DramaShare Ministries
The Button
The Button
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“The Button” is a short vignette about the sinfulness of man and God’s triumph over evil.
Keywords: evil, sin, triumph, victory
Bible Reference: Romans 3:/p>
Cast: 2 actors: male or female, any age from mid-teens on
Set: A bare stage with a small table, a mechanical button with a large actuator (i.e., Staples “Easy” button).
Special effects: A single spotlight which illuminates the table/button.
Props: None
Costumes: Ordinary street clothes.
Lighting: See “Special effects” above.
Sound: Standard
Special instructions: None
Time: 5 min.
Sample of script:
A single light shines down on an a small table in the middle of an otherwise darkened stage. A large mechanical “button” sits prominently in the middle of the table. Two PEOPLE slowly enter and stare at the button anxiously.
PERSON #1, awe-struck:
There it is.
PERSON #2, obviously intrigued:
What is it?
PERSON #1, surprised:
You mean you don’t know?
PERSON #2: Know what?
PERSON #1: That’s the button.
PERSON #2: The button?
PERSON #1: Mm-hm. The button.
PERSON #2: The button for what?
PERSON #1: The button that eradicates evil. One solitary push, and all evil, everywhere in the world, will immediately be destroyed.
PERSON #2, incredulous:
All evil? Everywhere?
PERSON #1: Yep. And all evil people, as well.
PERSON #2: Well, then, what are we waiting for?
Person #2 starts to rush towards the button with outstretched hand. Person #1 suddenly grabs him/her and holds them back.
PERSON #1, frantically:
No, wait! You can’t!
PERSON #2: What do you mean? You just said it would eradicate all evil!
PERSON #1: Yes, I know, but you can’t push it.
PERSON #2: I don’t understand. Don’t you want to rid the world of violence and crime?
PERSON #1: Of course I do. Who wouldn’t?
PERSON #2: What about dictators? People like Hitler and Sadaam Hussein?
PERSON #1: Absolutely.
PERSON #2, struggling to break free:
Then let me push the button!
PERSON #1, still holding him/her back:
No! Think about what would happen!
PERSON #2: All evil would disappear!
The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.
Eradicate evil . . with the touch of a button! If it were oh so easy.
“The Button” is a short vignette about the sinfulness of man and God’s triumph over evil.
Keywords: evil, sin, triumph, victory
Cast: 2 m or f
- Person 1
- Person 2
Bible Reference: Romans 3:10
- bare stage with small table
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
- tight spot on button and table
SFX: none
- mechanical button as in Staples Easy Button
Costumes: standard
Special Instructions:
- A single light shines down on an a small table in the middle of an otherwise darkened stage. A large mechanical "button" sits prominently in the middle of the table.
Time: 5
Sample of script:
Two PEOPLE slowly enter and stare at the button anxiously.
PERSON #1, awe-struck: There it is.
PERSON #2, obviously intrigued: What is it?
PERSON #1, surprised: You mean you don't know?
PERSON #2: Know what?
PERSON #1: That's the button.
PERSON #2: The button?
PERSON #1: Mm-hm. The button.
PERSON #2: The button for what?
PERSON #1: The button that eradicates evil. One solitary push, and all evil, everywhere in the world, will immediately be destroyed.
PERSON #2, incredulous: All evil? Everywhere?
PERSON #1: Yep. And all evil people, as well.
PERSON #2: Well, then, what are we waiting for?
Person #2 starts to rush towards the button with outstretched hand. Person #1 suddenly grabs him/her and holds them back.
PERSON #1, frantically: No, wait! You can't!
PERSON #2: What do you mean? You just said it would eradicate all evil!
PERSON #1: Yes, I know, but you can't push it.
PERSON #2: I don't understand. Don't you want to rid the world of violence and crime?
PERSON #1: Of course I do. Who wouldn't?
PERSON #2: What about dictators? People like Hitler and Sadaam Hussein?
PERSON #1: Absolutely.
PERSON #2, struggling to break free:
Then let me push the button!
PERSON #1, still holding him/her back: No! Think about what would happen!
PERSON #2: All evil would disappear!