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The Hands Procedure

The Hands Procedure

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The Hands Procedure is a lighthearted yet meaningful drama that explores the importance of mentoring and raising up new leaders in the church. As a group discusses their struggle to find volunteers for ministry roles, Tony takes inspiration from the biblical story of Moses laying hands on Joshua. His humorous attempt to "lay hands" on others using paper hands leads to a deeper conversation about leadership development. The drama emphasizes that leadership is not just about selection but about preparation, training, and equipping others for service in God's kingdom.

Biblical Reference:

  • Deuteronomy 34:9 – "Now Joshua son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. So the Israelites listened to him and did what the LORD had commanded Moses."
  • 1 Timothy 4:14 – "Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you."


  • 4 actors (any age, male or female):
    • Tracy – Church member concerned about finding leaders for Sunday School
    • Robin – Church member involved in music ministry
    • Tony – A humorous but well-meaning member trying to solve the leadership gap
    • Ellen – Another church member who helps bring biblical insight


  • Approximately 12 minutes

The Hands Procedure

Scene opens with Tracy and Robin entering the stage, engaged in conversation.

Tracy: So anyhow, Pastor Bob told us we would need a minimum of six new leaders in the Sunday School department if we were to properly look after the growth in this part of the city. All I have is one possible, Mabel Arnold, and she has no leadership experience.

Robin: Well, Pastor Bob said the same thing about music ministries. He says we need to move to an additional contemporary worship service, and you know how Pastor Bob feels about overworking people. So we need at least two new leaders in our area.

Tracy: Well, that’s all well and good to say, but where do these leaders come from?

Robin: Exactly! Seems as though some people feel you can just snap your fingers and volunteer leaders come along, eager to serve.

Tracy: Fact is, it’s a new reality we are into, what with people working two jobs to make ends meet, pressures at work and at home. Just not as many people able to be volunteer leaders nowadays.

(Tony enters, struggling to carry a big box.)

Tracy: Hey, Tony, can I give you a hand?

Tony: No, thanks for the offer, but I think I should have lots right here in the box.

Tracy (confused): Lots of…?

Tony: Well…hands. Isn’t that what we were talking about?

Robin: Most people carry their hands on the end of their arms, Tony, not in a box.

Tony: Yeah, but these are for laying on.

Robin: You are planning to lay on your hands?

Tony: Sure am! Good enough for Moses, good enough for me, I should think.

Tracy: Now I am confused. You are saying that Moses slept on his hands?

Tony: You aren’t making sense, Tracy. Who said anything about Moses sleeping?

Tracy: Fine then, you didn’t say he slept on his hands, but you did say he laid on his hands.

Tony: Certainly did! And that’s how old Hoshea was empowered!

Robin: Hoshea?

Tony: Yep, Moses’ assistant. Some know him better as Joshua, but I have always thought Hoshea sounded way cool.

Tracy: So, you are saying that Joshua or Hoshea or whoever laid on his hands?

Tony: Can’t say for sure that Hoshea did, can’t remember reading that in the Bible, but for sure Moses did, that I can guarantee!

Robin: Mind telling me why Moses laid on his hands?

Tony: No one less than God Himself told Moses to lay on hands.

Tracy: And the reason for this advice would be…?

Tony: So as to get a new leader, and to empower him.

Robin: Any idea how long Moses was able to lay on his hands at any one time?

Tony: Not real sure, doesn’t say specifically in the Bible… my guess is likely until Hoshea was empowered.

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