DramaShare Ministries
The Blood
The Blood
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Allegory of Jesus’ sacrifice for us and what we do with that sacrifice, portraying a modern-day epidemic for which there is only one cure.. It is then up to each individual whether they accept it or not.
This script was written by former DramaShare member Barbara Abare
Cast: 18
- 18 plus extras - Main characters are mother, father, young boy, others m or f.
- 2 non-speaking roles and one which is OSV (off-stage voice)
- Evelyn: City girl, likes to party
- Agnes: Sensitive, compassionate, but very meek
- Sue: Tough, very opinionated, complaining, solid
- George: Army sergeant type
- Fred: Nervous, hypochondriac
- News Anchor: News anchor, typical Dan Rather personality
- President: Perfect hair type, Bill Clinton accent - Off stage voice only Tommy: Child, angelic face, very sweet and loving
- Bob: Tommy's father, caring, responsible
- Rose: Tommy's mother, very protective
- Nurse Wanda: Busy, efficient
- Nurse Abbey: Typical Nurse - non-speaking role
- Dr. Kruchek: Wild white hair, very focused on his work
- Lab Tech: Hard worker, dedicate
- Hippie: Typical hippie
- Lawyer: Shady Lawyer type
- Preacher: Kindly and firm
- Camera Person: Non-Speaking
- Extras: For hospital scene Stage Hands: 2 Needed
Bible Reference:
- Matt. 13:3-9, 18-23, Mark 4:3, 14, Luke 8:5
- Most scenes only need a bus stop sign.
- Scenes are:
- living room with a TV,
- a hospital waiting room,
- a hospital examination room
- church memorial service.
- Using chairs and tables is sufficient.
- Use a portable curtain to close during changes of scenes.
Lighting: standard
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
- sound of bus starting up,
- sound of a garbled radio
- door slamming
- sound of a heart beating and very slowly coming to a stop.
- Two nurse uniforms and two lab coats, otherwise standard dress.
- Bus stop sign
- TV
- several chairs
- radio
- telephone
- cell phone
- pulpit
- grocery bags
- newspapers
- table or hospital bed
- blood taking paraphernalia like syringes, bands band-aids, etc.
Special Instructions: none
Time: 50
Sample of script: SCENE 1: Evelyn
Props: Chair, Small table, Telephone, Small radio, Nail file
Costumes: Evelyn is wearing a robe with a towel around her head.
Staging: Evelyn is sitting on a chair SC next to a table with a telephone and radio filing her nails.
Scene 1
(DSC – Evelyn sits on a chair SC next to a table with a telephone and radio, filing her nails.)
Evelyn: (Dials phone, waits a second; voice nasal, speaks with "listening" pauses after each comment) Hi, Harriet? It's me. I'm just calling to see what you're wearing to the party Friday night.
You mean the blue dress with the wide strap? (Wrinkles nose) Oh, that one... No, no, really. I think you look great in that one.
No, you do not look fat in that. (Waits) What do you mean you don't believe me? (Waits) Alright, alright, we'll go shopping on our lunch break tomorrow! (Stops filing her nails)
Hey, wait a minute, Harriet, the radio is telling about that little village in India again. Hold on. (Turns radio up; there is a garbled voice, she listens for a minute, then turns the radio down and turns back to the phone.)
Isn't that the creepiest thing? Did you hear it? This town—Barachi. Yeah, Barachi. 18 people are dead now. The announcer said it was this flu or something, but they've never seen it before. I guess all the big countries are sending their top scientists to check it out. (Filing nails)
Ahh, they'll figure it out. Probably a bad mosquito or something. I sure am glad we live in a civilized country!
Gotta go, Harriet. Bye-bye for now.
(Hangs up phone, walks off stage.)
Scene 2
(Agnes and Sue walk down center aisle, holding grocery bags, moving to CS bus stop.)
Agnes: I can't believe it, Sue. The news said there are now over 30,000 people dead in Barachi, India.
Sue: (Shakes head) I just can't believe that those medical people have been over there almost a week now and haven't found a thing! They aren't as smart as they think they are, now are they?
Agnes: I heard they're sending people from the Disease Control Center in Atlanta because this flu strain has never been seen before.
Sue: It's always something! First it was SARS, then the Avian Flu, and the H1N1 flu, and now this! It's getting to be that decent folk can't get away from hearing about all the sickness anymore!
Agnes: Don't worry. They're bound to figure it out. I just know they will! They have to, right?
(Sue shakes her head, and both continue to walk and exit SL.)
Scene 3
(George and Fred enter from SL and SR, both reading newspapers, nearly colliding.)
George: Oh, sorry, Fred. I wasn't paying attention. Did you read the front page of the newspaper?
Fred: I'm reading it now, and I can't believe it! This "Mystery Flu" has now reached Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran. It says here that they have people working around the clock to try to figure this out.
George: I just hope they keep it over there. Did you read about the symptoms?
Fred: Not yet. What does it say?
George: As far as they can tell, you have it for a week and don’t know it. Then, it hits you. Four days of torture!
Fred: (Gulps) What do you mean?
George: Let me read it to you! First, your eyes get all crusty as if they had scales on them, and your feet and hands swell. Then you start getting chronic nosebleeds, a rash, and joint aches. (Fred visibly nervous) You can't eat or drink because you'll vomit. You break out in fever blisters all over. (Fred rubs his arm) In the last stages, your neck swells, and you can't breathe well. (Fred's hand to his throat, hyperventilating slightly) Then your heart gives out from all the toxins your body can't get rid of and then... (Matter-of-factly) you die.
Fred: I... I hope they find the cure. (Taps paper) It says here that the president stated that he is sending all of the resources they can to come up with a cure.
George: I just wonder how they are going to contain it!
Fred: (Shakes head) I wonder, too, George! I wonder, too.
George: (Sound of bus arriving) Come on, Fred, there's our bus!
(They run down aisle.)
Scene 4
(Bob and Tommy sit watching TV. Bob holds a remote. The TV is positioned so the audience can only see light emitting. Voices of President and News Anchor from off stage as if coming from TV, or can be pre-recorded.)
Tommy: Isn't there anything else on? I'm bored. When is Mom coming home?
Bob: Shush now, Tommy. You know Mom had to go to France on a business trip. She'll be home in a few days.
Tommy: Well, alright. As long as we can have pizza again for supper tomorrow.
Bob: (Chuckles, pats Tommy's arm) Whatever you say, Bud. Now let me hear the news. (Points remote at TV)
Offstage News Anchor: The president of France made a startling announcement today that they were closing their borders to all countries where the now rampant Mystery Flu has been seen. Sadly, this action was not quick enough. We have just picked up a report from France that a 34-year-old man is lying in Auberge Hospital in Paris. He is in the last stages of the Mystery Flu. May God be with us! (Pauses) This just in! The President of the United States is about to address the American people. We now go live to Washington.
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