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The Good Veronican
The Good Veronican
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An act of kindness transforms the grim destiny of two great families.
Combining the Good Samaritan and Romeo and Juliet.
For more information on the author click here.
Please contact the author, Nigel Camac, for additional information, nige67@icloud.com
Cast Information:
Approximately 12 male, 4 female, 9 may be male or female
Several roles could be combined
Montague Camp
Montague (William)
Lady Montague
Capulet Camp
Old Capulet (Roger)
Lady Capulet
Town Mayor
Guest 1
Guest 2
Other guests (As many as are practical or possible)
Friar Laurence
Hoodlum leader
Gang of hoodlums (at least 2)
Set A picture tells a thousand words so I have made available with this script some pictures that detail how I imagined the set design.
Of special note: the play utilizes scrim. This is a cloth screen that the audience can see through when there is lighting behind it. When lighting is on the front of the cloth, the audience cannot see through it.
This play is designed for Dinner Theatre and the audience’s table area is all part of the extended stage.
Lighting Some special lighting will be needed for this production. This is due to the use of scrim. For more details, see the information under ‘Set’.
Sound Depending on the size of the audience, lapel microphones may be needed. But, I believe where possible, natural voice projection leads to a more authentic performance.
Costumes Whether you make the costuming in traditional Shakespearian dress or choose to modernize it, I think it is important to keep the outfits from the 2 houses very distinct from one another. For the Montague Family, I envisage sandy brown costumes with a bronze eagle emblazoned across the back of the shirt. For the Capulet family, I imagine blue costumes with a cursive ‘C’ on the back. Set colours and distinctive attire for the 2 houses will ensure that the audience easily follows who is a Montague and who is a Capulet.
Props see script for full listing
Scene 1 Introduction by the Tragedian
Scene 2 A civil brawl
Scene 3 Mayor’s chambers
Scene 4 Romeo’s blues
Scene 5 The Capulet party
Scene 6 Balcony scene
Scene 7 Unexpected help for Tybalt
Scene 8 Friar Laurence is consulted
Scene 9 A peaceful resolution
Scene 10 Marriage and pizza
A very complete set of instructions as to set and special notes is provided in the script
Sample of Script:
Scene 1
[Street Scene]
Tragedian walks through the audience
Tragedian Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
(Pointing out the Capulet’s shop front)
The Capulets, fine bakers you’ll agree,
As pastry chefs, they truly are the cream.
(Pointing out the Montague shop front)
The Montagues , no lesser famed ‘round here,
Likewise in food their talent surely lies,
In smallgoods and that continental gear,
For this my palette and my gut now cries.
“But why are we gathered?”, I hear you ask.
(The scrim is suddenly backlit to reveal Romeo and Juliet in an embrace of death.)
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
(Pointing out the 2 shop fronts)
A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life.
Look at them in death’s throes, and oh so young. (Drinking in the destruction) So full of potential…..cut short, snuffed out. The delicate bud of youthful love, trampled under crushing prejudice and blind hate. (He goes up to a member of the audience) Doesn’t it just make you weep? (Goes toward Romeo and Juliet) The heartache of it!
“So why did it end in such tragedy?” I hear you ask.
You’ll witness the fearful passage of their death-mark’d love,
And the continuing of their parents’ rage,
Which, but for their children’s death, none could remove.
He looks around him with satisfaction, knowing his job is done. He begins to walk off through the audience. The scrim is no longer back lit.
Tragedian (Musing) This is a grim business indeed. (To the audience) It took death to bring an end to the fighting. Do you understand?
He walks off.
Scene 2
[Street Scene]
Enter Abraham and Balthasar, workers for the Montague family. They are carrying platters of smallgoods as finger-food for the tables.
Abraham (Laughing) You won’t hear the end of it!
Balthasar (Trying to convince) Oh come on, won’t be like that.
They both notice the people sitting down at the tables
Abraham But Balthasar, we had better get to serving. These folks look ravenous!
