DramaShare Ministries
The Christmas Skit
The Christmas Skit
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When the school Christmas program is canceled due to the illness of the usual coordinator, no one steps up to take charge—until the most unlikely candidate, Brian Padfield, a loud, self-assured father, finds himself unexpectedly volunteering to lead the production. His family, particularly his teenage daughter Bev, is mortified, and the entire school doubts his ability to pull it off.
What starts as an attempt to "show the school who's boss" quickly turns into a much bigger learning experience for Brian. As he scrambles to write a script, organize rehearsals, and manage over 200 students, he realizes that Christmas is not just about holiday fun, but about the birth of Jesus Christ. Encouraged by his wife Florence, Brian reluctantly turns to the Bible for "research" and even starts attending a Bible study.
Through this journey, Brian not only creates a heartfelt Christmas program, but he also experiences a personal transformation—gaining a deeper understanding of faith, family, and the true meaning of Christmas.
A segmented script includes a puppet segment and human video (mime to music) for the song "Mary Did You Know"
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Run-Time: 120
Cast of Characters:
Padfield Family
- Mom (Florence Padfield) – A pleasant, quieter lady.
- Pop (Brian Padfield) – A very self-assured, loud man.
- Bev Padfield – Their teenage daughter, full of attitude.
- Donnie Padfield – Their pre-teen son, eager to impress Pop.
Friends & School Staff
- Deanna Samson – Bev’s best friend, also a teen.
- Stephen Brown – The school’s resident nerd (could be played by a female).
- Connie Smythe – The school secretary, early 20s (pronounced “Smythe” with a long “I”).
- Jeannie Franklin – The principal, confident and professional.
Additional Cast
- As many others as available, to fill supporting roles and act in various skit segments.
- Some actors may double up on roles as needed, depending on availability.
Biblical Reference:
Luke 2 – The Birth of Jesus
The script aligns with the biblical account of Christ’s birth, emphasizing the importance of sharing the message of Jesus, even in unlikely places and through unexpected people—just as God chose humble shepherds to witness His Son’s arrival.
Additionally, Brian’s personal transformation echoes Proverbs 16:9 –
"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps."
Brian sets out to take control of the situation, but God ultimately guides him toward something much greater than he initially expected.
ACT I – Padfield Family Living Room
(Mom is dusting while Pop and Donnie are watching TV, completely engrossed. An unseen TV is located downstage in the audience. Bev and Deanna enter, laughing and happy.)
Deanna (as they come on stage, excitedly)
So I said, "Man, like there is not nothing that can take the smile off my face today, not even seeing someone as nerdy as Stephen Brown!"
Bev (laughing loudly)
I know, right?! Hi Mom, hi Pop! Hey, Squirt.
Deanna (cheerfully)
Hello, Mrs. Padfield, Mr. Padfield. Hi, Ronnie.
Mom (smiling, noticing their energy)
Well, I must say, you two are in a good mood today! Someone get a hundred percent on their Computer Science exam?
Way better than that!
Yup! Zero percent on skit!
Bev (cheering)
Yahoo! Best thing to happen at school since Mrs. Yausie fried the deep fryer in Home Ec!
Mom (confused)
Bev, I have never figured out why you hated your Home Ec class so much.
Bev (shrugging)
Mom, it’s not so much that I hate it… it’s just boring. And pointless. Why should we learn how to cook when you’re never that far from McDonald’s? But I will say this much—I would spend twenty hours a day in Home Ec rather than have to do that skit thing again this Christmas!
Deanna (nodding)
Me too! All I can say is thank goodness for diseases!
Mom (shocked)
What are you guys talking about—skits, diseases? What’s going on?
(Bev and Deanna suddenly break into song, dancing chorus-line style to the tune of "Jingle Bells.")
Bev & Deanna (singing together, joyfully)
🎶 It’s so nice, it’s a slice
We won’t have to hear
"Let it snow" and "ho ho ho"
Ringing in our ears!
I’m so glad, I’m not sad
To hear that skit is off
The nicest sound we’ve heard around
Is Mrs. England’s cough! 🎶
(Pop and Ronnie, completely oblivious, burst into laughter at the TV.)
Pop (laughing loudly)
Would you two keep it down?! I’m trying to listen to some important TV here!
Ronnie (agreeing, eyes glued to screen)
Yeah, how’s a guy supposed to hear the TV around here?
Bev (rolling her eyes)
Oh Pop, it's just Everybody Loves Raymond reruns! And Ronnie, don’t you have anything better to do than watch old TV shows?
(Pop and Ronnie completely ignore her, still watching TV.)
Mom (turning back to the girls, concerned)
Okay, girls, now exactly what’s going on with this whole thing here?
Bev (grinning)
Oh, Mom, it is simply wonderful! Mrs. England has some rare disease that will keep her away from school until after Christmas!
(Bev and Deanna high-five enthusiastically.)
Mom (gasping)
Girls! What a terrible thing to say! Poor Mrs. England! And I thought you liked Mrs. England. Isn’t she one of your favorite teachers?
Deanna (innocently)
Of course, we like Mrs. England! No one wants to see her sick and all. It’s just… if she had to get sick, thank goodness it happened before Christmas—before rehearsals started.
(Pop and Ronnie laugh even louder at the TV.)
Pop (laughing)
That Frank Barone… he is some card!
Ronnie (grinning)
Yeah, Pop! Some card is right!
(They high-five, still glued to the TV.)
Mom (disapprovingly, to Pop)
Brian, I am not really comfortable with Ronnie watching that show.
Pop (offended, waving her off)
And what’s wrong with Raymond?
Ronnie (mimicking TV’s Robert Barone, dramatically deep voice)
"Everybody Loves Raymond!"
Pop (grinning)
Listen up, you guys! This is a really funny part right here!
Ronnie (excitedly)
Oh, isn’t this the one where Marie throws Debra’s supper in the garbage?!
Pop (hushing him, eyes glued to TV)
Hush up! Listen, I don’t wanna miss this part!
(Pop and Ronnie go back to watching TV, completely ignoring the conversation.)
Mom (sighing, turning back to the girls)
Now, about Mrs. England?
Bev (smirking)
Well, Mrs. England is always in charge of the school Christmas concert.
Deanna (nodding)
Yup, and for whatever reason, everyone has to be in the silly skit every single Christmas. I mean, I don’t even want to be in some dumb skit!
Bev (dramatically)
Let’s face it—nobody does. Well, except nerdy Stephen Brown. But Stephen Brown’s opinion doesn’t count for anything. Stephen Brown thinks being in a skit is like, exciting!
Deanna (mockingly)
Stephen Brown thinks watching paint dry is exciting.
Mom (raising an eyebrow)
Well, with Mrs. England gone, who is going to look after the Christmas program?
Bev (grinning ear to ear)
That’s the whole point, Mom! No one is. The Christmas program is officially canceled!
Download Sample Script - The Christmas Skit
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