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The Heights of Defeat

The Heights of Defeat

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Cast Number

The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus are depicted through 2 acting locations: moving from the temple/on the way to Golgotha and at the crucifixion/resurrection; these changes set out by spotlights down and songs of the director's choice as simple set or backdrop changes can be made.

Louisa Baptist Church in Virginia are one of the many who have very successfully performed this drama for Easter and "everyone loved it." They added 5 songs, had 21 actors and 28 off-stage involved.

Cast: 19 plus crowd and singers

  • Jesus
  • Flavius, soldier
  • Praneius, soldier
  • Fortunatus, centurion
  • Judas, teen to middle age
  • Guard, any age
  • OSV offstage voices of Annas
  • OSV Caiaphas, others
  • Simon of Cyrene, likely middle age Person in crowd
  • Person in crowd 2
  • Person in crowd 3
  • Joseph of Arimethea
  • Mary, middle age
  • John, teen to middle age
  • Herod, middle age
  • Mary, teen to middle age
  • Mary Magdalene, teen to middle age
  • Salome, middle age
  • other OSV
  • crowd (as available)
  • singers

Bible Reference: various

Set:  2 acting locations: moving from the temple/on the way to Golgotha and at the crucifixion/resurrection, these changes set out by spotlights down and songs of the directors choice as simple set or backdrop changes can be made.

Lighting:   spotlights

Sound: wireless mics

Song: as director chooses


  • earthquake, crowd noises.
  • sound of hammer hitting nails
  • If using strobe lights ensure bulletins and announcements very clearly indicate this

Costumes:  traditional with guards dressed appropriately

Props: indicated in script

Special Instructions: none

Time: 45 minutes

Sample of script:

Simon of Cyrene and the Cross

Jesus, centurion and soldiers enter from the back of sanctuary, led down the aisle to the front of the church, being flogged, thrown to the ground. There are a group of people following among whom are a majority of women, the women are crying and wailing, (be careful that the sounds do not overpower any spoken lines)

SCENE: Simon of Cyrene is on stage with a crowd of people, watching as Jesus is brought down the aisle.

Flavius: Move along, oh kingly one!

Jesus: Women of Jerusalem, don't cry for me! Cry for yourselves and for your children. Someday people will say, "Women who never had children are really fortunate!" At that time everyone will say to the mountains, "Fall on us!" They will say to the hills, "Hide us!" If this can happen when the wood is green, what do you think will happen when it is dry?

Fortunatus: Enough of the oratory! Just move along, we have a duty to do.

Praneius: Yes, not that much farther, and the real fun begins!

Jesus: If any man would follow me, he must take up his cross and follow me.

Praneius: If there are any volunteers to have their own private cross, we can certainly find one somewhere, I am sure! (Jesus stumbles.) Oh, is this crossbeam too heavy for your highness? Perhaps this will make your load lighter!

(Praneius presses down hard on the cross to make it dig into Jesus’ back more deeply, forcing Jesus to stumble and cry out.)

Flavius (mocking, laughing): Or this may make for a lighter step!

(Flavius lays a whip to Jesus’ back, causing Him to cry out.)

Praneius: Oh, your highness! Was there no miracle at hand to keep the lash from biting your flesh?

Flavius: Perhaps you who turned the water into wine could turn this crucifixion into your coronation, oh king of all the Jewish nation!

(Flavius and Praneius laugh and mock.)

Fortunatus: Perhaps you two soldiers might try to enjoy your duties less?

Flavius: Centurion Fortunatus, he is only a Jew!

Praneius: Yes, and a deranged one at that!

Fortunatus: That does not prevent him from being a human being. Do your jobs, but don’t entirely trample on his humanity.

Praneius: Allow us some sport! There is precious little in the way of enjoyment for a Roman soldier stationed in this dog pile!

Fortunatus: Regardless, just get it done!

(Jesus trips and falls.)

Flavius: Oh, the poor monarch has fallen! (Angry, speaks to Jesus) Get up and move to your death, you dog!

Fortunatus: He has fallen and can’t get up. (Looks at the crowd, points at Simon.) You… you… (gestures) Come here! Pick up his cross!

(Simon looks around himself among the crowd, confused, miming “me?”)

Fortunatus: Yes, you! Over here, carry His cross!

Simon: Me? You expect me to carry His cross? Why would I want to carry His cross? I am—I’ll have you know that though I am from another country, Cyrenaica, I am a Jew, here for the purpose of observance of the Holy Days.

Fortunatus: You will do as you are told!

Simon: I tell you, I do not wish to carry His cross! Ask one of His friends. The whole countryside seemed to be rallying behind Him just days ago when He made His triumphal entry riding that silly colt. Yes, I was there. I watched with some amusement as the locals were literally falling out of trees, desperate to catch a glimpse of Him, calling out to the “Messiah.” Hardly my style.

Look, I barely know anything about Him. Roots in Nazareth, I’m told. Although not particularly a provincialist by nature, I can see some justification for those who said, “What good can come out of Nazareth?” Insignificant, meaningless little town in an insignificant, meaningless setting.

Flavius: Perhaps you missed it, the centurion didn’t ask, he demanded that you carry the cross!

Simon: Why do you insist that I carry His cross? Why me? There are half a million people here in this town. What would cause you to choose me? See, there is a man double my size, muscular—ask him!

(Flavius grasps Simon’s shoulder, pulling him toward Jesus.)

Simon: Take your hands off me! Can't you see, I do not wish to be involved! Were it not that I just happened by, made curious by the shouts of the crowd, I would not even be here.

I am not like those who take great delight in public executions—they do nothing for me. Choose another. Why should it mean anything to me that He stumbles under the weight of His cross? I’m sure He is guilty of whatever crime has been tacked there at the top of His cross. What does it say? Ummmm, “King of the Jews”? Guilty of madness, more like!

(Simon hesitates, looking at Jesus, then at his own hands. Slowly, he bends down, lifting the cross from Jesus’ back. He reacts to the blood on his hands, wiping it on his clothing.)

(Simon takes a couple of steps, looks back, sees that Jesus cannot continue. Simon holds out his hand to Jesus. They look deeply into each other’s eyes, then they start walking toward Golgotha together.)

Praneius (grinning wickedly): I will take over from here! This is the part I love!

(Simon is pushed back into the crowd. Others react to the sight of the blood on Simon’s hands and clothing. Praneius and Flavius take Jesus, lay him down on the cross, and begin “hammering” the nails into His hands and feet. Fortunatus holds Jesus’ limbs in place, blocking the audience’s view to make the illusion realistic. The sound of hammering fills the stage.)

(Jesus and the cross are raised upright. All actors, including the crowd, freeze.)

(Judas enters from the back of the sanctuary, running down the aisle. He reaches the stage, stopping on the opposite side from the crucifixion scene. While running, he screams at the top of his voice:)

Judas: Please! Listen to me! I must talk to you! There has been a terrible mist

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