Balthasar We’re the hunger busters. Wait till they’ve tasted our prepared meats…
Abraham And cheeses, and…
Balthasar Olives (He eats one off the platter) Mmmmm, tastes good!
Abraham Balthasar!
Balthasar quickly finishes the olive and hides the pip in his pocket, then wipes his mouth.
Balthasar (Sheepishly) Quality control?
Abraham Get to it.
They start handing around platters of smallgoods and also serviettes with the Montague logo on them (which is a bronze eagle). Everything is jovial and they are working overtime to win the crowd’s approval. The following dialogue is included to give some indication of what could be said:
Dialogue “I see you eyeing off the olives. They were grown on Mr Montague’s estate.”
“Finest quality smoke-cured meat, with just a hint of spice.”
“The range of cheese will make your mind boggle :
Camembert, Edam, Swiss, Blue Vein…..we’ve got it all covered.”
“I see you like it…..as well you might. The Montague family do things differently.”
Balthasar (Observing people eating) Just look how they’re hogging in to the food! (Ribbing the audience in a fun manner) And I thought these lot were filled with social etiquette!
Abraham To be honest, they are more filled with cheese and salami.Balthasar Just remember, where you see the eagle fly, Montague smallgoods are nearby.
Abraham (Shaking his head) Corny, but effective.
Enter Sampson and Gregory, workers for the Capulets. They are enraged that Abraham and Balthasar are distributing food.
Sampson Insult to injury. I can hardly believe my eyes!
Gregory We no sooner turn our backs and they’re here. Old Capulet will fume!
(Calling) Mr Capulet! (He runs off through the door of the bakery)
Abraham What have we done wrong? (Appealing now to the crowd) Just letting them taste our boss’ goods, right everyone?
Abraham and Balthasar try to rally support from the crowd. Sampson goes around screwing up and throwing all the Montague serviettes. The battle is on to win the audience. Abraham and Balthasar hand out more Montague serviettes as Sampson continues to try and destroy them.
Enter Gregory with Old Capulet, Lady Capulet and fiery Tybalt. Lady Capulet stands back and is horrified by the commotion.
Old Capulet (Pompous and aloof) You dogs dare serve your muck at my tables?
Balthasar Muck? I’ll have you know…
Tybalt Hey, don’t talk, just walk! Pick up yer platters and get lost! (He grabs Balthasar by the collar and looks like he is about to deck him)
Enter Benvolio and Mercutio
Benvolio What’s all the commotion?
Mercutio Should have known that Tybalt, would be involved! (He rushes over and frees Balthasar, then he begins to fight with Tybalt).
Benvolio (Pleading) Part fools! Put up your hands; you don’t know what you are doing.
Mercutio and Tybalt keep shoving each other around. Enter Montague and Lady Montague. Lady Montague is distressed by the fight.
Montague (Addressing Old Capulet) Ahh, I’ve found the eye of this storm. The very picture of mild innocence, yet wherever you go, disruption attends.
Old Capulet No, but a storm brews when hot air rises, forming dark clouds. Would that you could shut your mouth!
Enter the town Mayor who is uptight
Mayor Break it up, break it up. (Looking embarrassed he addresses the audience) Verona is usually such a peaceful place. (To both camps) But I am exasperated by you rebellious citizens, enemies to peace! Three civil brawls, bred of an airy word have three times disturbed the quiet of our streets. I will see you both (indicating Old Capulet and Montague) tomorrow in my office at midday. Depart, depart!
The 2 families depart to their shops, with looks that are full of wrath.
Scene 3
[Office Scene]
The mayor is sitting behind his desk, writing. Old Capulet knocks and enters.
Mayor Come in and take a seat Robert. (He gestures for him to sit in one of the available chairs.)
Montague then knocks and enters.
Mayor Just have a seat. (He likewise gestures for him to be seated next to Old Capulet.)
Montague (Offended) Being in the same room as him is bad enough. Would you now have me sit beside him?
