) . . In the Gospel Accorded to Revelation as my remembry remembers. . . . Strange you don’t remember that Tommy boy!
Tom: Well, I would like to invite you to our church service on Sunday, it being a special day and all. As a Christian, I am sure you are aware of that.
Tim: Would love nuthin’ better Tommy boy but Sonics they is playin’ Sunday . .. And them Sonics they count on yours truly to bring the blessin’s on the.home team, and rain down Chariots of Fire on the heathen outa town guys, doncha know? . . But maybe some time when none’a the sports biggies is on or maybe if’n theres a last minute game scratch on’account’a several days of inclement weather. But I’ll give ya a buncha warnin’ there, fer sure I will!
Tom: You are a real peach aren’t you Tim?
Tim: Well, its not in my DNA to brag, you know that Tommy boy but . .
But . .
Tim pauses, looks at Tom, shakes head, speaks
Tim: Look Tom, you are an OK enough guy . .
Tom: Thanks, I think . . .
Tim: No, I mean it Tom, you’re a straight up, square shooter . .
And I know I am . . maybe sometimes kinda . . . (having trouble saying the word), . . pa / . pa . . pre-ej . . prej. .
Tom: The word is “prejudiced” Tim, and yes, at times . . . maybe a lot of times . . you. are indeed prejudiced.
Tim: I don’t appreciate you saying it . . but fact is I wanted you to say it. . . My wife, even my kids, they all know it. But what can a Guy do? . . I mean its all around and . . us regular folks, we can’t do what you do. . . And please don’t go sayin’ I need to do what Jesus would do, I ain’t Jesus!
Tom: Neither am I, Tim, so I used the Matthew and Zacchaeus principle.
Tim: Sounds like they were a fun pair’a dudes.
Tom: Seems they thought they were, kinda sorta like you, but a bunch tougher, and crankier.
Tim: So what did this Matthew dude and Zaaaa . . this Zack guy do to get their angel wings.
Tom: See there ya go, losin’ me again! I believe that anything free is worth every penny, in other words zilch, nada. They likely never did one lick wrong in their lives.
Tim: Depends what you call “wrong.” . . They both stole from his family and neighbors.
Tom: And these guys are supposed to lead me to the light of Jesus?
Tim: The way you are interested and listening so intently my guess is God’s already been working on you. Fact is Jesus used the principle of being neighbor friendly. . .
Tom: Sounds like my friend, Tim!
Tim: I try to be a Godly example, but I fail quite often. I just know that if being a good neighbor was that important to Jesus, it had to be my goal as well. . . No Option B!
Tom: So what you’re sayin’ is, if it was that much a priority to Jesus and if we want, like you always say, to be more like Jesus, I guess there’s no need to look to see what’s behind Door #2, huh?
Tim: Well although we have to be careful who we chose for close friends, fact is Jesus ate with the lepers, the prostitutes, the hated tax collectors, the very scum of society in His time on earth.
Tom: Look here Tim, my friend, if you think I’m gonna eat with folks that have flesh falling off . . and it’s a big uh uh to bringin’ in the IRS to dine at nine . . Whoa I can just see my wife sayin’ “How nice” when I tell her about my tea party with a prostitute.”
Tim: See fact is . . Jesus called out to Matthew and Zacchaeus.
I like the example of Jesus specifically calling out to two individuals: Matthew and Zacchaeus, tax collectors who not only were thieves, they stole from their own friends and neighbors, even more despicable, they gave money to the hated oppressors, the Romans. But that is only a small part of the story!
Although it was mind-blowing that Jesus would actually call, and dine with such dregs of society . . there was, most likely the biggest, most expository miracle in all the Bible, yet to come. Jesus ate with the lepers, who could infect and cause his death, PLUS he invited professional swindlers, those who would see no down side to stealing a few pennies, or, slit the throat of a co-traveller or even friend.
He did all this yet . . never Himself “sinned!”
Tom: Just one question . . .
Tim: Shoot!
Tom: Where do I go to sign up?
Tim: Already done my dear friend.
Beautifully and completely, already done!
lights out