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The Holy Feast
The Holy Feast
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Maundy Thursday, the Last Supper,
A happening in many ways quite separate from the other happenings of the "Holy Week" yet one that likely does not receive the attention it is due. The Last Supper, (or Lord's Supper), is an amazing and essential watershed moment in time, separating the euphoria of "Palm Sunday, the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem" and the awful and unjustified events, (and the cross), which awaited him on "Good Friday."
The thoughts of the disciples were based on the triumphal entry and of Jesus making short work of the money changers and merchants in the temple, making for an almost giddy perception of the events. The thoughts of Jesus were on the unavoidable reality of the coming rejection, arrest, trial and crucifixion. Jesus shares communion with the disciples, talks to them about the meaning of the Last Supper and related topics. Judas has his opportunity to kiss Jesus and betray, and the washing of the feet is shown. The finale is a sharing of communion with the congregation and singing of a hymn.
Cast: 16 + crowds
- Narrator
- Jesus
Bible Reference: Luke 22:19
Set: bare
Lighting: standard
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
SFX: none
Costumes: standard
Props: none
Special Instructions: none
Time: 80
Set is the Upper Room, the area which was used to celebrate the Passover, with the table at upstage center, far enough back that it can be kept quite dark early in the drama.
Sample of script:
Narrator: On the first day of the Passover ceremonies, when bread made with yeast was purged from every Jewish home, the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Where shall we plan to eat the Passover?”
And Jesus replied, “Go into the city and find . . . .
Peter and John enter from the rear of the sanctuary
Peter: And just how in the whole city of Jerusalem are we to find one particular man? A needle in a haystack.
John: Think Simon. A man. Carrying water?
Peter: Yes. A man carrying water. What is so unusual about . . . wait, what man would be walking about carrying water? Women’s work!
John: Women’s work, or perhaps a slave.
Peter: Impressive deduction, John my friend! Obvious why the Teacher called you from your life as a fisherman, through you He had bigger fish to fry. Now then if only we can control that temper, Boanerges, Son of Thunder, Child of the Storm!
John: Perhaps, in the same way as you dear Simon, I too am a work in progress.
Peter: A work in progress molded by the Master Potter.
John: I am afraid for the Teacher, Peter.
Peter: As we all are, John my friend. Yet it seems as though nothing will keep him away from celebrating the Passover here in Jerusalem, it’s as if he is being drawn by a magnet.
John: I only hope that wherever this room that we seek may be that God will protect our safety, Peter. I have seen the temple guards watching every move we make for weeks now.
Peter: If it wasn’t that the Master is so popular with the people I am sure the high priests might try to arrest him.
John: Why do they hate the Master as they do? Is it because the Master stands for all that is good?
Peter: There are many good people about, John. No, it’s not his goodness that distresses Caiaphas and his group. It is the Master’s outspoken admission to be God.
John: Peter, you know full well that the Master is God, the Son of God.
Peter: Yes, I know, but I worry for him, John! Sometimes I think if he would just, only for a little while, hold back, lay low, that perhaps . . .
John: Simon Peter! You, the Rock! How can you say such a . . .
Timothy comes on stage from side door
Peter: Wait, over there, see him, carrying a water jar . . .
John: Follow him, see where he goes.
Peter: Call out to him in case we lose him.
John: No, the Master clearly told us to follow him to the house he enters. Come.
Timothy goes up on stage, Peter and John follow behind, Joseph comes down from upstage center, meets Timothy
John: You, sir, our Teacher says for you to show us the guest room where he can eat the Passover with his disciples.
Joseph: That would be me whom you are seeking.
Peter: It is the fellow with the water jar who we seek.
Joseph: No, I think it would be I.
Peter: And who might you be?
Joseph: I might indeed be anyone, but in fact am Joseph bar Joseph, and this my good slave Timothy. And you would be the Teacher’s disciples.
Peter: Teacher? What teacher? Us disciples? I tell you we are . . .
Joseph: You would be Cephas, the Teacher spoke of you. And you sir, James, is it?
John: No sir, his brother, John.
Peter: What is this, John, how do we know this man? He may well be . .
Joseph: I am a believer, same as you, Peter, and I spoke with the Teacher, agreeing to provide a safe Upper Room here where you may eat the Passover. You will indeed see to that, won’t you Timothy?
Timothy: What an incredible pleasure to have the Teacher here with us!Peter: The slave is then, I take it a . . . .
Timothy: . . . a believer, oh yes, indeed, I and my whole family.
Joseph: Come along, don’t stand there, we all have work to do, preparing the Upper Room for the Passover feast.
Timothy: We have stocked the room with both food and drink, I will take this jar of water up now so that all may wash their feet after the long trek.
Peter: Fine then, let us go. Perhaps if I am the first one to recline at the table I can select a favoured spot alongside the Master.
John: That is not funny, will I always be reminded of that .. . . .
Peter: Temper, temper! (chuckles) Come along then . . . the others will be along shortly and we have the preparations to take care of.
All go upstage to darkened area where they freeze in the shadows, after a few seconds Simon and Matthew come in from the rear of the sanctuary
Matthew: A lovely neighbourhood.
Simon: Matthew, Levi, spoken like a true tax collector!
Matthew: Truly dear Simon, truly I wonder if you will ever forget what I was and see what the Master has made in me?
Simon: You know my feelings for tax collectors, pawns of their Roman bosses! I spent too many painful days fighting for what I believe in as a member of the Zealots. We proudly rose up in rebellion against the oppression of your Roman taxation. We were intensely conservative, fanatical nationalists, and proud of all that was Jewish.
Matthew: Yes, Simon, as you know, I used to be a tax collector. When Jesus found me I was a man in disrepute, working for the Romans only because of the substantial money I could exact from my fellow Jews. So, hated by my own people for over charging and for dealing with the enemy, I was no less loathed by the Romans who looked at me as a necessary evil but a wolf in sheep’s clothing nonetheless. Moreover I despised myself.
Simon: You are a good man Matthew!
Matthew: Me? No, but the Master is hard at work creating a good work in me. Just as He has created something beautiful in your life.
Simon: Yes, it is true. I was a patriot, my lifeblood nationalistic, committed to liberating my country from the yoke of Roman oppression. But under the influence of Christ Jesus my focus moved from the human realm of releasing men from the yoke of Rome to removing them from a life of sin through victory in Christ Jesus. I was always an idealist and a patriot, in search of perfection. When I became Christ’s disciple this did not change, but my life and my mission took on new significance as I sought to teach all those with whom I came in contact the importance of throwing off the shackles of sin.
Simon: Here we are, the tax collector and the tax hater, joining forces under the Christ. But it should be recognized that God’s grace permits individuality, even idiosyncrasies, while at the same time creating spiritual oneness. As He said, “Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your soul. For my yoke is easy and my burden light.”
Matthew: Come indeed, friend Simon, let us eat together the Passover meal.
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