Mayor (Pressing his temples as if he has a headache) Grow up William! I’m not exactly thrilled at the prospect of adjudicating between two shortsighted hotheads, who seem intent on a fight regardless of my counsel.
During this time, both Montague and Old Capulet both glare at each other and appear restless.
Mayor (Crossing his arms for a moment and observing their resentment) What a festering mess. (Brimming with anger) Try not to tear each other apart! (He resumes his paperwork and finally finishes)
Mayor (Getting up, he walks around to the other side of his desk and perches himself on the corner of it) I want to cut straight to the chase. What will it take for there to be peace in Verona?
Both Montague and Old Capulet have heads bowed, avoiding the question
Mayor (Firmly) I asked you gentlemen a question.
Montague (Suddenly smirking) You think we can just spill out our hate and then there will be an end to it?
Mayor (Thinking for a moment) It’s my hope that you can turn aside from your folly once you have been able to air your grievances.
Old Capulet Pain rekindled will only burn the hotter.
Montague It is true. If you tear off this scab, you’ll not be able to stop fresh blood from flowing. (Looks murderously at Capulet)
Mayor (Clasping his hands together with mock pleasure) So finally you both agree on something. (Montague and Capulet both look puzzled, and the Mayor continues angrily) That nothing can be done to end this absurdity!
Montague I have lost enough at his hand. I will not now, not even for the sake of peace, lose my dignity by forgiving and forgetting.
Old Capulet (Smirks to himself) Huh!
Mayor (Growing weary of it all) You have something to say Robert?
Old Capulet (Addressing Montague) So you were wronged…..how many years ago? Suck it up; that’s business.
Montague (Glaring at Old Capulet) You will get what’s coming to you. I’ve built a smallgoods empire, and it grows stronger by the day. (Waves his hand dismissively at Capulet) Yes, I know that Smallgoods isn’t your bag. But all the same, it will sicken you to see my bronze eagle flying on banners over every café in Verona.
Old Capulet You’re no match for me.
Montague Wait and see.
Mayor (Breaking in on the bickering in exasperation) Is there nothing that can be done to end this brawling?
Montague (Ignoring the mayor) You’re not going to be the only success story in this town!
Mayor Gentlemen! (The Mayor gets up to quell the growing tension)
Old Capulet (Shoving the Mayor aside, he comes menacingly close to Montague and speaks mockingly to him) I’m trembling in my boots Will.
Mayor Gentlemen! (then screaming) Robert, William! (They both stop and look at him). I warn you that if there is no end to this fighting, I’ll personally shut you both down. (Fuming) Now GET OUT!
He pushes them to the door and shuts it behind them. He returns to his desk, shaking his head as if perplexed with what to do about the problem.
The complete script, plus all 2,000+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.
An act of kindness transforms the grim destiny of two great families.
Combining the Good Samaritan and Romeo and Juliet.
For more information on the author click here.
Please contact the author, Nigel Camac, for additional information, nige67@icloud.com
Cast: 25 (Approx. 12 male, 4 female, 9 may be male or female)
Montague Camp
- Rome
- Montague (William)Lady Montague
- Benvolio
- Mercutio
- Abraham
- Balthasar
Capulet Camp
- Juliet
- Nurse
- Old Capulet (Roger)
- Lady Capulet
- Tybalt
- Sampson
- Gregory
- Town Mayor
- Guest 1
- Guest 2
- Other guests (As many as are practical or possible)
- Friar Laurence
- Hoodlum leader
- Gang of hoodlums (at least 2)
Bible Reference:
Set: author has included drawings of the stage area, shown on following pages.
- Scene 1 Introduction by the Tragedian
- Scene 2 A civil brawl
- Scene 3 Mayor’s chambers
- Scene 4 Romeo’s blues
- Scene 5 The Capulet party
- Scene 6 Balcony scene
- Scene 7 Unexpected help for Tybalt
- Scene 8 Friar Laurence is consulted
- Scene 9 A peaceful resolution
- Scene 10 Marriage and pizza
A very complete set of instructions as to set and special notes is provided in the script. This play is designed for Dinner Theatre and the audience’s table area is all part of the extended stage.
