DramaShare Ministries

The Approachable Father

The Approachable Father

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Contains 3 self-standing skits (approx 3 minutes each) which are along the same theme and could be presented separately or as a larger presentation. Even though our own father may not be there, we do have an ever-present heavenly FatherThis three skit package can be used separately or as a three scene drama.

SKIT # 1

Scene opens, Father sits at desk with his papers and computer. Rhonda is sitting, chin in hand, obviously unhappy. Paula and Norma enter books in hand.

Paula Hi Rhonda, how are you?

Norma Congratulations, celebrity!

Rhonda What do you mean, ‘celebrity’?

Paula Sure, she acts as if she doesn’t know what we are talking about. Really nothing too much I suppose! Her dad has just been on TV, being presented with the ‘Citizen of the Year’ award, that’s all.

Norma Ya, that was great. You must have been awfully proud, especially when he thanked each of his family by name. By the way, he must have been really nervous though, ’cause when he came to you, he called you ‘Florence’.

Paula How’s he supposed to know what to call me? We hardly ever talk to each other!

Norma Rhonda you are exaggerating! By the way, where is your Dad, I’d like to congratulate him.

Rhonda (pointing toward Father) Working at his computer right over there.

Norma: Where? I can’t see him.

Rhonda: You have to look hard to see him. See over there, over the mountain of money, around the bend in the golf course, just left of the cocktail party.

Paula Rhonda, really, you are in a bad mood. Come on, let’s go over and talk.

Norma Hi, Mr. Henderson, congratulations on winning the award!

Father Oh, hi children. Umm – yes – er – thanks – oh please do be careful you almost knocked over my Blue chip IT & T shares. By the way, did you know they closed out at $99.35 on the NYSE yesterday? Florence, didn’t I tell your mother that getting our hands on these shares was just about the best thing that ever happened to us?

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

The approachable "father" may sometimes just not happen,
but the "approachable Heavenly Father" can be counted on to be there 24/7/365! Contains 3 self-standing skits (approx 3 minutes each) which are along the same theme and could be presented separately or as a larger presentation. Even though our own father may not be there, we do have an ever-present and very approachable Heavenly Father. This three skit package can be used separately or as a three scene drama.

Cast:    4

  • Father
  • Paula, teen, daughter of Father
  • Rhonda, Paula's friend
  • Norma, Paula's friend

Bible Reference:    John 3:16

Set:      bare

Lighting:        standard

  Sound:     wireless mics if available

Song:     none

SFX: none

Costumes:      standard

Props:      none

Special Instructions:   none

  Time:     3 minutes each, total 9 minutes

SKIT # 1

Scene opens, Father sits at desk with his papers and computer. Rhonda is sitting, chin in hand, obviously unhappy. Paula and Norma enter books in hand.

Paula Hi Rhonda, how are you?

Norma Congratulations, celebrity!

Rhonda What do you mean, 'celebrity’?

Paula Sure, she acts as if she doesn't know what we are talking about. Really nothing too much I suppose! Her dad has just been on TV, being presented with the 'Citizen of the Year' award, that's all.

Norma Ya, that was great. You must have been awfully proud, especially when he thanked each of his family by name. By the way, he must have been really nervous though, 'cause when he came to you, he called you 'Florence’.

Paula How's he supposed to know what to call me? We hardly ever talk to each other!

Norma Rhonda you are exaggerating! By the way, where is your Dad, I'd like to congratulate him.

Rhonda (pointing toward Father) Working at his computer right over there.

Norma: Where? I can't see him.

Rhonda: You have to look hard to see him. See over there, over the mountain of money, around the bend in the golf course, just left of the cocktail party.

Paula Rhonda, really, you are in a bad mood. Come on, let's go over and talk.

Norma Hi, Mr. Henderson, congratulations on winning the award!

Father Oh, hi children. Umm - yes - er - thanks - oh please do be careful you almost knocked over my Blue chip IT & T shares. By the way, did you know they closed out at $99.35 on the NYSE yesterday? Florence, didn't I tell your mother that getting our hands on these shares was just about the best thing that ever happened to us?

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