Lighting: some special lighting will be needed due to scrim set
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
SFX: none
Costumes: Whether costuming is traditional Shakespearian dress or modernized, it is important to keep the outfits from the 2 houses very distinct from one another. For the Montague Family, I envisage sandy brown costumes with a bronze eagle emblazoned across the back of the shirt. For the Capulet family, I imagine blue costumes with a cursive ‘C’ on the back. Set colours and distinctive attire for the 2 houses will ensure that the audience easily follows who is a Montague and who is a Capulet.
Props: see script for full listing
Special Instructions: the play utilizes scrim. This is a cloth screen that the audience can see through when there is lighting behind it. When lighting is on the front of the cloth, the audience cannot see through it. (for further info on use of scrim contact DramaShare
Time: 90
Final word on staging
As this is dinner theatre, a successful production will rely greatly upon some dedicated kitchen staff, who would be preferable working at a fair distance from the performance for noise reasons. Platters of cold meats and cheese need to be prepared, sausage rolls or similar may need to be heated, and pizza will need to be heated up. All of these foods will be delivered to the audience through the Montague and Capulet shop fronts, and thus there needs to be some rear access to get the food backstage. Lastly, where I have included servers for the food (ie Sampson and Gregory), it may be that more servers will be needed depending on the size of the audience. So long as these additional servers are dressed in the appropriate Capulet or Montague colours, there shouldn’t be a problem.
Appendix B : Pictures for screens
Appendix C : Use of scrim
For the balcony scene, I envisage a slightly raised platform, running from off the stage, with a railing around the front and side of it. In the area that Romeo stands, garden furniture, a few shrubs or trees and maybe a shovel could be added.
For the Friar’s cell scene, I envisage something between a church (with crucifix and large bible) and a science lab (with benches containing vials and mixing bowls etc.). These props could be placed on benches and hung from further backdrops behind the scrim.
For the opening scene and the last scene (where Romeo and Juliet are seen embracing), I imagine it being the inside of a church. This would fit with Scene 1, where it is supposed they are in a crypt and in scene 10 where we discover they have just been married.
In my diagrams, I have not included any additional screens behind the scrim because it will very much depend on how you decide to set it up.
The window scene (in the Mayor’s office) and the staircase scene (in the Capulet mansion) are over the scrim. In the same way that the other screen images change from scene to scene, so also the scrim can be covered temporarily and the covering removed at the end of the scene.
The placement of lighting is crucial to how well the scrim effect works. For a distinct and clear effect, house lights will need to be dimmed (or switched off) and the lighting behind the scrim will need to be bright.
16 squares will provide for 8 different sets of pictures in the memory game. Possible picture pairs could include the Capulet Mansion, Old Capulet himself, or even some of the bakery items.
Tables could work together to guess 2 cards at a time. When a table finds a pair, they could be rewarded with some delicacy from the kitchen.
The hosts for the game could use the pictures on the cards to further push the Capulet cause and create a good impression for the audience.
Sample of Script:
Scene 1- [Street Scene]
Tragedian walks through the audience
Tragedian Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
(Pointing out the Capulet’s shop front)
The Capulets, fine bakers you’ll agree,
As pastry chefs, they truly are the cream.
(Pointing out the Montague shop front)
The Montagues , no lesser famed ‘round here,
Likewise in food their talent surely lies,
In smallgoods and that continental gear,
For this my palette and my gut now cries.
“But why are we gathered?”, I hear you ask.
(The scrim is suddenly backlit to reveal Romeo and Juliet in an embrace of death.)
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
(Pointing out the 2 shop fronts)
A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life.
Look at them in death’s throes, and oh so young. (Drinking in the destruction) So full of potential…..cut short, snuffed out. The delicate bud of youthful love, trampled under crushing prejudice and blind hate. (He goes up to a member of the audience) Doesn’t it just make you weep? (Goes toward Romeo and Juliet) The heartache of it!
“So why did it end in such tragedy?” I hear you ask.
You’ll witness the fearful passage of their death-mark’d love,
And the continuing of their parents’ rage,
Which, but for their children’s death, none could remove.
He looks around him with satisfaction, knowing his job is done. He begins to walk off through the audience. The scrim is no longer back lit.
Tragedian (Musing) This is a grim business indeed. (To the audience) It took death to bring an end to the fighting. Do you understand?
He walks off.
Scene 2 [Street Scene]
Enter Abraham and Balthasar, workers for the Montague family. They are carrying platters of smallgoods as finger-food for the tables.
Abraham: (Laughing) You won’t hear the end of it!
Balthasar: (Trying to convince) Oh come on, won’t be like that.
They both notice the people sitting down at the tables
Abraham: But Balthasar, we had better get to serving. These folks look ravenous!
Balthasar: We’re the hunger busters. Wait till they’ve tasted our prepared meats…
Abraham: And cheeses, and…
Balthasar: Olives (He eats one off the platter) Mmmmm, tastes good!
Abraham: Balthasar!
Balthasar quickly finishes the olive and hides the pip in his pocket, then wipes his mouth.
Balthasar: (Sheepishly) Quality control?
Abraham: Get to it.
They start handing around platters of smallgoods and also serviettes with the Montague logo on them (which is a bronze eagle). Everything is jovial and they are working overtime to win the crowd’s approval. The following dialogue is included to give some indication of what could be said:
Dialogue “I see you eyeing off the olives. They were grown on Mr Montague’s estate.”
“Finest quality smoke-cured meat, with just a hint of spice.”
“The range of cheese will make your mind boggle :
Camembert, Edam, Swiss, Blue Vein…..we’ve got it all covered.”
“I see you like it…..as well you might. The Montague family do things differently.”
Balthasar: (Observing people eating) Just look how they’re hogging in to the food! (Ribbing the audience in a fun manner) And I thought these lot were filled with social etiquette!
Abraham: To be honest, they are more filled with cheese and salami.Balthasar Just remember, where you see the eagle fly, Montague smallgoods are nearby.
Abraham: (Shaking his head) Corny, but effective.
Enter Sampson and Gregory, workers for the Capulets. They are enraged that Abraham and Balthasar are distributing food.
Sampson: Insult to injury. I can hardly believe my eyes!
Gregory: We no sooner turn our backs and they’re here. Old Capulet will fume!
(Calling) Mr Capulet! (He runs off through the door of the bakery)
Abraham: What have we done wrong? (Appealing now to the crowd) Just letting them taste our boss’ goods, right everyone?
Abraham and Balthasar try to rally support from the crowd. Sampson goes around screwing up and throwing all the Montague serviettes. The battle is on to win the audience. Abraham and Balthasar hand out more Montague serviettes as Sampson continues to try and destroy them.
Enter Gregory with Old Capulet, Lady Capulet and fiery Tybalt. Lady Capulet stands back and is horrified by the commotion.
Old Capulet: (Pompous and aloof) You dogs dare serve your muck at my tables?
Balthasar: Muck? I’ll have you know…
Tybalt: Hey, don’t talk, just walk! Pick up yer platters and get lost! (He grabs Balthasar by the collar and looks like he is about to deck him)
Enter Benvolio and Mercutio
Benvolio: What’s all the commotion?
Mercutio: Should have known that Tybalt, would be involved! (He rushes over and frees Balthasar, then he begins to fight with Tybalt).
Benvolio: (Pleading) Part fools! Put up your hands; you don’t know what you are doing.
Mercutio and Tybalt keep shoving each other around. Enter Montague and Lady Montague. Lady Montague is distressed by the fight.
Montague: (Addressing Old Capulet) Ahh, I’ve found the eye of this storm. The very picture of mild innocence, yet wherever you go, disruption attends.
Old Capulet: No, but a storm brews when hot air rises, forming dark clouds. Would that you could shut your mouth!
Enter the town Mayor who is uptight
Mayor: Break it up, break it up. (Looking embarrassed he addresses the audience) Verona is usually such a peaceful place. (To both camps) But I am exasperated by you rebellious citizens, enemies to peace! Three civil brawls, bred of an airy word have three times disturbed the quiet of our streets. I will see you both (indicating Old Capulet and Montague) tomorrow in my office at midday. Depart, depart!
The 2 families depart to their shops, with looks that are full of wrath.
Scene 3 - [Office Scene]
The mayor is sitting behind his desk, writing. Old Capulet knocks and enters.
Mayor: Come in and take a seat Robert. (He gestures for him to sit in one of the available chairs.)
Montague then knocks and enters.
Mayor: Just have a seat. (He likewise gestures for him to be seated next to Old Capulet.)
Montague: (Offended) Being in the same room as him is bad enough. Would you now have me sit beside him?
Mayor: (Pressing his temples as if he has a headache) Grow up William! I’m not exactly thrilled at the prospect of adjudicating between two shortsighted hotheads, who seem intent on a fight regardless of my counsel.
During this time, both Montague and Old Capulet both glare at each other and appear restless.
Mayor: (Crossing his arms for a moment and observing their resentment) What a festering mess. (Brimming with anger) Try not to tear each other apart! (He resumes his paperwork and finally finishes)
Mayor: (Getting up, he walks around to the other side of his desk and perches himself on the corner of it) I want to cut straight to the chase.
What will it take for there to be peace in Verona?
Both Montague and Old Capulet have heads bowed, avoiding the question
Mayor: (Firmly) I asked you gentlemen a question.
Montague: (Suddenly smirking) You think we can just spill out our hate and then there will be an end to it?
Mayor: (Thinking for a moment) It’s my hope that you can turn aside from your folly once you have been able to air your grievances.
Old Capulet: Pain rekindled will only burn the hotter.
Montague: It is true. If you tear off this scab, you’ll not be able to stop fresh blood from flowing. (Looks murderously at Capulet)
Mayor: (Clasping his hands together with mock pleasure) So finally you both agree on something. (Montague and Capulet both look puzzled, and the Mayor continues angrily) That nothing can be done to end this absurdity!
Montague: I have lost enough at his hand. I will not now, not even for the sake of peace, lose my dignity by forgiving and forgetting.
Old Capulet: (Smirks to himself) Huh!
Mayor: (Growing weary of it all) You have something to say Robert?
Old Capulet: (Addressing Montague) So you were wronged…..how many years ago? Suck it up; that’s business.
Montague: (Glaring at Old Capulet) You will get what’s coming to you. I’ve built a smallgoods empire, and it grows stronger by the day. (Waves his hand dismissively at Capulet) Yes, I know that Smallgoods isn’t your bag. But all the same, it will sicken you to see my bronze eagle flying on banners over every café in Verona.
Old Capulet: You’re no match for me.
Montague: Wait and see.
Mayor: (Breaking in on the bickering in exasperation) Is there nothing that can be done to end this brawling?
Montague: (Ignoring the mayor) You’re not going to be the only success story in this town!
Mayor: Gentlemen! (The Mayor gets up to quell the growing tension)
Old Capulet: (Shoving the Mayor aside, he comes menacingly close to Montague and speaks mockingly to him)
I’m trembling in my boots Will.
Mayor: Gentlemen! (then screaming) Robert, William! (They both stop and look at him). I warn you that if there is no end to this fighting, I’ll personally shut you both down. (Fuming) Now GET OUT!
He pushes them to the door and shuts it behind them. He returns to his desk, shaking his head as if perplexed with what to do about the problem.